
The rhymes in this section have the ‘u’ sound of run and double as their main or final vowel sound. You can also rhyme some of these words with words ending in a weak ‘u’ sound (e.g. maximum, exodus), which you will find in other sections.

37.1 blub, bub, chub, Chubb®, club, cub, Cub, drub, dub, grub, hub, nub, pub, rub, scrub, shrub, slub, snub, stub, sub, tub, * bathtub, Jacob, cherub, nightclub, washtub, hubbub, * syllabub, overdub, * Beelzebub


Three men in a tub.


37.2 clubs, cubs, Cubs, grubs, pubs, shrubs, stubs, Stubbs, subs, * mulligrubs, etc.

37.3 buck, Buck, chuck, Chuck, cluck, cruck, duck, fuck, guck, Huck, luck, muck, pluck, puck, Puck, ruck, schmuck, shuck, snuck, struck, stuck, suck, truck, tuck, yuck, * untuck, unstuck, amok, Canuck, lame duck, Friar Tuck, pot luck, * Kalmuck, Tarbuck, stage-struck, shelduck, sawbuck, Norfolk, awestruck, roebuck, jumbuck, mukluk, dumbstruck, bullock, Bullock, bulwark, woodchuck, nubuck, moonstruck, * liposuck, waterbuck, fork-lift truck, thunderstruck, * high-muck-a-muck

37.4 bucks, Bucks, Chuck’s, crux, ducks, dux, flux, shucks, sucks, trucks, tux, * de luxe, * reflux, influx, conflux, Dulux®, * megabucks, Benelux, forklift trucks, etc.

37.5 chucked, clucked, ducked, duct, plucked, sucked, tucked, * product, conduct, untucked, unplucked, obstruct, construct, abduct, deduct, induct, instruct, * conduct, construct, * misconduct, * aqueduct, self-destruct, deconstruct, reconstruct, viaduct, oviduct, usufruct, * autodestruct, etc.

37.6 clutch, crutch, Dutch, hutch, Kutch, much, such, touch, * retouch, declutch, * nonesuch, * forasmuch, inasmuch, insomuch, overmuch, such-and-such

37.7 clutched, touched, * untouched, retouched, declutched

37.8 blood, bud, crud, cud, dud, flood, Judd, mud, rudd, scud, spud, stud, thud, * m’lud, debud, disbud, * taste bud, lifeblood, oxblood, rosebud, * chew the cud, * stick-in-the-mud

Mud, mud, glorious mud

Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood.


37.9 buds, duds, floods, spuds, studs, suds, * taste buds, rosebuds, soapsuds, etc.

37.10 bluff, Brough, buff, chough, chuff, Clough, cuff, duff, fluff, gruff, guff, huff, luff, muff, puff, rough, ruff, scruff, scuff, slough, snuff, stuff, tough, * McDuff, rebuff, enough, * handcuff, dandruff, Fairclough, seraph, earmuff, feedstuff, greenstuff, dyestuff, bumfluff, woodruff, Woodruff, foodstuff, * off-the-cuff, powder puff, overstuff

37.11 cuffs, muffs, puffs, * handcuffs, earmuffs, * fisticuffs, powder puffs, etc.

37.12 bluffed, chuffed, puffed, scuffed, stuffed, tuft, * unstuffed, rebuffed, * candytuft, overstuffed, etc.

37.13 Crufts, tufts

37.14 bug, chug, Doug, drug, dug, fug, glug, hug, jug, lug, mug, plug, pug, rug, shrug, slug, smug, snug, thug, trug, tug, * unplug, debug, * hearth rug, bedbug, earplug, firebug, Rawlplug®, humbug, * jitterbug, litterbug, superbug, doodlebug

37.15 bludge, budge, drudge, fudge, grudge, judge, nudge, pudge, Rudge, sludge, smudge, trudge, * adjudge, prejudge, begrudge, misjudge

There comes Poe with his raven, like Barnaby Rudge,

Three-fifths of him genius, and two-fifths sheer fudge.


37.16 cull, dull, gull, hull, Hull, lull, mull, Mull, null, scull, skull, * annul, * seagull, mogul, Mogul, numbskull, * Jethro Tull, disannul, monohull, Solihull, multihull

37.17 bulb, * flashbulb

37.18 bulk, hulk, skulk, sulk

37.19 bulked, hulked, skulked, sulked, mulct

37.20 gulch, mulch

37.21 gulf, Gulf, * engulf, * Ranulph, Biddulph

37.22 bulge, * indulge, divulge, * overindulge

37.23 gulp, pulp

37.24 gulped, pulped, sculpt

37.25 dulse, Hulse, pulse, * convulse, repulse, * impulse

37.26 cult, * adult, consult, insult, result, exult, occult, * adult, insult, occult, tumult, * catapult, difficult, * jurisconsult

37.27 Brum, bum, chum, come, crumb, drum, dumb, glum, gum, hum, mum, numb, plum, plumb, Rum, rhumb, rum, scrum, scum, slum, some, strum, sum, swum, thrum, thumb, tum, um, * succumb, become, benumb, dim sum, Tom Thumb, ho-hum, yum-yum, * breadcrumb, eardrum, outcome, dumdum, humdrum, * kettledrum, wearisome, Tweedledum, overcome, bubble gum, sugarplum, chewing gum

Silence the pianos and with muffled drum

Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.


37.28 bumf, humph, * galumph, harrumph, * triumph

37.29 bump, chump, clump, dump, frump, grump, hump, jump, lump, plump, pump, rump, scrump, slump, stump, sump, thump, trump, tump, * gazump, * ski jump, bilge pump, high jump, long jump, mugwump, * Forrest Gump, overtrump, undertrump, sugar lump

37.30 bumps, dumps, humps, lumps, mumps, pumps, trumps, * goosebumps, * sugar lumps, etc.

37.31 bun, done, Donne, dun, Dunn, fun, gun, Gunn, Hun, Lunn, none, nun, Nunn, one, pun, run, shun, son, spun, stun, sun, Sun, ton, tonne, tun, won, * undone, hard-won, A1, Verdun, redone, rerun, begun, forerun, outgun, outdone, outrun, close-run, * handgun, grandson, air gun, Bren gun, Sten gun, stepson, rerun, finespun, popgun, shotgun, godson, homespun, blowgun, shogun, no-one, someone, * great-grandson, machine gun, * Gatling gun, Sally Lunn, aftersun, eighty-one, megaton, Trevor Nunn, twenty-one, everyone, anyone, thirty-one, kiloton, hit-and-run, fifty-one, sixty-one, ninety-one, Tommy gun, forty-one, overdone, overrun, underdone, one-to-one, honeybun, dummy run, * seventy-one, son-of-a-gun

O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,

The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won.


37.32 bunk, chunk, clunk, drunk, dunk, flunk, funk, gunk, hunk, junk, monk, Monk, plunk, punk, shrunk, skunk, slunk, spunk, stunk, sunk, thunk, trunk, * preshrunk, debunk, * chipmunk, quidnunc, punch-drunk, * cyberpunk, countersunk

37.33 bunks, chunks, hunks, monks, punks, trunks, * quincunx, chipmunks, etc.

37.34 clunked, dunked, flunked, * debunked, defunct, * adjunct, conjunct, disjunct

37.35 brunch, bunch, crunch, hunch, lunch, munch, punch, Punch, scrunch, * honeybunch

37.36 fund, gunned, punned, shunned, stunned, * refund, rotund, outgunned, * gerund, fecund, refund, jocund, * Sigismund, Rosamund, moribund, orotund, cummerbund, rubicund

37.37 bung, clung, dung, flung, hung, lung, rung, slung, sprung, strung, stung, sung, swung, tongue, wrung, young, Yonge, Young, * unhung, unsprung, unstrung, among, unsung, Shantung, far-flung, rehung, restrung, * hamstrung, Samsung, oxtongue, Hoffnung, * aqualung, iron lung, highly strung, overhung, overstrung, underhung, underslung

To the vile dust, from whence he sprung,

Unwept, unhonoured, and unsung.


37.38 grunge, gunge, lunge, plunge, sponge, * expunge, * muskellunge

37.39 dunce, once, grunts, hunts, punts, shunts, * witch-hunts, Y-fronts®, etc.

37.40 blunt, brunt, Blunt, bunt, cunt, front, grunt, hunt, Hunt, Lunt, punt, runt, shunt, stunt, * affront, upfront, confront, * manhunt, head-hunt, seafront, witch-hunt, fox hunt, shop front, forefront, * exeunt, waterfront

37.41 cup, pup, sup, tup, up, yup, * made-up, fed up, het up, pent up, World Cup, built-up, mixed-up, grown-up, stuck-up, jumped-up, trumped-up, thumbs-up, souped-up, * backup, hang-up, mark-up, snarl-up, break-up, make-up, shake-up, pasteup, rave-up, lace-up, step-up, checkup, egg cup, send-up, get-up, let-up, setup, press-up, ketchup, turn-up, teacup, knees-up, slip-up, hiccup, pick-up, stick-up, Sidcup, kingcup, linkup, build-up, sit-up, split-up, pin-up, piss-up, mix-up, fry-up, eyecup, wind-up, write-up, pile-up, line-up, pop-up, top-up, cockup, lockup, mock-up, toss-up, nosh-up, call-up, warm-up, roundup, hold-up, grown-up, close-up, run-up, sunup, punch-up, * Davis Cup, FA Cup, giddy-up, pick-me-up, Ryder Cup, coffee cup, washing-up, follow-up, buttercup, cover-up, runner-up, up-and-up, summing-up

37.42 cupped, supped, tupped, * corrupt, abrupt, erupt, irrupt, disrupt, * bankrupt, hiccuped, * interrupt

37.43 bus, buss, cuss, fuss, Gus, huss, Huss, muss, plus, pus, Russ, suss, thus, truss, us, * percuss, concuss, untruss, debus, embus, discuss, nonplus, * Airbus®, walrus, postbus, * battlebus, Belarus, minibus, trolleybus, omnibus, motorbus, overplus, blunderbuss

37.44 brusque, busk, dusk, husk, musk, rusk, tusk, Usk, * mollusc, subfusc

37.45 bust, crust, dost, dust, fussed, gust, just, lust, mussed, must, rust, sussed, thrust, trussed, trust, * combust, concussed, untrussed, adjust, unjust, discussed, disgust, encrust, entrust, distrust, mistrust, nonplussed, august, robust, * stardust, piecrust, sawdust, shortcrust, bloodlust, upthrust, * antirust, angel dust, readjust, bite the dust, wanderlust, upper crust, unit trust, etc.

Love in a hut, with water and a crust,

Is – Love forgive us! – cinders, ashes, dust.


37.46 blush, brush, crush, flush, gush, hush, lush, mush, plush, rush, slush, thrush, tush, * hush-hush, * airbrush, hairbrush, paintbrush, nailbrush, sagebrush, Windrush, inrush, onrush, songthrush, outrush, clothes brush, uprush, bulrush, toothbrush, * mistle thrush, bottlebrush, underbrush, scrubbing brush

37.47 but, butt, cut, glut, gut, hut, jut, mutt, nut, phut, putt, rut, scut, shut, slut, smut, strut, tut, ut, * abut, uncut, clear-cut, clean-cut, rebut, low-cut, tut-tut, * sackbut, catgut, haircut, chestnut, offcut, cobnut, peanut, beechnut, crosscut, rotgut, short cut, walnut, groundnut, doughnut, woodcut, crew cut, * horse chestnut, brazil nut, * halibut, hazelnut, Lilliput, linocut, occiput, coconut, scuttlebutt, uppercut, undercut, butternut, monkey nut

37.48 cuts, guts, huts, klutz, nuts, smuts, Smuts, struts, * chestnuts, peanuts, * hazelnuts, greedy guts, worryguts, monkey nuts, etc.

37.49 dove, glove, love, guv, shove, * above, * foxglove, ringdove, truelove, * ladylove, turtledove, cupboard love, tug-of-love

In the spring a livelier iris changes on the burnished dove;

In the spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.


37.50 gloved, loved, shoved, * unloved, beloved, * Wellbeloved

37.51 buzz, coz, does, fuzz, muzz, * abuzz, redoes, outdoes, * overdoes

38.1 chubby, clubby, cubby, grubby, hubby, nubby, scrubby, shrubby, stubby, tubby, brumby, busby, guppy, puppy, yuppie, pulpy, bumpy, dumpy, frumpy, grumpy, humpy, jumpy, lumpy, scrumpy, stumpy, * rumpy-pumpy

38.2 clucky, ducky, lucky, mucky, plucky, truckie, yucky, bulky, sulky, chunky, clunky, flunky, funky, hunky, junkie, monkey, spunky, dusky, husky, musky, buggy, Dougie, druggie, fuggy, muggy, * unlucky, Kentucky, * happy-go-lucky

38.3 bloody, buddy, cruddy, muddy, ruddy, study, Grundy, Lundy, Monday, Sunday, butty, nutty, puttee, putty, rutty, smutty, mufti, shufty, tufty, Bunty, runty, busty, crusty, dusty, fusty, gusty, lusty, musty, rusty, trusty, * McNulty, * in the nuddy, understudy, fuddy-duddy, salmagundi, barramundi, Humpty Dumpty

38.4 Duffy, fluffy, huffy, puffy, roughie, scruffy, stuffy, toughie, comfy, covey, Dovey, lovey, luvvie, Southey, * Aberdovey, lovey-dovey

38.5 gully, Lully, Scully, sully, Sully, Tully, bubbly, doubly, stubbly, crumbly, humbly, Buckley, smugly, snuggly, UGLI®, ugly, Budleigh, cuddly, Dudley, subtly, Uttley, bluntly, Huntley, justly, snuffly, lovely, monthly, dully, Cholmondeley, comely, glumly, Lumley, Plomley, muscly, Huxley, curry, Curry, flurry, hurry, Murray, scurry, slurry, surrey, Surrey, worry, mulberry, hungry, sundry, sultry, country, comfrey, Humphrey, Guthrie, * abruptly, unjustly, robustly, unlovely, upcountry, * fait accompli, etc.

38.6 Brummie, chummy, crumby, crummy, dummy, gummy, lumme, mummy, plummy, rummy, scrummy, scummy, slummy, tummy, yummy, bunny, dunny, funny, honey, money, runny, sonny, Sunni, sunny, tunny, chutney, Putney, * unfunny, alumnae, * Ballymoney, loadsamoney, * overcome me, etc.

Isn’t it funny

How a bear likes honey?


38.7 fussy, Hussey, hussy, mussy, pussy, gutsy, Dulcie, Runcie, does he, fuzzy, muzzy, SCSI, scuzzy, Pudsey, sudsy, clumsy, mumsy, brushy, gushy, mushy, rushy, slushy, duchy, touchy, bunchy, Crunchie, crunchy, punchy, scrunchie, budgie, pudgy, sludgy, smudgy, bungee, gungy, grungy, scungy, spongy, * unfussy, archduchy

38.8 blubber, clubber, grubber, lubber, rubber, scrubber, bulbar, clumber, cumber, Humber, lumbar, lumber, number, rumba, slumber, umber, crupper, cuppa, scupper, supper, upper, gulper, pulper, bumper, jumper, plumper, * Columba, renumber, encumber, outnumber, gazumper, * landlubber, cucumber, showjumper, queue-jumper, * disencumber, * snub her, dump her, etc.

38.9 chucker, chukker, ducker, fucker, mucker, plucker, pucker, pukka, succour, sucker, trucker, tucker, UCCA, yucca, skulker, sulker, bunker, clunker, hunker, punkah, busker, tusker, bugger, hugger, lugger, mugger, plugger, rugger, slugger, smugger, snugger, tugger, bulgur, vulgar, hunger, monger, younger, Younger, * debunker, spelunker, debugger, Srinagar, * sapsucker, seersucker, goatsucker, bloodsucker, scaremonger, cheesemonger, fishmonger, warmonger, whoremonger, newsmonger, * motherfucker, hugger-mugger, scandalmonger, ironmonger, costermonger, gossipmonger, * struck her, hug her, etc.

38.10 chador, judder, rudder, shudder, udder, blunder, chunder, plunder, Sunda, sunder, thunder, under, wonder, butter, clutter, cutter, flutter, gutter, mutter, nutter, putter, scutter, shutter, splutter, sputter, stutter, utter, Gupta, sculptor, blunter, Bunter, chunter, grunter, Gunter, hunter, Hunter, junta, punter, shunter, bluster, buster, cluster, Custer, duster, fluster, lustre, muster, thruster, ulster, Ulster, Munster, punster, youngster, * asunder, gazunder, thereunder, hereunder, rotunda, aflutter, Calcutta, rebutter, corrupter, disrupter, conductor, abductor, destructor, inductor, instructor, Fort Sumter, combustor, adjuster, lacklustre, Augusta, * stonecutter, woodcutter, head-hunter, pothunter, fox-hunter, Dambuster, stressbuster, blockbuster, bonkbuster, ghostbuster, * floribunda, up-and-under, interrupter, nonconductor, filibuster, loss adjuster, broncobuster, * semiconductor, * stunned her, confront her, etc.

When I read Shakespeare I am struck with wonder

That such trivial people should muse and thunder

In such lovely language.


38.11 bluffer, buffer, duffer, gruffer, puffer, rougher, snuffer, stuffer, suffer, tougher, sulphur, cover, glover, Glover, lover, plover, Culver, vulva, brother, mother, other, smother, t’other, * uncover, re-cover, recover, discover, triumvir, another, * hardcover, slipcover, softcover, fun-lover, Anstruther, grandmother, half-brother, Fairbrother, stepbrother, stepmother, godmother, housemother, * rediscover, undercover, * rebuff her, love her, etc.

38.12 colour, culler, duller, Muller, sculler, Sulla, bubbler, troubler, bumbler, fumbler, grumbler, mumbler, tumbler, suppler, buckler, chuckler, suckler, juggler, smuggler, struggler, bungler, muddler, butler, Butler, cutler, subtler, sutler, muffler, ruffler, shuffler, hustler, rustler, guzzler, puzzler, borough, Currer, thorough, umbra, tundra, ultra, * Abdullah, discolour, medulla, demurrer, penumbra, * Weissmuller, swashbuckler, gas-guzzler, * Technicolor®, technicolour, watercolour, multicolour, Attenborough, Edinburgh, Peterborough, kookaburra, * lull her, etc.

38.13 bummer, comer, drummer, dumber, glummer, Gummer, hummer, Hummer®, mummer, number, plumber, rummer, strummer, summer, gunner, runner, stunner, Sunna, Bugner, guv’nor, ulna, Cumnor, Sumner, * midsummer, Corunna, alumna, columnar, * latecomer, incomer, newcomer, forerunner, roadrunner, frontrunner, gunrunner, * shun her, stun her, etc.

38.14 fusser, Tulsa, ulcer, oncer, buzzer, blusher, crusher, flusher, gusher, lusher, plusher, Prussia, rusher, Russia, usher, toucher, rupture, sculpture, structure, juncture, puncture, culture, vulture, cruncher, luncher, puncher, bludger, grudger, nudger, trudger, conjure, plunger, sponger, * discusser, Tecumseh, retoucher, conjuncture, * substructure, subculture, * infrastructure, superstructure, acupuncture, agriculture, viticulture, silviculture, horticulture, number-cruncher, * rush her, punch her, etc.

38.15 cultic, fustic, rustic, drumstick, public, Brunswick, Sputnik, prussic, lovesick, * republic

38.16 Ruddock, buttock, Suffolk, Southwark, Tulloch, Thurrock, hummock, stomach, dunnock, tussock, * McCullough

38.17 buttocks, flummox, lummox, hummocks, stomachs, dunnocks, tussocks, * McCullough’s, etc.

38.18 rustics, drumsticks, suffix, Sputniks, Sussex, * republics

38.19 cuspid, rugged, bloodied, muddied, studied, Dyfed, sullied, curried, hurried, scurried, worried, honeyed, moneyed, cussed, * bicuspid, unstudied, beloved, unsullied, unhurried, unworried, etc.

Old Mother Hubbard

Went to the cupboard

To fetch her poor dog a bone.


38.20 blubbered, cupboard, Hubbard, numbered, slumbered, scuppered, drunkard, buggered, sluggard, flooded, shuddered, studded, blundered, funded, plundered, thundered, wondered, buttered, fluttered, gutted, jutted, muttered, strutted, uttered, tufted, blunted, fronted, grunted, hunted, stunted, bustard, busted, custard, dusted, flustered, mustard, trusted, Knutsford, covered, mothered, smothered, coloured, dullard, hundred, upward, Rudyard, buzzard, ruptured, structured, cultured, punctured, * unnumbered, encumbered, outnumbered, red-blooded, hot-blooded, warm-blooded, cold-blooded, unfunded, abutted, tut-tutted, corrupted, erupted, disrupted, conducted, obstructed, constructed, abducted, deducted, instructed, insulted, resulted, affronted, confronted, unflustered, adjusted, disgusted, entrusted, distrusted, uncovered, recovered, discovered, self-coloured, discoloured, unstructured, uncultured, * head-hunted, * Mother Hubbard, unencumbered, underfunded, interrupted, uncorrupted, deconstructed, reconstructed, unobstructed, maladjusted, well-adjusted, unrecovered, undiscovered, multicoloured, * uninterrupted, unreconstructed, etc.

38.21 cupboards, drunkards, sluggards, upwards, etc.

38.22 luggage, frontage, roughage, lovage, Dulwich, sullage, ullage, courage, Uxbridge, umbrage, Tonbridge, suffrage, Gummidge, rummage, scrummage, tonnage, * encourage, discourage, demurrage

38.23 bubble, double, Hubble, nubble, rubble, stubble, trouble, bumble, crumble, fumble, grumble, humble, jumble, mumble, rumble, scumble, stumble, tumble, umbel, couple, supple, crumple, rumple, buccal, buckle, chuckle, knuckle, muckle, suckle, truckle, nuncle, uncle, juggle, smuggle, snuggle, struggle, bungle, fungal, jungle, cuddle, fuddle, huddle, muddle, puddle, ruddle, Blundell, bundle, trundle, cuttle, scuttle, shuttle, subtle, frontal, duffel, muffle, ruffle, scuffle, shuffle, snuffle, truffle, lustful, trustful, Lovell, shovel, vulval, Burrell, Durrell, tumbrel, umbral, guttural, Brummell, Hummel, pummel, Chunnel, funnel, Gunnell, gunwale, runnel, tunnel, bustle, hustle, muscle, mussel, Russell, rustle, tussle, guzzle, muzzle, nuzzle, puzzle, nuptial, cudgel, * redouble, uncouple, unbuckle, peduncle, befuddle, unbundle, rebuttal, unsubtle, disgruntle, kerfuffle, reshuffle, distrustful, triumphal, demurral, penumbral, sepulchral, Beau Brummell, autumnal, Jack Russell, unmuzzle, Rapunzel, prenuptial, * pinochle, turnbuckle, carbuncle, Garfunkel, Tolpuddle, corpuscle, * rough-and-tumble, thermocouple, honeysuckle, antifungal, contrapuntal, Eurotunnel, antenuptial

Double, double toil and trouble;

Fire burn and cauldron bubble.


38.24 doubled, troubled, grumbled, jumbled, stumbled, crumpled, chuckled, cuckold, smuggled, struggled, bungled, muddled, gruntled, muffled, ruffled, puzzled, * untroubled, befuddled, disgruntled, unruffled, reshuffled, etc.

38.25 bubbles, doubles, troubles, grumbles, Mumbles, rumbles, cuddles, puddles, bundles, snuffles, truffles, Brussels, muscles, mussels, Russell’s, puzzles, etc.

38.26 plumbum, Duckham, bunkum, custom, frustum, Durham, buckram, Puttnam, buxom, * corundum, Saxmundham, accustom, conundrum, * Carborundum®, * stunned ’em, trust ’em, etc.

38.27 dubbin, dustbin, bumpkin, pumpkin, Ruskin, buckskin, Dustin, Justin, muffin, puffin, Dublin, drumlin, dunlin, muslin, murrain, Unwin, cumin, run-in, * Augustine, MacGuffin, * ragamuffin, * trustin’, bubblin’, etc.

38.28 stubborn, lumpen, Buchan, Vulcan, drunken, Duncan, shrunken, sunken, Tuscan, Duggan, sudden, Blunden, London, Lumsden, button, Dutton, glutton, Hutton, mutton, Sutton, Upton, sultan, Buxton, Dunstan, tungsten, Rushton, roughen, toughen, coven, Govan, govern, oven, sloven, southern, Cullen, Mullen, sullen, Curran, bunion, Bunyan, onion, Runyon, summon, clubman, dustman, gunman, busman, huntsman, Dutchman, Hudson, Bunsen, cousin, cozen, dozen, Prussian, Russian, gumption, fluxion, ruction, suction, function, junction, unction, scutcheon, luncheon, truncheon, bludgeon, dudgeon, gudgeon, dungeon, * Etruscan, unbutton, Augustan, McGovern, misgovern, Catullan, Lucullan, percussion, concussion, discussion, corruption, eruption, irruption, disruption, assumption, consumption, presumption, resumption, production, conduction, obstruction, construction, abduction, deduction, reduction, seduction, induction, destruction, instruction, compunction, conjunction, malfunction, dysfunction, injunction, disjunction, propulsion, compulsion, convulsion, repulsion, impulsion, expulsion, revulsion, emulsion, escutcheon, combustion, curmudgeon, high dudgeon, * Newcomen, * bellybutton, Flying Dutchman, Belarussian, repercussion, interruption, self-destruction, preproduction, reproduction, deconstruction, reconstruction, introduction, misconstruction, liposuction, postproduction, multifunction, * overconsumption, underconsumption, reintroduction, overproduction, underproduction

38.29 husband, buttoned, roughened, toughened, governed, upland, Studland, Jutland, Rutland, Drummond, summoned, functioned, * unbuttoned, ungoverned, * househusband, etc.

38.30 gubbins, dustbins, pumpkins, Buggins, muggins, muffins, puffins, Butlins, etc.

38.31 buttons, Lutyens, bunions, onions, summons, cousins, Cousins, dozens, functions, junctions, dungeons, * repercussions, interruptions, introductions, etc.

There were noblemen in coronets, and military cousins,

There were captains by the hundred, there were baronets by dozens.


38.32 currant, current, judgment, mustn’t, doesn’t, Ushant, fulgent, pungent, * recumbent, incumbent, abundant, redundant, reluctant, consultant, resultant, exultant, triumphant, concurrent, recurrent, abutment, adjustment, engulfment, annulment, prejudgment, misjudgment, repugnant, convulsant, demulcent, indulgent, effulgent, refulgent, * blackcurrant, redcurrant, crosscurrent, * undercurrent, maladjustment, readjustment, self-indulgent, * superabundant, anticonvulsant, overindulgent

38.33 tuppence, substance, currants, cumbrance, sufferance, * comeuppance, abundance, conductance, inductance, reluctance, consultants, occurrence, concurrence, recurrence, incurrence, encumbrance, adjustments, repugnance, indulgence, effulgence, refulgence, * reoccurrence, self-indulgence, * superabundance, overindulgence, etc.

38.34 blubbing, clubbing, drubbing, dubbing, rubbing, scrubbing, cupping, supping, gulping, pulping, jumping, thumping, clucking, ducking, fucking, plucking, sucking, trucking, bulking, hulking, skulking, sulking, clunking, dunking, trunking, busking, bugging, chugging, hugging, mugging, shrugging, budding, flooding, scudding, studding, thudding, funding, cutting, jutting, nutting, putting, shutting, strutting, bunting, grunting, hunting, punting, shunting, dusting, gusting, lusting, rusting, thrusting, trusting, bluffing, chuffing, huffing, puffing, scuffing, snuffing, stuffing, loving, shoving, nothing, something, culling, lulling, sculling, bubbling, troubling, bumbling, crumbling, grumbling, mumbling, rumbling, coupling, dumpling, buckling, duckling, suckling, Suckling, bungling, shuffling, bustling, rustling, puzzling, upspring, gull-wing, upswing, bumming, coming, Cumming, drumming, humming, mumming, plumbing, slumming, strumming, cunning, gunning, punning, running, shunning, stunning, cussing, fussing, buzzing, blushing, crushing, flushing, Flushing, gushing, rushing, clutching, touching, crunching, munching, punching, budging, grudging, judging, smudging, trudging, bulging, * debugging, debunking, abutting, corrupting, erupting, disrupting, conducting, instructing, consulting, insulting, resulting, adjusting, disgusting, distrusting, rebuffing, engulfing, unloving, annulling, becoming, benumbing, forthcoming, discussing, unblushing, retouching, ungrudging, begrudging, * swan-upping, showjumping, bloodsucking, blockbusting, fun-loving, swashbuckling, incoming, mind-numbing, oncoming, shortcoming, homecoming, upcoming, frontrunning, gunrunning, * underfunding, interrupting, self-adjusting, up-and-coming, unbecoming, unforthcoming, up and running, etc.

Bye, baby bunting,

Daddy’s gone a hunting.


38.35 muggings, cuttings, hustings, dumplings, ducklings, sucklings, Cummings, * shortcomings, etc.

38.36 orange, lozenge

38.37 justice, Dulles, pumice, duchess, * injustice, portcullis, accomplice

38.38 bulbous, plumbous, compass, rumpus, ruckus, fungous, fungus, cultus, troublous, luckless, Douglas, bloodless, cutlass, gutless, loveless, sonless, sunless, cumbrous, slumberous, thunderous, wondrous, buttress, sculptress, huntress, lustrous, plumpness, smugness, bluntness, roughness, toughness, numbness, luscious, bumptious, scrumptious, * Columbus, encompass, humongous, singultus, Augustus, Catullus, Lucullus, conductress, seductress, instructress, abruptness, robustness, alumnus, rambunctious, * gyrocompass, * coitus interruptus, * thump us, struck us, etc.

38.39 druggist, smuggest, snuggest, youngest, bluntest, gruffest, roughest, toughest, supplest, subtlest, dumbest, glummest, numbest, lushest, plushest, * encompassed, etc.

38.40 dumpish, frumpish, lumpish, rubbish, monkish, sluggish, thuggish, sluttish, lumpfish, monkfish, mudfish, drumfish, sunfish, lungfish, publish, flourish, nourish, Hunnish, punish, youngish, * accomplish, * undernourish

38.41 published, flourished, nourished, punished, * unpublished, accomplished, malnourished, unpunished , * unaccomplished, undernourished

38.42 Cuthbert, Humbert, ducat, comfort, covert, lovat, culvert, * discomfort

38.43 muppet, puppet, crumpet, strumpet, trumpet, bucket, Blunkett, junket, Plunket, musket, nougat, nugget, pundit, buffet, tuffet, comfit, covet, gullet, mullet, doublet, couplet, floodlit, cutlet, sunlit, turret, worrit, culprit, plummet, summit, punnet, gusset, russet, dulcet, budget, * Nantucket, discomfit, whodunnit, * gutbucket, rust bucket, * love it, run it, etc.

Little Miss Muffet

Sat on a tuffet.


38.44 gerundive, eruptive, disruptive, consumptive, presumptive, productive, conductive, obstructive, constructive, deductive, seductive, inductive, destructive, instructive, conjunctive, subjunctive, percussive, propulsive, compulsive, repulsive, impulsive, * reproductive, nonproductive, unproductive, antitussive, * counterproductive, * electroconvulsive

38.45 rubbers, numbers, slumbers, uppers, puckers, truckers, shudders, udders, cutters, hunters, punters, buffers, covers, lovers, brothers, colours, tumblers, smugglers, drummers, mummers, summers, Summers, gunners, runners, buses, ulcers, blushes, rushes, ushers, clutches, crutches, vultures, bunches, punches, judges, Judges, smudges, bulges, spongers, * instructors, Carruthers, McCullers, * bloodsuckers, fishmongers, head-hunters, latecomers, all-comers, newcomers, bulrushes, * ironmongers, watercolours, etc.

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,

Life is but an empty dream!

For the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem.


38.46 puppies, monkeys, buddies, studies, undies, butties, worries, sundries, countries, Humphries, funnies, monies, munchies

38.47 Sotheby, tussocky, somebody, custody, subtlety, Muscovy, lubberly, utterly, brotherly, motherly, Coverley, southerly, thoroughly, comfortably, upwardly, currently, wonderfully, stubbornly, drunkenly, suddenly, slovenly, sullenly, blubbery, rubbery, shrubbery, mulberry, Bunbury, trumpery, succory, buggery, snuggery, thuggery, Hungary, thundery, buttery, fluttery, blustery, scullery, jugglery, butlery, cutlery, flummery, mummery, summary, summery, gunnery, nunnery, luxury, drudgery, huckleberry, Huckleberry, cuckoldry, husbandry, customary, pulmonary, functionary, tuppenny, company, Tuscany, gluttony, oniony, currency, pungency, subsidy, uppity, grubbily, luckily, pluckily, sulkily, huskily, grumpily, lustily, huffily, scruffily, hungrily, funnily, clumsily, publicly, hurriedly, worriedly, cuttingly, lovingly, puzzlingly, cunningly, stunningly, touchingly, grudgingly, sluggishly, puppetry, summitry, monetary, budgetary, culinary, rubbishy, punctually, * grandmotherly, uncomfortably, cold-bloodedly, abundantly, reluctantly, triumphantly, concurrently, skulduggery, perfunctory, adultery, effrontery, recovery, discovery, Montgomery, compulsory, uncustomary, accompany, redundancy, consultancy, profundity, fecundity, jocundity, unluckily, unhurriedly, constructively, seductively, compulsively, impulsively, disgustingly, * ironmongery, introductory, rediscovery, etc.

38.48 stomacher, colander, comforter, Mustapha, shoveller, tunneller, Loughborough, slumberer, blunderer, plunderer, thunderer, wonderer, mutterer, stutterer, sufferer, conjuror, customer, Londoner, governor, southerner, summoner, trumpeter, Gulliver, dulcimer, Dubliner, publisher, muscular, jugular, pustular, * adulterer, discoverer, discomfiture, avuncular, corpuscular, crepuscular

38.49 chubbier, grubbier, stubbier, tubbier, bumpier, frumpier, grumpier, lumpier, luckier, muckier, pluckier, bulkier, sulkier, chunkier, funkier, hunkier, spunkier, muggier, bloodier, muddier, nuttier, smuttier, crustier, dustier, lustier, rustier, fluffier, scruffier, stuffier, comfier, bubblier, crumblier, uglier, buddleia, cuddlier, lovelier, courier, currier, furrier, worrier, Cumbria, Umbria, hungrier, sultrier, crummier, yummier, funnier, runnier, sunnier, fussier, gutsier, fuzzier, clumsier, mushier, slushier, crunchier, spongier, * Colombia, Columbia, unluckier, Northumbria, etc.

38.50 husbanded, comforted, Hungerford, Rutherford, trumpeted, bucketed, buffeted, coveted, turreted, plummeted, budgeted, Hunniford, * uncomforted, discomfited, etc.

38.51 underbid, * accompanied, * unaccompanied

38.52 clubbable, culpable, jumpable, huggable, comfortable, Huxtable, constable, Constable, Dunstable, lovable, gullible, sufferable, vulnerable, hummable, crushable, spongeable, wonderful, colourful, guttural, sculptural, structural, cultural, functional, uncial, runcible, multiple, curricle, punctual, * refundable, corruptible, deductible, destructible, uncomfortable, combustible, adjustable, unlovable, unutterable, insufferable, recoverable, invulnerable, uncrushable, untouchable, instructional, dysfunctional, industrial, unpunctual, * tax-deductible, ineluctable, incorruptible, indestructible, incombustible, agricultural, horticultural, multicultural, multifunctional, preindustrial, postindustrial

38.53 cumbersome, troublesome, cuddlesome, Brummagem, yuppiedom, Buckingham, Cunningham, worrisome

38.54 suffragan, doubleton, subaltern, Huddleston, Ulsterman, husbandman, Cuthbertson, fustian, ruffian, mullion, scullion, Cumbrian, Umbrian, publican, hurricane, Mulligan, Huntingdon, Sullivan, countryman, Runciman, Huskisson, Hutchinson, * Colombian, Columbian, Kentuckian, Burgundian, Procrustean, Tertullian, Northumbrian, republican, Republican, O’Sullivan, * Liverpudlian, * slubberdegullion

38.55 cummerbund, Cumberland, Sunderland, Sutherland, * Northumberland

38.56 colorant, fundament, wonderment, puzzlement, government, covenant, supplicant, subsequent, worriment, nourishment, punishment, unguent, succulent, truculent, undulant, * adulterant, befuddlement, self-government, ebullient, accompaniment, accomplishment, malnourishment, encouragement, discouragement

I test my bath before I sit,

And I’m always moved to wonderment

That what chills the finger not a bit

Is so frigid upon the fundament.


38.57 utterance, sufferance, governance, supplicants, subsidence, subsequence, punishments, sustenance, succulence, truculence, * circumference, ebullience, accomplishments, etc.

38.58 underling, blubbering, slumbering, shuddering, plundering, thundering, wondering, guttering, muttering, shuttering, stuttering, suffering, covering, mothering, smothering, wuthering, colouring, underwing, trumpeting, buffeting, publishing, flourishing, nourishing, rummaging, * scaremongering, self-governing, encouraging, discouraging

38.59 covetous, numberless, supperless, rudderless, brotherless, motherless, colourless, slumberous, thunderous, sulphurous, gluttonous, otherness, thoroughness, suppleness, stubbornness, drunkenness, suddenness, scurrilous, chubbiness, grubbiness, grumpiness, sulkiness, smuttiness, scruffiness, stuffiness, ugliness, loveliness, sultriness, fussiness, clumsiness, nothingness, sluggishness, sumptuous, unctuous, succubus, pustulous, * adulteress, adulterous, rumbustious, industrious, illustrious, destructiveness, voluptuous, presumptuous, tumultuous, homunculus, etc.

38.60 publicist, * accompanist, percussionist, obstructionist, destructionist, * agriculturist, horticulturist

38.61 chubbiest, grubbiest, stubbiest, tubbiest, bumpiest, frumpiest, grumpiest, lumpiest, luckiest, muckiest, pluckiest, bulkiest, sulkiest, chunkiest, funkiest, hunkiest, spunkiest, muggiest, bloodiest, muddiest, nuttiest, smuttiest, crustiest, dustiest, lustiest, rustiest, fluffiest, scruffiest, stuffiest, comfiest, bubbliest, crumbliest, ugliest, cuddliest, loveliest, hungriest, sultriest, crummiest, yummiest, funniest, runniest, sunniest, fussiest, gutsiest, fuzziest, clumsiest, mushiest, slushiest, crunchiest, spongiest, * unluckiest, etc.

38.62 surrogate, coverlet, sultanate, ultimate, ungulate, * triumvirate, penultimate, * antepenultimate

38.63 Sotheby’s, luxuries, companies, * discoveries, redundancies, etc.

38.64 structurally, culturally, functionally, punctually, summarily, comfortably, ultimately, subsequently, worryingly, surrogacy, * uncomfortably, encouragingly, discouragingly, voluptuary

38.65 sufferable, vulnerable, cultivable, publishable, punishable, * unutterable, insufferable, recoverable, invulnerable, ungovernable, unpublishable, unpunishable