Many terms, especially commands in scripting additions, consist of multiple words
. An example frequently used in this book is display dialog
. You might think that such a term would present extra challenges for resolution, but in actual fact just the opposite appears to be the case; multiple-word
terms are a good thing:
Terms that you create in a script can't contain spaces unless surrounded by pipes—and pipes mean that no dictionary will be consulted. Therefore the probability of your creating a term in a script that clashes with a dictionary-based multiple-word term is zero.
The more words a term consists of, the more likely it is that this term is unique among all dictionaries. This is especially important with scripting additions, whose terms are globally visible; for this reason, well-behaved scripting additions tend to use multiple-word commands.
This is the really surprising part. Consider, for example, the scripting addition command set the clipboard to
. Even though
is a command, and the
is usually ignored, and clipboard
could be a variable name (and is in fact a property defined by AppleScript), no confusion arises:
local clipboard, tester set clipboard to "Mannie" -- sets the variable clipboard set the tester to "Moe" -- sets the variable tester (ignoring "the") set the clipboard to "Jack" --sets the system scrap
Though I don't know the details, a natural explanation of AppleScript's success in resolving multiple-word terms would be that it tries the longest possible combinations of words first.
A multiple-word property name can be a little troublesome. The most commonly encountered example is text item delimiters
(Chapter 16). Here's what happens when you use this term in a tell block targeting a scriptable application:
tell application "Finder"
get text item delimiters -- error: Finder got an error: Can't get text item delimiters
end tell
In that code, AppleScript successfully resolves text item delimiters
as the 'txdl'
property, but then it makes a mistake: it sends an Apple event to the Finder, asking for this property. The Finder has no 'txdl'
property, so it returns an error. The usual workaround is to add my
or AppleScript's
tell application "Finder"
get my text item delimiters -- fine
end tell
But no Apple event is sent to the Finder in the case of a one-word global property:
tell application "Finder" get space end tell
I believe this is the same behavior discussed in "No Terminology Clash," earlier in this chapter: space
is a name already in scope, and we don't say this is the Finder's space
, so it is assumed to be our space
(meaning AppleScript's space
). Evidently this rule breaks down with multiple-word properties. Fortunately, multiple-word properties that you might be tempted to use unqualified (without saying of
something) are very rare—indeed, text item delimiters
is probably the only one.