8 Sexual

Seldom does a week go by that I don’t do some form of sexual counseling. I never cease to be amazed that, although we live in a sex-saturated culture, little good sex knowledge is known by the common man or woman on the street. I have had individuals in my office who stated that their families were very open in the discussion of sex. They also felt they were very knowledgeable in this area. Yet, as we talked further, I could see how little they knew and how embarrassed they were to talk on this subject.

The following questions are frank and deal with common problems encountered in giving sexual counsel. It has been my experience that most couples do not talk about sexual matters very deeply, even after they are married. These questions deal with real issues. A great deal of frustration, hurt, fear, and anger could be eliminated if these issues were faced by the couple before they became crisis points in what is designed by God to be a most beautiful experience.

I encourage you to discuss together the following questions.

1. Have you had a physical examination for your marriage?

image Yes        image No

2. Do you have any health problems? Explain:

3. Are you bringing any sexually transmitted diseases into this relationship?

4. At this particular time, I think about sex:

image   Seldom image   Periodically
image   Frequently image   Regularly

5. My present feelings about sex are:

image   Disturbed image   Fearful image   Anxious image   Neutral
image   Expectant image   Excited image   Intrigued

6. Do you have any sexual inhibitions, fears, or awkward feelings? Explain:

7. What was your impression of your parents’ sex life?

image Fulfilling image Warm image Casual image Neutral
image Tolerant image Cold image Empty

8. Were you the victim of any unpleasant sexual experiences as a child, adolescent, or adult?

image   No image   Incest image   Raped
image   Molested image   Homosexual encounter
image   Indecent exposure
image   Other

9. Who do you think is responsible for birth control?

image Husband        image Wife       image Both

10. In planning to postpone or not having children, the form of birth control method I prefer is:

image   Withdrawal image   Rhythm image   Douche image   Foam
image   Birth control pills image   Vasectomy image   Contraceptive jelly
image   Condom image   Diaphragm image   Cervical Cap
image   Tubal ligation image   Abortion image   Hysterectomy
image   IUD image   Vaginal suppositories

11. Who do you think should initiate sexual activity?


12. Who do you think should determine the way, the place, how often, length of time, and variety of sexual activity?

13. How do you feel about seeing you partner nude?

14. How do you feel about having your partner seeing you nude?

15. State your thoughts about the following:

Lip kissing

Tongue kissing

Your partner kissing your body

Kissing of your partner’s body

Caressing your partner’s body

Your partner caressing your body

Kissing your partner’s genitals

Your partner kissing your genitals

Bringing your partner to a climax by hand

Your partner bringing you to a climax by hand

Bringing your partner to a climax by oral stimulation

Your partner bringing you to a climax by oral stimulation

16. How important do you think simultaneous orgasm is?

17. A woman reaches orgasm by:

18. Why is it important to communicate about sexual desires?

19. Why is it important to verbally tell your partner what stimulates you sexually?

20. What are your thoughts about intercourse during the woman’s menstrual period?

21. What type of menstrual period do you or your fiancé have?

22. How many times per week do you think that you would like to have intercourse?

23. I think the act of intercourse should last:

24. I would prefer a lovemaking environment that includes (lighting, music, etc.):

25. Privacy in lovemaking is important because:

26. At what time of day should lovemaking take place?

27. What are your thoughts as to where lovemaking should take place?

28. What are your thoughts about various positions in intercourse?

29. What will you do when the man has difficulty in maintaining an erection?

30. What will you do when the man has difficulty with premature ejaculation?

31. What will you do when you find the woman cannot reach a climax?

32. What will you do when you find the woman cannot reach a climax with the penis inserted into the vagina?

33. How important do you think the act of intercourse is on the honeymoon night?

34. What will you do when the man cannot make entrance into the woman and complete the act of intercourse due to tightened vaginal muscles or pain in the vaginal area?

35. Suppose that you have been married for a period of time, and one day you discover your mate masturbating. What will you do?

36. What might you do if you find that your partner does not like the act of intercourse?

37. How do men and women differ in their readiness for sexual climax?

38. If I discovered my partner was romantically interested in another person, I would:

39. Why are things like kind words, gentle touches, and kind deeds important in the lovemaking process?

40. Do you think you will be able to refuse sexual requests of your partner without offending him/ her?

image Yes       image No       image Uncertain

What will you say?

41. How much personal privacy do you feel is needed?

42. I have a lack of sexual knowledge in the following areas:

43. How tense were you as you answered these questions?

44. Do you believe in counseling for sexual problems?

image Yes       image No       image Uncertain

45. Who would you feel free to talk with concerning sexual problems?

46. After reading 1 Corinthians 6:15-20 and 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8, state what you think is God’s view of premarital intercourse:

47. In Hebrews 13:4 it says, “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure.” I think this means:

48. After reading 1 Corinthians 7:3-5, the concept I think the writer is trying to convey is:

49. I have the following questions about sexual matters:

Additional Resource

The Act of Marriage: The Beauty of Sexual Love

by Tim and Beverly LaHaye.

This book contains valuable information on all aspects of sex from a Christian viewpoint.

The art of mutually enjoyable lovemaking is not difficult to learn, but neither is it automatic. No one is a good lover by nature.…Yet no one need settle for a lifetime of sexual frustration.

Thus Tim and Beverly LaHaye sum up this book—a most practical, thorough, and useful Christian handbook on sexual love.