“I’m going to be nicer to Jake today,” Ted said when Ash climbed into the front seat of his dad’s pickup.
“I’ll believe that when I see it,” Ash said.
Something was blocking the driveway to Kart Kamp when they pulled up. Ted and Ashley leaned forward to get a better look.
“What is that?” Ashley asked.
“It looks like Jeff Stevens’s car,” Ted said. “With a trailer on the back.”
Ted and Ash had never seen Jeff’s car up close, but they’d both read tons of articles about it and watched road-test videos online. The make and model was on both of their lists of dream cars.
Ted’s dad pulled into the drop-off circle. “Have a fun day,” he said.
Ted and Ash hopped out and joined a small group of campers who’d gathered around the car and trailer.
Jake climbed out of the passenger seat and walked to the trailer. The campers gasped when his dad opened the door.
“Hey, kids,” Jeff said, getting out of the car. “Excited to do some driving today?”
He opened the trailer door and pulled out the ramp. Jake’s red go-kart rolled out and onto the gravel.
“Thanks, Dad,” Jake said.
“No problem,” his dad replied. He closed up the trailer and climbed back into the car, waving as he drove off.
Ted stepped up next to Jake. “You bring your kart home every day?” he asked.
“No,” said Jake, pushing the kart toward the track. “It needed a tune-up.”
“So you had your dad’s pit team do it?” Ted said, shaking his head. “I can’t believe this guy!”
“Ted,” Ashley said. “Stop it.”
“This is so unfair!” Ted shouted, ignoring Ash’s warning. “He has all the best gear, and he can practice whenever he wants. And on top of that, he has his dad’s crew tuning up his kart.”
Jake stopped pushing his kart and turned to face Ted. He didn’t say anything.
“We’re supposed to be learning how to tune up our own karts,” Ted went on. “It’s half the point of the camp. It’s not just about showing off how cool your dad is and how much money you have!”
Jake took a deep breath. “Look,” he said. “I have another go-kart at home in the garage. It’s just as good as this one. You can use it all summer if you want.”
“What?” Ted said.
“And I can ask my dad’s team to help you as much as they can,” Jake offered.
Ted felt his face get hot. He glared at Jake. “That’s not the point!” he snapped. “I don’t need your help!” With that, Ted stomped off toward the track.
Ash caught up with Ted at the track. “What is your problem?” she demanded.
“Oh, leave me alone,” Ted said. He pretended to be concentrating hard on his car. He really didn’t want a lecture from Ash — mainly because he knew she was right.
“I will not leave you alone,” Ash said. “You say it’s unfair and treat Jake like dirt. Jake offers to level the playing field for you, and you shout at him some more.”
“Why are you defending him so much, anyway?” Ted said. He squinted up at her. “You have a crush on him or something?”
A few of the guys nearby laughed, and Ted smiled.
“Shut up, Ted,” Ash said. Her face went beet red, and she hurried away.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” said a boy nearby. The rest of the guys chuckled.
Now I’m insulting my friends too? Ted thought. What is wrong with me?