Matthew 21:12–17
“Best deals in town! Everything you need, right here!” The shouts could be heard throughout the temple, offering the best deals. The money-hungry salesmen even had signs advertising their deals.
When Jesus came to pray in the temple, he couldn’t believe what he saw. He was angry with the salesmen who were turning the house of prayer into a gathering place for thieves.
“This is not the way to treat God’s house,” he said. Walking up to one man’s table, Jesus swung his arm across it, brushing coins and papers to the floor.
“What do you think you are doing?” the man shouted. Jesus ignored him and began pushing over tables and ripping down signs.
“This is God’s house—my Father’s house—and it is to be a place of prayer. It is not a place for you to make money by cheating people who come to worship God,” Jesus said. He worked his way up and down the aisles, turning over table after table, spilling money and scattering people as he went.
When the floor was covered with coins and birds were flapping all over the temple, the money changers took off running, afraid of what Jesus might do next. But Jesus had made his point. He sat down and people quickly gathered around him. “Praise God for the Son of David!” they shouted.
Becoming a Man of God
A man of God takes a stand against wrong.
Jesus believed that the temple should not be a place where people came to make money. It was God’s house where people came to worship.
Have you ever seen someone being disrespectful of God’s house? Did you do anything to stop the wrong behavior?
A Verse to Remember
Obey me, and I will be your God, and you will be my people. Live the way I told you to live so that things will go well for you.
Jeremiah 7:23