Ted Forge leaned forward in his seat. Next to him, his best friend, Ashley Alvarez, did the same. They were watching the best event to visit their town all year: Indy car racing. Ted and Ash were both serious go-kart racers and racing fans. They had been looking forward to the race for months.

“I think Jeff has a real shot this year,” Ted yelled. He had to shout to be heard over the roaring of the engines on the track.

Ashley nodded. They’d talked about Jeff Stevens a million times. He was their favorite driver, largely because he was from their town, Lakeville. He was having his best season ever this year.

The pack of cars sped by their seats and Ted and Ashley jumped to their feet. They cheered as Jeff’s number-eight car zoomed across the finish line.

“Another first-place finish for hometown favorite Jeff Stevens!” the announcer called out over the loudspeaker. “That puts him just nine points out of first in the standings.”

“One more win and he’s got it,” Ted said. He gave Ash a high five.

“Are you Jeff Stevens fans?” a boy next to them asked. He looked familiar.

Ash and Ted glanced at each other. “Isn’t everyone here a Jeff Stevens fan?” Ted said.

“Yeah,” Ashley added. “Jeff Stevens is from Lakeville, just like us.”

“He’s the hometown hero,” Ted said. “You must not be from around here, huh? Otherwise you’d know that.”

“Nope,” the boy said, smiling. “I live in the city. My dad grew up here. We come up every summer for a few weeks.”

Ted and Ash glanced at each other. They saw city kids come and go all the time in the summer. They came up to Lakeville to go fishing and boating and ride ATVs.

“I’m Jake, by the way,” the boy said.

“I’m Ashley,” Ash said, shaking his hand. “And this is Ted. We’re the two biggest racing fans in Lakeville.”

“In that case,” Jake said, “I’ll probably see you two tomorrow at Kart Kamp.”

Ted raised his eyebrows. “You’re going to Kart Kamp?” he asked.

Jake nodded. The Kart Kamp Racing, Engineering, and Pit School was going to be the highlight of Ted and Ash’s summer. They’d spend the next two weeks speeding around the track in their own Indy-style go-karts. They’d learn driving techniques and even get a chance to work in the pit. Apparently they were also going to get two weeks with Jake.

“Great,” said Ted, forcing a smile.

Ashley elbowed him in the side and motioned past Jake. She was grinning.

“What?” Ted asked.

“Look who’s coming,” Ash said.

Jeff Stevens was walking toward them. He was still wearing his racing jumpsuit and carrying his helmet under one arm.

Ted scrambled to find his racing program. “Do you have a pen?” he asked.

Ash already had her pen out. “Of course,” she said.

Jake shook his head. “He’s just a regular guy, you know,” he said.

“Maybe you’re not impressed, but we are,” Ash said. “We have Lakeville pride.”

“Yeah,” Ted agreed. “Who do you root for, anyway? Is one of the drivers from down in the city?”

Jake stifled a laugh as Jeff walked up.

“Hi, kids,” Jeff said. He clapped Ted and Jake on the shoulder. “Enjoy the race?”


“We sure did!” Ash said. She held out her pen. “Can you please sign my program?”

“Mine too?” Ted added, holding out his booklet.

Jeff laughed and took the pen from Ash. “Happy to,” he said. Then he turned to Jake. “You ready to grab some lunch?”

“Yup, be there in a minute,” Jake said.

Ted stared at Jake. Ashley’s mouth dropped open.

“Okay,” Jeff said. “Mom and I are ready when you are. See you kids later.” With that, he walked off.

Ted and Ash stared at Jake. Jake smiled back at them.

“Jeff Stevens is my dad,” Jake said. “Didn’t I mention that?”