A Year In



La Befana (Ephiphany) (6 Jan)

Children’s parties and activities throughout the city mark the day when the Christmas witch brings presents.

l Chinese New Year (late Jan or early Feb)

Traditional Chinese parades, martial arts demonstrations and fireworks take place on Via del Corso and Piazza del Popolo.

A Year In Rome


Equilibrio Festival of Dance (mid–late Feb)

The festival showcases contemporary dance at the Auditorium Parco della Musica.

l Six Nations Rugby (mid-Feb)

Matches take place at the Olympic Stadium.

A Year In Rome


l Rome Marathon (third or fourth Sun)

The annual Rome marathon takes place through the city.

Giornate FAI di Primavera (last weekend)

Throughout Rome many Italian National Trust buildings that are usually off limits can be visited by the public during this Cultural Weekend.

A Year In Rome


l Easter Sunday

The pope holds a Mass and blessing at St Peter's.

Settimana della Cultura (second or third week)

Week of Culture gives free entry to most museums, galleries and archaeological sites for one week.

A Year In Rome


International Workers’ Day (1 May)

A free concert is organized by Italy’s main trade union in Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano.

l International Horse Show (early May)

A four-day horse show is held in Villa Borghese.

A Year In Rome


l Lungo Il Tevere (mid-June–end Aug)

Pop-up stalls, cafés and restaurants line the banks of the Tiber River during this summer festival.

A Year In Rome


l Festa de’ Noantri (last two weeks)

Processions and fireworks in Trastevere celebrate the Madonna of Mount Carmel.

Alta Roma Fashion Show (mid–late July)

A fashion show is held on the Spanish Steps.

Estate Romana (Jul/Aug)

This festival of music, theatre and dance includes open-air opera at the Baths of Caracalla.

A Year In Rome


Festa della Madonna della Neve (5 Aug)

A sound-and-light show in front of Santa Maria Maggiore ends in a “snow-storm” of white petals.

Night of San Lorenzo (10 Aug)

Romans flock to the Pincio Gardens to watch the night sky and catch sight of meteor showers.

l Ferragosto (15 Aug)

This national holiday sees free open-air concerts.

A Year In Rome


l Football Season (early Sep)

September sees the start of the football season.

RomeEuropa (end Sep–early Dec)

This performing arts festival is held in various venues, including Palazzo Farnese.

A Year In Rome


International Film Festival (10 days in Oct)

Rome's star-studded International Film Festival held in Auditorium Parco della Musica reflects the city's enduring love of the big screen.

l Festival di Musica e Arte Sacra (Oct/Nov)

Concerts of sacred music are held in various churches throughout Rome during the Festival of Sacred Music and Art, unique in the world.

A Year In Rome


l All Saints' Day (1 Nov)

Held throughout Italy, this public holiday collectively celebrates all of the Catholic saints. Families get together and many people attend Mass.

RomaEuropa (throughout Nov)

This dance, music and video festival takes place at Teatro Olimpico and Auditorium Parco della Musica.

A Year In Rome


l Christmas Market (mid-Dec–6 Jan)

Piazza Navona hosts a daily Christmas market from 10am until 1am.

Christmas Day (25 Dec)

The pope gives a blessing on Piazza San Pietro.

La Festa di Roma (31 Dec)

Fireworks and free concerts take place throughout the city to celebrate New Year's Eve.