Acts 16:16–40
The jailer shoved Paul into a dark cell in the center of the prison. Paul had been in prison before, but this time he knew that he and Silas were in big trouble. The jailer was given strict orders to keep them from escaping.
All I did was try to heal a young girl. You’d think people would thank me for that—instead they throw me in prison, Paul thought as he settled down on the floor with his feet in chains.
After the guards chained Silas to Paul, Paul said, “We can tell the other prisoners here how much God loves them. Even if we can’t see them, we can sing praises with all our hearts.”
Silas agreed. So they sang.
The other prisoners listened to Paul and Silas sing about God’s love.
Around midnight the walls and floor of the prison started shaking. The floor bounced and the men’s chains broke. The prison doors opened—the earthquake was setting every prisoner free.
“Stop!” Paul shouted. “All of you wait!” When the jailer heard about the earthquake, he thought, My prisoners have escaped. I’m in big trouble. Then he heard Paul shout, “Don’t worry; we’re all here!”
“You stayed here, even knowing that you might be killed?” the jailer asked. “How do I become a Christian like you?”
Becoming a Man of God
A man of God doesn’t take the easy way out.
Paul wanted to show other people what God was like. So Paul did the right thing and stayed in the prison. Because Paul behaved this way, the jailer wanted to know about God, and he and his whole family became Christians.
It’s not always easy to do the right thing. But doing the right thing shows that you love and serve God.
A Verse to Remember
Fear the LORD, and serve him with integrity and faithfulness.
Joshua 24:14