Follow That Cloud!

Exodus 13:17–22, 14


God had one more miracle to convince Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt. The firstborn son in every Egyptian home died—even Pharaoh’s son. After that, Pharaoh told Moses, “Get out of Egypt.”

God came in a huge cloud and led the people out of Egypt. At night the cloud turned to fire. The Israelites knew that God was leading them.

“We’ll camp here,” Moses said when they were near the Red Sea. Things were fine until someone asked, “What’s that cloud of dust over there? It’s Pharaoh’s army! He’s changed his mind and sent his soldiers to bring us back.” The people complained to Moses again, “Did you bring us out here to die?”



“Watch what God will do for you!” Moses shouted. He held his shepherd’s staff out over the water and a strong wind began to blow. The water of the Red Sea splashed and blew. The people were amazed by what they saw.


“God is saving you,” Moses said. The wind blew the water into two big walls. The ground between the walls was dry.

“What does this mean?” the people asked.

“Go through,” Moses cried.



It took a long time for all the people to cross through the sea. “The Egyptian army is following us into the sea,” the Israelites said.

Then Moses raised his hand over the sea again, and the water crashed over the Egyptian soldiers and chariots.



Becoming a Man of God

A man of God sticks with a job.

There may have been times when Moses wanted to give up and leave the people to their complaining, but he didn’t. Moses stuck with the job God had given him.

Every time Moses or the people had a problem, Moses talked to God. He asked for God’s help and waited for his leading.

A Verse to Remember

The strength of those who wait with hope in the LORD will be renewed.

They will soar on wings like eagles.

They will run and won’t become weary.

They will walk and won’t grow tired.

Isaiah 40:31