
Dear Dads,

The relationship a little boy has with his dad is so important. A good relationship helps establish a good self-image and self-confidence. Most little boys think their dads can do absolutely anything. Dad has a unique ability to teach his son the truths of the Bible and how to apply Scripture to life.

The Little Boys Bible Storybook for Fathers and Sons provides an opportunity to look at well-loved Bible stories through the eyes and hearts of the Bible characters who lived them. We don’t really know how these people felt about the experiences they lived through. But they were people like we are, so we can imagine how they felt. By thinking about how these people may have felt, we can learn lessons of how to apply Scripture to our lives and how to make God real in every aspect of life.

Caron Turk has hidden a little angel or lizard in each illustration. I know that you and your little boy will have fun looking for them. Hopefully, you’ll be able to discuss the Bible story as you do your angel/lizard search. Caron and I pray that this book will provide hours of “together time” and entertainment with a purpose for you and your son. We pray that you will grow closer together and that both you and your son will go deeper in your relationship with the Lord through reading and talking about this book.

God bless,
Carolyn Larsen
