Christopher stopped and stared at August. “I know you’re having a hard time being here. I get it. This is really hard for me too, you know. I’m trying to live with my mistake and accept that you don’t want me, but every time I see you, all I want to do is kiss you.” He reached up and cupped August’s face.


August shivered at his touch, a touch that was still so familiar even though it had been a lifetime since the last one. “We shouldn’t do this,” he said. It was getting harder and harder to mean it. Christopher had been so attentive, so charming. He was still so beautiful, even more so, if that was possible, grown into his looks and burnished with time. August curled his hand around Christopher’s bicep.


“I know,” Christopher whispered. Then he closed the distance between them and kissed August.


It was perfect.


Christopher’s mouth felt like home, his kisses a memory from another time. August was a kid again, falling in love and dreaming of forever. He clutched Christopher’s arms and moaned into the kiss. Christopher deepened the kiss and ran his free hand down August’s back until he’d wrapped it around August’s hip. August shivered and leaned closer.


It was trouble, he knew damn well it was trouble, but it felt better than anything he’d felt since Christopher walked out of his life.