Exodus 17:1–6
Moses dug his shepherd’s staff into the sand and pulled himself up the small hill. I’m tired, but I can’t stop, he thought. God gave me the job of leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Now thousands of men, women, and children are depending on me. I have to keep going.
“Wow, it’s hot out here,” someone said. “The sun is beating down.” Everyone was complaining about the heat. “Why can’t we stop and get a drink?” someone shouted from a few rows back. “A drink? Do you see any water around here?” the first man shouted back.
“We’re in a desert. There’s no water. Why didn’t you just leave us in Egypt, Moses? At least we had water there.” Moses was surrounded by angry people.
“God, help me. These people are getting angrier by the minute,” Moses prayed. “What am I going to do? There isn’t any water around here.” God answered, “Take some of the leaders and go to Mount Sinai. I’ll meet you there by a big rock.”
Moses called the leaders together and they left the shouting mob behind. “Moses, this is the rock,” God said. “Hit it with your staff.” When Moses hit the rock, water gushed from it. Everyone drank all they wanted. Once again, God had taken care of his people.
Becoming a Man of God
A man of God sees God’s power.
When Moses first told the people that God had called him to lead them out of Egypt, he did a miracle to prove God was with him. But at the slightest little problem, the Israelites started complaining again. That must have made God sad.
But every time the Israelites complained, Moses turned to God and asked, “What do I do now?” Each time, God answered Moses’s problem with a miracle.
A Verse to Remember
God has spoken once.
I have heard it said twice:
“Power belongs to God.”
Psalm 62:11