“Are You with Me?” 

Mon Mothma, the mother of Rebellion

Star Wars Rebels, Season 3, Episode 18, “Secret Cargo”

Writer: Matt Michnonetz

Director: Bosco Ng

“Are you with me?” she asked of a galaxy needing a spark of hope among the darkness of the Empire. She was on the run, branded a traitor, and unsure if anyone was listening. She was hoping to provide inspiration but ended up solidifying an alliance. She is Mon Mothma, the mother of the Rebellion, and this is her moment.

Star Wars has inspirational moments to be sure. There are uplifting words and insightful lessons, but, if we’re being fair, it sometimes lacks those rallying cries and big speeches that other properties liberally splash throughout their stories. Yes, there are great speeches. Padmé absolutely has a few gems in The Clone Wars, Luke’s “I am not the last Jedi” moment is great, and I’m sure if you translated Chief Chirpa a bit better in Return of the Jedi you’d get motivated to defend Bright Tree Village. They are there, so hold your angry letters to the editor. It’s just that there is no Star Wars version of King Théoden rallying the Riders of Rohan or Aragorn’s “For Frodo” moment before charging toward the Black Gate. There isn’t a Tyrion Lannister picking up the slack for a cowardly king before defending King’s Landing or William Wallace in Braveheart, being—well—brave. “May the Force be with you” is sometimes all we get and that is why Mon Mothma’s speech in season three of Star War Rebels stands tall among the rest.

Her speech was a senator speaking out against corruption to the point of having to go into hiding. It was a public decree that trying to solve this conflict within the confines of politics was no longer an option. It was her wondering if she was alone and getting the answer that she was surrounded by allies. There is great significance to this speech as it is the start of the formalized Rebellion.

Prior to this moment, the Rebellion was a collection of cells, each working toward the same general goal, yes, but each with their own styles, methods, and missions. They had no leader. Here, Mon Mothma becomes that.

Sure, there will still be debates, internal power struggles, and the troublesome question of what to do about Saw Gerrera and his violent Partisans. But now there is one united front, a Rebel Alliance here to take down the Empire.

Mon Mothma has always held a curious place in the Star Wars saga ever since her first appearance in Return of the Jedi, where she famously bemoaned that “many Bothans died to bring us this information.” She was clearly an important presence in that briefing room scene, but who was she? In a franchise often devoid of female characters, particularly back in 1983, it would be nice to know her place in the history of the saga. George Lucas had designs on answering that himself when he cast actress Genevieve O’Reilly as a young Mothma opposite Natalie Portman’s Padmé and Jimmy Smits’ Bail Organa in some scenes eventually cut from Revenge of the Sith. He made sure she was a key figure in The Clone Wars animated series, but here in Star Wars Rebels she truly shines and gives Star Wars a great rallying speech.

Everyone in the Rebellion took a risk. They put their lives on the line for this cause of freedom, the return of democracy, and the end of an evil regime. However, in order for this fight to be legitimized, it needed one person with everything to lose to step out the shadows and lead the charge into the light. This speech didn’t happen on the field of battle with swords drawn. It wasn’t followed by thunderous cheers and a mighty roar of an army. Instead, a resigning senator humbly broadcast her truth to anyone who would listen. She would not rest until the Republic had been restored. “Are you with me?” Mon Mothma asked, and one by one spaceships appeared before her. Each one coming out of hyperspace was a new ally answering, resoundingly, yes.