Chapter 6

All was in readiness when the troop arrived at the keep. Warriors stood ready as did villagers, everyone familiar with their assigned task should an unexpected battle break out. Anxious and alert eyes followed the troop through the village and to the stairs of the keep where Cree stood waiting on the top step.

Dawn stood inside the keep just behind the tall door, keeping it slightly ajar so that she could hear what was being said. Cree had ordered her, most vehemently, to remain in the keep until he instructed otherwise. She understood that he was protecting her from possible harm, but she would have much preferred to be at his side and see for herself what was happening.

“If you step one foot out that door, I will see you confined to our bedchamber for the remainder of the day,” Cree ordered without glancing back at the door, and then silently cursed, imagining her response.

I would not be alone for long.

Dawn smiled, certain her husband knew her well enough to know her reply. Her smile faded as the sound of approaching horses grew louder. Their arrival could prove to be nothing, but for some reason she did not believe that.

Cree watched as only ten men came to a stop at the foot of the stairs. Never would he allow a whole troop to enter his village. The remainder waited outside the gates, his warriors keeping a watch on them.

One man guided his horse forward and addressed Cree respectfully. “Earl of Carrick, I beg your forgiveness for my unannounced visit. I am Terran Fitzbane, brother to the Earl of Brimsborne, and I come here in search of a woman.”

Cree looked him over, though his eyes never moved. He was thick of body and of average height, but held himself well, his wide shoulders drawn back and his chin up a notch. His deep voice resonated with confidence and the wrinkles around his eyes only added to his fine features. Gray strands mingled with brown and sharp blue eyes remained steady on Cree. Terran Fitzbane was not a man to disregard lightly.

“Go on,” Cree said.

“The woman is quite a beauty and travels with a young lad about two years. She has a false tongue and is not to be trusted. She uses the lad as a pawn, attempting to convince any earl, chieftain, any man with a title that the lad is his bastard son. Once she gains some wealth from one, she moves on to the next.”

“What do you want with such a deceitful woman?”

“I care not what happens to the lying whore. I care only for the safety of the child. The lad is my brother Giles, Earl of Brimsborne’s only heir.”

“You are sure of this?” Cree asked.

“I am,” Fitzbane said with a firm nod. “Devin was my brother Giles’ only son. He wed a local chieftain’s daughter and she gave birth to a son. About three months ago, Devin and his wife went to visit her family and were attacked on the way. The lad was never found and Giles has never stopped looking for him. It took time, but we finally tracked him to the whore who continues to use him in her lying scheme. Time is of the essence here. My brother lay dying and his last wish is to see his grandson take his rightful place as heir to the Brimsborne title and holdings.”

“What makes you think she and the lad are here?” Cree asked cautious of the man’s tale.

“She traveled with a companion for a while, but once the man took ill, she left him quick enough. We luckily came across him just before he succumbed to his illness and he confessed all to me. Please spare me more woe and tell me the child I seek is here.”

Dawn rested her head against the wood door, frustrated. This certainly complicated matters. Cree would never turn the lad over to this man without knowing for sure if his tale was true. If it was, it would certainly solve the problem, but if not—the problem just got bigger and could possibly prove harmful.

The thought sent her scurrying. Until the truth could be learned, the lad needed to be protected, especially with him being ill. Dawn hurried through the Great Hall, through the stone hallway that led to the kitchen, then ran through the busy area so fast she doubted anyone realized it was her. She made her way around the back of the keep and along the edge of the woods that ran behind it until she could enter the village without being noticed. Then she hurried off to the cottage where Tallis and the lad were staying.

Cree stared at Terran Fitzbane. He had met many a man who could lie convincingly, especially when wealth and land were involved. He had also met men who would do anything for their family, their clan. The same could be said about women. Cree could not be certain which man Terran Fitzbane was or which woman Tallis was, but one thing was certain...the lad was an innocent in all this and he would not be going anywhere until the truth was discovered.

“A woman and lad arrived here and she is claiming the child is mine,” Cree said.

Fitzbane grinned broadly. “Thank the heavens, my nephew has been found. Please present him to me and I shall take my leave. I shall also take the woman off your hands as well and see that she suffers for her misdeeds.”

Cree scowled and Fitzbane drew his head back sharply as if avoiding a blow.

“Until I can determine the truth the lad and the woman remain here,” Cree said in a tone that was not meant to be challenged.

Fitzbane looked ready to argue, but held his tongue, thinking on his words before he spoke. “I ask you to reconsider since my brother has little time left.”

“That is unfortunate,” Cree said, “but my decision remains.”

“My brother is a good friend of the King and his majesty would not take kindly knowing that you kept his friend from seeing his grandson before he died.”

“Your threat is useless, since the King is well aware that it is more important that he remains in my good graces than I in his. You are welcome to camp outside the castle walls until this matter is settled to my satisfaction.” Cree turned, dismissing the man.

“You insult me by not extending the hospitality of your home while—”

Cree swerved around. “Obey me or leave, the choice is yours.” Cree turned once again and whispered to Sloan. “Get the woman and child into the keep without anyone seeing them and send Neil to me.”

“I will not leave without the child,” Fitzbane called out.

Cree turned around slowly, a deep scowl etched into his handsome face.

Fitzbane once again drew back as if avoiding a blow.

“I will determine the fate of the lad and you will leave when I order you to or suffer the consequences.”

Anger rose up in Fitzbane, sending large red blotches to stain his face. He whipped his horse around clumsily and rode off through the village, his few men following him.

Cree entered the keep, expecting to find his wife behind the door. When he saw that she was not there, he went off in search of her, swearing beneath his breath as he did.

Dawn did not bother to knock, she threw open the door to find Tallis sitting beside her sleeping son on the bed, her hand loving stroking his brow with a wet cloth.

“He grows warmer,” Tallis said with worry.

Dawn wished she had time to comfort and reassure her, but that would have to wait. She had to get the two to the castle. She hurried over to Tallis and began gesturing.

“I do not understand, though I fear you may be telling me that we have to leave.”

Dawn nodded and began gathering the things Elsa had left for Tallis to use on her son and putting them in a basket.

“But Adian is too sick. Please just let us stay until he is well enough to travel,” Tallis begged.

Dawn shook her head, and then realized her gesture would be misunderstood. She gestured again, shaking her hands, then pointing down at the floor trying to make Tallis understand that she was not forcing her to leave.

A knock at the door had both women jumping. Dawn motioned to Tallis to stay by Adian and she went over to the door and opened it slowly. Dawn reached out and grabbed her best friend Lila by the arm and yanked her in, slamming the door shut.

“What is wrong?” Lila asked. “I saw you slinking along the edge of the woods to get here. Does it have something to do with the troop of warriors that arrived?”

Dawn began gesturing, Lila having understood her since they were young.

Lila looked to Tallis. “Someone has arrived claiming the lad is not your son.”

Tallis’s face turned pure white.

“Dawn wants to get you and the lad inside the keep where you will be better protected.”

Tallis stood. “I thought she wanted us to leave.”

Lila shook her head along with Dawn. “No, she wants you moved to the safety of the keep. Gather what you need and Dawn will take you and the lad there.”

The three women worked as fast as they could, gathering what was needed and wrapping up the lad in the blanket to carry to the keep.

Dawn gestured to Lila.

“The men had yet to leave the last I saw,” Lila said and when Dawn turned to Tallis, Lila interpreted her gestures. “We will need to keep to the edge of the woods and make our way around the keep and through the kitchen so that no one sees us.” Lila interjected. “I spotted Dawn because I know her well and knew she would be sneaking about to find out what was going on. But you have no worry. No one will see you.” Lila went back to interpreting. “You will stay in the keep until the truth is determined.”

“Adian is Cree’s son,” Tallis insisted, hugging the small lad wrapped snugly in the blanket tightly to her.

Lila looked to Dawn and smiled as she spoke Dawn’s gestures. “Then you and Adian have nothing to worry about, for Cree will protect his children with his life.”

Tears gathered in Tallis’s eyes. “I am sorry. I never meant to hurt anyone.”

Dawn patted the woman on the shoulder and urged her toward the door.

Lila opened the door just a crack to look out. “We need to hurry. It looks like Sloan and some warriors are headed this way, though the crowd of villagers is slowing them.”

Dawn wondered if Cree intended to put a heavy guard around Tallis and the lad. He had seemed adamant about not allowing the pair in the keep, but that was where they would be the safest and Dawn intended to see them safe.

Lila went out first and purposely caused a distraction so that Dawn and Tallis could slip away without being noticed.

The woods seemed extra quiet as they entered along the edge not far from the keep. Dawn slipped her dagger from her boot, ready to strike in case Fitzbane had men he had sent out to explore. Not that that seemed possible since they had only arrived and Cree kept a heavy guard around their home. But she had learned from Cree to always be prepared.

They were about to turn the corner of the keep when Dawn thought she heard footfalls. She stopped and swerved around with a finger to her lips to warn Tallis to remain silent. She heard the noise again and knew someone was headed their way. She gestured Tallis to brace herself against the castle wall, then she waited until the person got near and jumped out with her dagger raised just in case it was one of Fitzbane’s men.

Her wrist was suddenly clamped in a steel-hard grip and her husband turned a harsh scowl on her that had her thinking that she might not get out of disobeying him so easily this time.

“I will deal with you later,” he said to his wife and looked to Tallis, giving her a sharp snap of his hand. “Come here, now.”

Tallis did as he commanded.

“Give me the lad,” he ordered.

Tallis hugged the lad closer. “He is no burden to carry.”

Cree went to argue, then shook his head, grabbed hold of her arm, and walked off, tugging the two women along with him. He entered through the kitchen and the sight of him having a firm grip on two women had the servants staring, their mouths agape at the unusual sight.

The servants in the Great Hall did the same, stopping in mid-stride in whatever chore was keeping them busy.

Cree was about to summon Flanna with a shout, but she was there before he could. The woman had the uncanny sense of being there when he needed her and of that he was glad. She served him far better in charge of the keep’s servants than as cook in the kitchen, her position when he had first taken control of the village.

“How may I be of service, my lord?” Flanna asked.

“Settle this woman and her son in a bedchamber and see that they have food and drink. Elsa is on her way here to tend the lad. He is not well. See that she is taken to him immediately and that she gets whatever she needs.”

“Aye, my lord,” Flanna said and nodded to the woman. “This way.”

Cree looked at Dawn. “You have gone too far this time, wife.”

A small tingle of fear crept over Dawn. Had she truly gone too far?

Cree kept his grip on her and practically dragged her along with him to his solar. Once inside, he dropped the latch on the door so no one could enter and with a quick twist of her wrist had her braced back against the closed door. He slammed his two hands on either side of her head and brought his face within an inch of hers.

“Why is it that you have trouble obeying me and others jump at my command?”

She scowled like he usually did, shivered, and tapped his chest, then smiled, tapped her chest and shook her head.

“So others fear me, but you do not?”

She nodded and gestured again, pretending to hit herself about the face, then shook her head and once again tapped his chest.

“You believe I would never strike you.”

She gave a firm nod, as if declaring it so.

He shifted his body closer until it almost touched hers, but not quite. “There are other ways to punish you.”

Her smile held a hint of laughter as did her eyes.

“You find it amusing that I could tempt you senseless yet leave you unsatisfied?”

She nodded, her smile remaining strong. She pointed to him and then to her and fisted both her hands and held them tight against her chest.

“You think we both want each other too much for me to deny us pleasure?”

Again she nodded with confidence.

“I denied pleasuring myself with you once before, or do you forget the time Colum forced you to spend with me in that miserable hut?”

Her smile slipped away and she looked at him with questioning eyes.

“You never realized how much I wanted you then?”

She shook her head, remembering how fearful she had been of him.

“Your fear yet courage taunted me and grew me hard far too many times.” He rested his brow to hers. “You obeyed me then, at least sometimes you did.”

She pressed her hand to his chest and then to hers and turned a sorrowful look on her face, offering a heartfelt apology.

He lifted his brow off hers and took hold of her chin. “I know you well enough, wife, to know that you apologize for any hurt you caused me, but you do not apologize for your actions.”

She could not argue the truth, so she did what seemed the most natural thing to do...she kissed him.

He returned her kiss, his ache for her deep and never-ending. He would always ache relentlessly for her.

He tore his mouth away and took hold of her shoulders. “You do realize your punishment?”

Dawn nodded, confident that once their passion took control there would be no stopping either of them, no matter Cree’s intentions. She reached out and tugged the strip of plaid down off his shoulder to fall at his waist. Eager to get her hands on his naked chest, she quickly stripped him of his shirt.

She barely got her hands on him when his hands began to tug at her garments and before Dawn knew it, she was completely naked in front of him. He did not give her a chance to divest him of his plaid. He spun her around and braced her back against the front of him.

She sighed silently with anticipation when he moved his plaid out of the way and pressed his hard manhood against her backside. She shuddered with the feel of him firm and thick against her and could not wait until she felt him enter her. It had been too long.

His hands roamed over the front of her, tormenting her nipples as he nibbled along her neck, sending gooseflesh rushing over her.

“I could devour every inch of you and not get enough of you,” he whispered.

She encouraged him with a vigorous nod and continuous taps of her finger to his arm. They had established shortly after first meeting that one tap meant yes and two taps meant no. Continuous taps needed no explanation.

His hands worked their way down her body, caressing the sensuous curve of her hips, the soft, small roundness of her stomach left after the birth of the twins. It was as if he was touching her for the first time, learning the nuances of her body that giving birth had left her with and he found her even more beautiful.

“Your body is more gorgeous that I remember,” he murmured in her ear.

His words touched her heart and she tried to turn in his arms, wanting to hug him tight and never let him go, but his firm hold kept her as she was.

“You will stay as you are. I am not finished touching you,” he whispered and nipped loving at her ear and down along her neck.

Dawn shivered from the exquisite pleasure he was bringing her, thrilled with his intimate touches and lovingly whispered words. It had been far too long since they had been this intimate and it made her realize just how very much she missed it.

She gasped, the sound reverberating in her head since it could never escape, as his fingers worked their way through the thatch of dark hair between her legs and came to rest on the small bud that he began to tease so artfully. His thumb continued to work its magic while he slipped a finger inside her and after only a few moments she squirmed in his arms, trying to stop him. She would come if he continued on and she wanted him inside her when she did.

He tightened his grip on her and continued to tease. Finally, she gripped his hand and rubbed her backside against him, letting him know that it was him she wanted inside her.

He released her abruptly, spun her around, took hold of her with two hands at her waist and carried her over to the desk.

Though it took only a few steps to get there, it felt like an endless journey. All she could think about was being sprawled across his desk and him pounding into her, making her come again and again and again.

He set her on her feet in front of the desk, released her, and took a step back. “Your not disobey me again.”

Dawn stared at his back as he walked to the door. He could not be doing this. He could not mean to leave her in this state or himself. He was hard, rock-hard. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. He was not only punishing her, but himself as well.

How did she respond? Did she run after him and beg him? She certainly wanted to, but pride kept her from taking a step, though could not prevent tears from gathering in her eyes.

Keep going. Do not look back, Cree warned himself. She had to learn, for her own safety and his sanity that she had to obey him. And since all else had failed, he had no choice. She had to be punished, even if he suffered along with her.

His hand fell on the latch.


He felt her tears. He did not know how, but he felt them and the pain in her heart, for it was his pain as well.

“Damn!” he yelled and turned.