

Bar Mitzvah (Bat Mitzvah for girls): coming of age ritual when a boy turns thirteen


Bimah: a raised platform with a reading desk where those leading the service stand


Hashem: a name for God used by religious Jews outside of the context of prayer


Hasidism: a traditional, mystical-based sect of Judaism; communities adhere to strict, fundamentalist practices


Hazzan: or cantor; a non-rabbinic clergy trained in vocal arts who leads a congregation in prayer


Kashrut: or kosher; the laws that define what foods can be eaten by religious Jews


Latkes: potato pancakes; a traditional food for Chanukah


Minyan: a group of at least ten people (men only in this context) assembled for prayer


Pesach: the holiday of Passover, commemorating the ancient Jews’ flight from Egypt


Rebbe: or rabbi; the religious leader of the congregation


Shabbos: the weekly Sabbath that begins at sundown on Friday and ends at sundown on Saturday


Shayna: term of endearment meaning beautiful


Shul: or synagogue; the house of worship


Tallis: a Jewish prayer shawl


Torah: the first five books of the Hebrew Bible


Treyf: not kosher


Yarmulke: the round head covering worn by religious Jewish men and by observant, progressive Jewish women