The Short Storm

Luke 8:22–25


“Look at how the people listen to Jesus teach,” Peter said to John. “He’s been teaching for hours. He must be tired and hungry.”

When Jesus did finish teaching, the disciples started toward town to get dinner. But Jesus stopped them. “Let’s sail across the lake,” he said.

So the disciples climbed into the boat and raised the sail. Jesus sat down and went to sleep.



About halfway across the lake the wind picked up and began bouncing the boat up and down, blowing it sideways and splashing water into it.

“Lower the sail. We’re taking on water; start bailing!” someone shouted.

The disciples grabbed whatever they could find to scoop out water, but more and more water filled the boat.


Someone woke Jesus up. “Help us! We’re going to drown.”

Jesus stood up and looked out at the stormy waters. “Be quiet!” he ordered. Instantly the sea became calm, the wind died down, and the rain stopped. Everything was peaceful.



“How did he do that?” the disciples said to each other.

Jesus looked at his friends. “Where is your faith?” he asked. He was sad that they still didn’t really believe he was the Son of God.

The disciples were amazed. “Even the wind and waves do what he tells them to do,” they said.


Becoming a Man of God

A man of God learns from what he sees.

The disciples had seen Jesus do many miracles. They knew he was the Son of God. But they had trouble with trusting their lives to him.

How do you feel about Jesus when you read about miracles like this one? How do you see his power in the world around you?

A Verse to Remember

Indeed, you are great, a worker of miracles.

You alone are God.

Psalm 86:10