Luke 15:11–32
“Do you enjoy working on this farm?” the young man said to his older brother.
“Not really. But we have a lot to do, so get busy,” the older brother said.
“Well, you can stay here and work. I’m leaving.”
The younger son went to his dad and said, “Give me my share of your money now. I’m leaving home.”
When the young man got to the city, he did whatever he wanted to. Soon, all his money was gone.
I left home to get away from working. Now the only job I can find is feeding pigs, and they have more to eat than I do. I should go home, tell Dad I’m sorry, and ask him to let me work for him, the young man thought.
When his dad saw him coming, he was very happy. “My son is home!” he said, running to hug him.
“Make a big dinner. Put a purple robe and gold ring on my son,” the father said. “He’s home and we are going to celebrate!”
Meanwhile, the older son was working in the field. A servant told him about the party.
“I’ve been doing my work and his while he’s been gone. Now Dad is throwing him a party? There’s no way I’m going.”
When his older son didn’t come, the father went looking for him. “Don’t you understand how I feel? I thought your brother was gone forever, but now he’s back. It is time to celebrate.”
Becoming a Man of God
A man of God is forgiven.
This story is a good example of how God forgives us for the wrong things we do. Have you ever told God that you are sorry for bad things you have done? Tell him, and then thank him for forgiving you.
A Verse to Remember
God is faithful and reliable. If we confess our sins, he forgives them and cleanses us from everything we’ve done wrong.
1 John 1:9