John 6:1–13
“Momma, my friends are going to hear Jesus teach. Can I go?” the little boy asked.
“Yes, I’ll pack a lunch of bread and fish for you,” his mother said.
The little boy joined the crowd that had gathered to hear Jesus teach about God. It was getting late when one of Jesus’s disciples said, “Master, send these people home for dinner.”
The boy didn’t want Jesus to stop teaching. So when he heard Jesus tell the disciple, “No, you give them dinner,” he was thrilled.
“How? We have no food or money,” the disciple said.
“Sir,” the little boy said, “you can have my lunch. It’s not very big, but if you want it . . .”
The disciple frowned. “That won’t do any good with all these people.” The boy sat down, embarrassed for even thinking that his lunch could help.
Then a gentle hand lifted his chin. Jesus said, “Thank you for sharing your lunch.” He took it and lifted it up high. “Thank you, God, for this food,” he prayed.
Then Jesus broke the bread and fish into pieces and had the disciples pass it out to the people. They kept coming back for more. How is he getting so much food from my little lunch of five loaves of bread and two fish? the boy wondered.
More than 5,000 people had all they wanted to eat; then the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftovers. My lunch helped with a miracle! the boy thought.
Becoming a Man of God
A man of God shares what he has.
This boy was willing to give the little bit that he had, if it would help someone else. That’s Christian love in action—caring about others more than yourself.
Has someone ever shared something with you when you really needed it?
A Verse to Remember
Always do for other people everything you want them to do for you.
Matthew 7:12