One “Hot” Rod

2 Kings 2


Elisha knew that Elijah wasn’t going to be around much longer. He wanted to learn as much as he could from the great prophet of God.


Elisha followed Elijah everywhere. Whenever they went to a new town, someone would ask him, “Did you know that God is going to take your master away soon?”

“Of course I know that,” Elisha always answered. He was afraid he would miss learning something about Elijah’s close walk with God.



One afternoon Elijah took off his robe and folded it. When he slapped the robe on the Jordan River, the water divided, and Elijah and Elisha crossed the river on dry ground.

Elijah asked, “What do you want me to do for you before I leave?”

“I want to be God’s prophet like you are,” Elisha answered.

“If you actually see me leave, then God will answer your request.” Suddenly a fiery chariot swooped down between them. Elisha realized that Elijah was leaving in the chariot.



After the chariot disappeared, Elisha picked up Elijah’s robe, folded it, and hit the water of the Jordan River. The waters parted, just as they had for Elijah. As Elisha walked through the river, he heard some prophets say, “Elisha has been chosen to take Elijah’s place.”



Becoming a Man of God

A man of God learns well.

Elisha made the most of his time by staying with Elijah every moment and studying everything that the great prophet of God did.

Is there someone you would like to learn from? What kinds of things would you like to learn from that person?

A Verse to Remember

Brothers and sisters, we ask you to show your appreciation for those leaders who work among you and instruct you.

1 Thessalonians 5:12