Dirty Coats, Palm Branches, and Noisy Rocks

Luke 19:28–40


“Peter, I don’t have a good feeling about this,” John said.

“We’re just doing what Jesus told us to do,” Peter said. He untied the rope and started to lead the young donkey down the path.

“What are you doing?” the donkey’s owner asked.

Peter said, “Sir, we’re not stealing this donkey; the Master needs it.” Then the man nodded his head, quietly turned around, and went into his house. When Peter and John took the donkey to Jesus, he started to climb onto it. “Wait,” Peter said. Taking off his coat, he spread it on the donkey’s back and stepped aside so Jesus could get on the donkey.



The disciples walked as Jesus rode into Jerusalem. Word spread quickly that Jesus was coming, and soon crowds lined the road. They shouted, “Hosanna! Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”

What are these people doing? Peter wondered. He saw people waving palm branches. Other people had spread their coats on the ground so the donkey was stepping on them.



“Peter, look over there,” John said. Peter turned to see a group of Pharisees. “Tell your followers to be quiet,” one of them snapped at Jesus. The disciples turned to look at Jesus. What would he say to the religious leaders?

Jesus replied, “If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers.”


Becoming a Man of God

A man of God can’t help but praise him.

What an amazing sight! Jesus was riding a donkey down streets lined with people shouting praises, waving palm branches, and spreading their coats on the ground. The people couldn’t stop shouting their praises. They knew that Jesus was special.

How do you praise God?

A Verse to Remember

Let everything that breathes praise the LORD! Hallelujah!

Psalm 150:6