1 Samuel 17
“I heard that giant has been making fun of God and this army twice a day for the last forty days. Why doesn’t someone stop him?” David asked King Saul’s soldiers. No one answered. They were all afraid of Goliath.
“Well, I’m not afraid and I’m just a kid!” David announced. “I’m going to fight that giant.”
King Saul was excited that someone had volunteered to fight Goliath. “Send the brave soldier to me,” he ordered. He was surprised when David walked in. “You’re just a boy. You can’t fight a giant.”
David said, “Yes, I can.”
“At least wear my armor,” the king said. David put it on, but it was so heavy he couldn’t even move.
“Take this off,” he said. “I’ll do this my way, with God’s help.”
David headed down the hill toward Goliath. On the way, he picked up some stones. Dropping one into his slingshot, he fixed his eyes on Goliath and marched on.
When Goliath saw the boy with the slingshot coming toward him, he became angry. “I’m going to tear you to shreds!” he shouted.
David swung his slingshot around his head and the stone flew through the air. It hit with a thud on Goliath’s forehead and he fell to the ground.
King Saul’s soldiers shouted, “The little guy won!” But David knew the truth: he didn’t win the battle, God did.
Becoming a Man of God
A man of God knows bigger isn’t always better.
Goliath probably felt his power deserved King Saul’s best soldier, not some young boy. One thing is for sure, he was positive that he would beat David.
David knew he had God on his side—and that was all he needed.
A Verse to Remember
Even when I am afraid, I still trust you.
Psalm 56:3