The Promised Land

Numbers 13–14


“God wants you to see how great the Promised Land is,” Moses said to the Israelites. “I’m sending in twelve spies to see what the land is like and how well the cities are protected.”

A few days later the twelve spies crept into the country, climbing mountains, crossing rivers, checking out the land. “Look at the size of those grapes over there!” one spy called. “Let’s take some back to show Moses and the people.” The land looked great, except for the giants who lived there.



Forty days after sneaking into the Promised Land, the spies returned to Moses and the Israelites. “The land is awesome. It’s like nothing you’ve seen before. It has good crops like these grapes, but . . .”

“But what?” someone said.

“Giant people live there and big walls surround every city,” one spy said.

“That doesn’t matter,” Joshua and Caleb said. “God said the land is ours. All we have to do is trust him and go for it.”

“No,” the other ten spies said. “There is no way we could beat those giants.” The people listened as the ten spies argued with Joshua and Caleb.

Finally the ten spies said, “We’re not going to try to fight giants.”



Caleb and Joshua were frustrated, and God was angry with the people. “I told you I was giving you the land,” he said. “Since you don’t believe me, you will wander around in the desert for forty years. Then, I’ll give the land to your children.”


Becoming a Man of God

A man of God trusts God.

God told the people that he was giving them the land of Canaan, but only Moses, Joshua, and Caleb believed him.

Trust means believing someone will do what they say they will do. The Israelites had seen God’s power before. They should have been able to trust him to give them the land of Canaan.

A Verse to Remember

Keep in mind that the LORD your God is the only God. He is a faithful God, who keeps his promise and is merciful to thousands of generations of those who love him and obey his commands.

Deuteronomy 7:9