Judges 7
“Every able-bodied man must join the army. We’re going to beat those Midianites once and for all!” Gideon announced. He was determined to have the biggest army Israel had ever seen. Soon 32,000 men were ready to fight.
“No,” God told Gideon. “If you win with that many soldiers, the Israelites will think they won without my help. Send some of the soldiers home.”
Gideon announced that anyone who was afraid could go home. Twenty-two thousand men left.
“Take your 10,000 men down to the river and tell them to get a drink,” God said. While the men drank, Gideon watched them.
Then Gideon said, “Every man who scooped water up in his hands can stay. Everyone else can go home.” Now Gideon’s army was down to 300 soldiers.
“We’re going to defeat the Midianites,” Gideon promised. “I know there are thousands more of them than there are of us. But God is on our side. Count off by threes and go stand with your group. This is how we’re going to win.” Gideon told the soldiers the plan that God had given him.
Around midnight the soldiers sneaked up on the Midianites. Each soldier carried a horn and a torch covered with a clay jar. When Gideon shouted, they broke the jars. The glowing torches and blaring horns scared the Midianites, and they ran away. Gideon’s little army won!
Becoming a Man of God
A man of God trusts God’s power.
Gideon had a good plan: get the biggest army together he could and then attack the enemy. But God had a different plan. He wanted everyone to know that this battle would be won by his power, not because Gideon had a big army. When God decides to do something, it will happen, however he chooses.
We must trust God’s word, his power, and his love. Think about a time when you’ve seen his power displayed. How did it make you feel?
A Verse to Remember
Be strong, all who wait with hope for the LORD,
and let your heart be courageous.
Psalm 31:24