In view of the complex, individual nature of health and fitness issues, this book, and the ideas, programs, processes, and suggestions are not intended to replace the advice of trained medical and behavioral health professionals. All matters regarding one’s physical and mental health require medical supervision.
The authors’ role is strictly educational in the context of this book and program materials. The authors are not providing any assessments, individualized therapeutic interventions, or personal medical advice. Seek medical advice from your personal health care provider regarding your personal risks and benefits insofar as adopting the suggestions of this program.
Please consult with a trained eating disorder therapist if you have or think you have binge eating disorder, bulimia, or anorexia before engaging in this program.
The authors disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this book or program.
Published by Am I Hungry? Publishing
P.O. Box 93686
Phoenix, AZ 85070-3686
Copyright ©2014 Michelle May, M.D. Updated 2020
All rights reserved under all copyright conventions.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without written permission from the publisher.
Distributed by Am I Hungry? PLLC
For ordering information or special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Am I Hungry? PLLC at PO Box 93686, 480.704.7811 or
Am I Hungry?® is a trademark of Am I Hungry?, P.L.L.C.
Based on Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating for Binge Eating Program
Library of Congress Preassigned Control Number: Pending
ISBN 978-1-934076-35-4 (pbk)
ISBN 978-1-934076-36-1 (pdf e-book)
ISBN 978-1-934076-37-8 (epub)