Matthew 2:13–23
When the wise men came with fancy gifts for Jesus, Joseph remembered what the angel had told him about the baby being the Son of God.
A few nights after the wise men left, Joseph tumbled into bed, tired from a long day of work. He was asleep when a voice in his dream called, “Joseph.”
“Joseph,” the voice said again. Even in his dream, Joseph knew it was the voice of God’s angel. “Take Mary and Jesus and get out of town. King Herod wants to hurt the baby,” the angel said.
“Mary, wake up. Get the baby. We have to leave town,” Joseph said as he got the donkey ready. Mary started to pack a few things before she woke the baby.
“No, we don’t have time to pack. An angel told me Jesus’s life is in danger,” Joseph said. In just a few minutes Mary was on the donkey, with Jesus sleeping in her arms. Joseph led them into the darkness.
Joseph led his little family all the way to Egypt. They planned to stay until the angel told them it was safe to take Jesus back home.
Finally, one night the angel came back to Joseph in a dream. “King Herod is dead,” the angel said. “It’s safe to take Jesus home now.”
Instead of returning to Bethlehem, they went back to Nazareth where their families lived.
Becoming a Man of God
A man of God cares for others.
Joseph was responsible for taking care of Jesus and keeping him safe. So when the angel let Joseph know that Jesus was in danger, he did the right thing by taking Jesus to Egypt. Who takes care of you?
A Verse to Remember
Be devoted to each other like a loving family. Excel in showing respect for each other.
Romans 12:10