There are many decisions that have to be made in a marriage. Some are made by the husband, some are made by the wife, and some are shared equally. Read over the following list of decisions and indicate who you feel should make the decision (H for husbands…W for wives…B for both), then write down why. Compare and discuss your responses with the answers of your fiancé.
1. Who decides on formal or informal engagement?
2. Who decides date of wedding?
3. Who decides what type of wedding?
4. Who decides whether to have a honeymoon?
5. Who decides where to go on a honeymoon?
6. Who decides where to live?
7. Who decides when to move?
8. Who decides whether the wife should work?
9. Who decides whether the wife should give up her job when a child is born?
10. Who makes financial decisions?
11. Who decides if incomes are to be shared?
12. Who decides who will handle the checkbook?
13. Who decides about borrowing money and going into debt?
14. Who decides on the budget?
15. Who makes justified complaints to tradespeople?
16. Who decides to buy a car?
17. Whose name is the car in?
18. Who looks after the car?
19. Who decides which house to buy?
20. Whose name is it in?
21. Who decides on the interior decor?
22. Who decides on the exterior decor?
23. Who decides on the furnishings?
24. Who decides on the landscaping?
25. Who takes care of the yard work?
26. Who is responsible for life and health insurance?
27. Who makes retirement plans?
28. Who decides activities after retirement?
29. Who takes the active role in sex?
30. Who decides whether to have children?
31. Who takes responsibility for contraception?
32. Who decides when to have children?
33. Who decides how many children to have?
34. Who takes responsibility for the education of the children?
35. Who helps the children with homework?
36. Who takes responsibilities in emergencies?
37. Who decides political issues for the family?
38. Who decides how to raise the children?
39. Who decides which friends to socialize with?
40. Who invites people to the house?
41. Who chooses television programs?
42. Whose food tastes prevail?
43. Who plans the day-to-day meals?
44. Who does the grocery shopping for the family?
45. Who decides when to go out?
46. Who decides where to go out?
47. Who decides what to do and where to go on vacations?
48. What relatives do you keep in touch with?
49. Whose job is it to keep in touch with the relatives?
50. Who remembers anniversaries and birthdays?
51. Who copes with family disasters?
52. Who decides whether to go to church or not?
53. Who decides which church to go to?