My heart is absolutely filled with gratitude. I simply cannot believe I get to do what I love! There are so many people and events that have played a part in this journey.
I absolutely could not do this work without my project manager, Sara Sun. Your many talents and can-do attitude never cease to amaze me. I am so grateful to have you on our team. Thank you to our editors, Janet Holston and Tonie Harrington for your sharp eyes and insights. To Brandi Hollister, our book and cover designer, your talented fingerprints are all over these pages. Thank you!
I am humbled by the many Am I Hungry?® Mindful Eating Facilitators and Therapists who invest their precious energy to guide their clients, patients, participants, and communities back to wholeness. I am grateful for the mindful eating, intuitive eating, and Health at Every Size® communities. Your wisdom, perseverance, and passion inspire me. I am especially grateful for the thousands of people who have shared their struggles, stories, and newfound freedom with me. You are why I do this work.
I am grateful to have not just two parents who love and support me but four: George and Dixie Shirley, and Bill and Janie Riddle. I deeply appreciate my many dear friends and colleagues who have shared this journey (and few glasses of wine) with me. I am so proud of my amazing children Tyler and Elyse—you inspire me and make me laugh. And to my fabulous personal chef and husband Owen, I love you and the big life we’ve created together!
I would like to thank Juliet Zuercher, Registered Dietitian and long-time friend who first introduced me to intuitive eating and quietly put up with every new diet that I stumbled upon before I finally saw the light. To all those who have shared their hearts and shed their tears in my therapy groups. Your stories have helped me to more fully understand the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of those with Binge Eating Disorder. You may recognize glimpses of yourself in the men and women described in this book. To the research participants in 2012, without you, I would not have completed the study that has been nothing short of amazing. It has inspired us to make this program available to anyone who needs it by writing this book. Thank you to Samantha Graham, my graduate research assistant and intern who made it possible to keep all the balls in the air during my doctorate program. To my mother, you have always been my biggest cheerleader. To my brother and his family, and my “other” parents, Marty, Marylyn and Mel. And finally, words can’t fully express how important my husband Brian has been to me. You take care of me when my self-care voice is on vacation, and you always support my dreams even when it means putting yours on hold.