The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
- Alcor
- Addams, Charles
- adipose
- Addams Family
- Afghanistan
- Air France crash
- alginate
- alkaline hydrolysis
- Allen, Woody
- Amador, John Joe
- American Civil War
- American Cryonics Society
- Ammit (goddess)
- anatomical pathology technologists (APTs)
- anatomists
- Anatomy Act (1832)
- animism
- aortic mesh
- Armstrong, Neil
- Armstrong High School
- Arnos Vale cemetery
- arsenic
- arterial system
- Auschwitz
- autopsies (post-mortems)
- autopsy photos
- baby deaths
- BBC Radio
- Becker, Ernest
- Beesley, Clare
- Beethoven, Ludwig van
- beetles
- Benkard, Ernst
- Bentham, Jeremy
- bereavement wards
- Biggs, Ronnie
- bird flu
- birth certificates
- blood, separation of
- boat train crash
- body donations
- bone graters
- Botox
- Bourke-White, Margaret
- Boxing Day tsunami
- brains
- and cryonics
- breast implants
- Briley, Linwood Earl
- British Institute of Embalmers
- Bruce, Lenny
- Bryant, Tony
- Buchenwald concentration camp
- burials
- Burke and Hare
- Byrne, Charles
- cadaveric spasm
- Cagney, James
- calico sheets
- Campbell, Eddie
- Camus, Albert
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- Carson, Johnny
- Carter, Kevin
- Catholics
- Cave, Nick
- Centre for Death and Society (University of Bath)
- Chapman, Annie
- Chatham, George ‘Taters’
- chemotherapy
- chrysanthemums
- Clarke, Arthur C.
- Clarke, Lord Justice
- Clinton, Bill
- ‘closure’ (the word)
- Coen brothers
- concentration camps
- consciousness
- Cooper, John William
- Coppola, Frank James
- coronavirus pandemic
- Creed II,
- cremation
- crematoria
- Crime Scene Cleaners, Inc.
- Cromwell, Oliver
- crucifixion
- cryonics
- Cryonics Institute
- Dahmer, Jeffrey
- Dalai Lama
- De La Campa, Captain Robert
- death certificates
- death masks
- death penalty
- death statistics
- decomposition
- defibrillators
- DeLillo, Don
- Dell, Thomas
- dental records
- depression
- Depression era
- detachment
- Detroit
- diabetes
- Diana, Princess
- Dick, Philip K.
- Didion, Joan
- dildos
- dissection
- Donahue, Phil
- Doughty, Caitlin
- Dow, David R.
- dressing the dead
- drug users
- Dubai, airport crash
- Dunham, Gail
- Eddowes, Catherine
- edema
- Edinburgh Guild of Surgeons and Barbers
- Egypt, ancient
- Egyptair crash
- Einstein, Albert
- El Cerrito Police Department
- electric chair
- Elliott, Robert G.
- Ellsworth, Colonel Elmer
- embalming
- and cryonics
- embalming fluids
- epilepsy
- ethyl mercaptan
- Ettinger, Robert
- euphemisms
- European Broadcasting Union
- euthanasia
- Everglades National Park
- executions
- eye caps
- eyebrows
- faces
- Falklands War
- Farley, Chris
- feet
- fentanyl
- Figueroa, Alfredo
- fingerprints
- firing squads
- Fisher, Dean
- Fixodent
- fly prints
- formaldehyde
- Francel, Joseph
- Francis, Pope
- Franco, General Francisco
- Frankenstein,
- Franklin, Aretha
- Franklin, Benjamin
- Fraser, ‘Mad’ Frankie
- Freeman, Morgan
- Friedland, Paul
- Futurama
- Gabor, Zsa Zsa
- gag reflex
- Gannal, Jean-Nicolas
- gardening
- Geldzahler, Henry
- genetic counselling
- Germanwings
- ghosts
- Givens, Jerry
- Gladstone, William
- Good, Daniel
- Gore, Dr Philip
- Gorer, Geoffrey
- gravediggers
- Great Train Robbery
- Greeks, ancient
- Grenfell Tower
- Gross, Terry
- guillotine
- hands
- Harrington rods
- Harvey, William
- heads, removal of
- heart bypass valves
- Heartlands Hospital
- hearts, weighing
- Henry VIII, King
- hepatitis
- Hepworth, Barbara
- Highgate Cemetery
- hip replacement
- Hitchens, Christopher
- HMS Hermes
- hoarding
- Hocutt, Donald
- Holmes, Thomas
- homeless people
- homosexuality
- Horsley, Sebastian
- hospice movement
- Hover, Dow B.
- Hugo, Victor
- Hulbert, John
- humectants
- Hunter, John
- Hunter, William
- Hunterian Museum
- Hutchinson, Asa
- images of death
- implants
- Indonesian genocide
- infant mortality
- Iredale, Lara-Rose
- Jack the Ripper
- Jackson, Samuel L.
- Jackson, Shirley
- James IV of Scotland, King
- Jefferson, Thomas
- Jernigan, Joseph Paul
- Johnson, Denis
- Jones, Cleve
- Jones, Neil R.
- Keitel, Harvey
- Kelly, Mary
- Kemmler, William
- Kendall, Captain George
- Kennedy, John F.
- Kenyon
- King’s Cross fire
- Knight, Bernard
- Kosovo War
- Kowalski, Dennis
- Kray, Ronnie
- Kristeva, Julia
- Lambeth Cemetery
- lanolin
- Lawes, Lewis E.
- Lenin, V. I.
- lethal injections
- Levy, Ariel
- Libya airport crash
- Lincoln, Abraham
- lizard’s tails, amputated
- lobsters
- Logan’s Run
- Lombardo, Rosalia
- London Bridge attack
- lungs
- Lynch, David
- McCarthy, Cormac
- McLaren, Malcolm
- Mahler, Gustav
- Mailer, Norman
- Malaysian Airlines
- Marchioness disaster
- Mardall, Poppy
- Marley, Robert
- mass graves
- maternal deaths
- Mattick, Anthony
- Mayo, Dr William
- Mayo Clinic
- Convocation of Thanks
- Mayor of London
- memory boxes
- Mendieta, Ascensíon
- mercury, in teeth
- Metropolitan Police
- midwives
- Milk, Harvey
- miscarriages
- Mitford, Jessica
- Monroe, Marilyn
- Moore, Alan
- Moore, Captain Tom
- Morrison, Toni
- mortuaries
- Moscone, George
- Motown Records
- multiple sclerosis
- mummification
- Muslims
- Mythbusters
- nails, polished
- nanotechnology
- National Air Disaster Alliance/Foundation
- Nelson, Bob
- Nelson, Maggie
- New York City murders
- New York Mirror
- New York Times
- Newgate prison
- Nichols, Polly
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
- Northern Ireland cemeteries
- O’Toole, Kate
- O’Toole, Peter
- Oakwood Cemetery
- Oliver, Mark (‘Mo’)
- Omni Magazine
- pacemakers
- Patton, General
- perfusion
- personal effects
- pets
- Philippines
- photography, and death
- phrenology
- plane crashes
- Plummer, Dr Henry
- police divers
- pornography
- post-mortems, see autopsies
- Power, Father
- Powers, Austin
- Powers, Richard
- pregnancy loss
- Prohibition, repeal of
- prostate cancer
- Pryor, Richard
- Pulp Fiction
- putrefaction
- pyramids
- Rae, Maggie
- Rammstein
- rat infestations
- Reagan, Ronald
- reanimated organisms
- reconstructions
- reconstructive wax
- Rector, Ricky Ray
- Rees-Mogg, Jacob
- Regnier, Terry
- resurrectionists
- Resusci Anne
- reverse engineering of life
- Reynolds, Bruce
- Reynolds, Nick
- rhinoplasty
- Richardson, Ruth
- Richmond, Virginia
- Richmond Police Department
- Richter, Max
- rigor mortis
- Rochester, Minnesota
- Rogers, Fred
- Romans
- Ross, Calen
- St Thomas’ Hospital
- Samaritans
- Sandness, Andy
- Sands
- Santa Cruz Police Department
- Saunders, Cicely
- scars
- Scotland Yard, Black Museum
- Seth, Anil
- shampoo
- sharks
- Shelley, Mary
- Shepherd, Richard
- shoulders, partitioning of
- Simon, David
- Sinclair, Kevin
- Sing Sing Correctional Facility
- Sisters of Saint Francis
- smells
- Smither, Neal
- snapping turtles
- Solanas, Valerie
- Sontag, Susan
- Sopranos, The
- Sotheby’s
- Southwood Smith, Dr
- Spain, Pact of Forgetting
- Spanish flu
- Sri Lanka
- stents
- stillbirths
- stress hormones
- Stride, Elizabeth
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
- suicides
- Suspended Animation
- Swank, Edgar W.
- Sydenham chorea
- Tacloban
- Taj Mahal
- Tana Toraja (Indonesia)
- Tarantino, Quentin
- tattoos
- taxidermy
- testicular implants
- Thames, river
- Thames Wapping Police Underwater Unit
- thyroplasty
- Tolstoy, Leo
- Tommy’s
- transhumanist movement
- Travolta, John
- trochars
- Troyer, Dr John
- Troyer, Ron
- True Grime
- Trump, Donald
- tumours
- and cremation
- Tunisia mass shooting
- Typhoon Haiyan
- United Airlines crash
- unpreparedness
- US National Library of Medicine
- van Butchell, Martin
- van der Kolk, Bessel
- Vergara, Camilo José
- Victorians
- Vietnam War
- viewing bodies, after disasters
- Virginia, death penalty
- virtual autopsy table
- Visible Human Project
- Wall, Kim
- Wallace-Wells, David
- war photojournalism
- Warhol, Andy
- Warwick Castle
- Washington, Earl, Jr
- Weegee (Arthur Fellig)
- Wellington, Duke of
- whales
- wicker coffins
- widowers
- Wojnarowicz, David
- Wollstonecraft, Mary
- women, and funeral training
- worms