Chapter Forty-Four

The new safe house was a lot like the first cabin, Sam noticed as they pulled up. It was nestled in the mountains, but it was built mostly of stone and was much older than the one in Tennessee. There was also a safety bunker in the woods, but Garrett spared her the cruel lessons and let her mark the path herself the first time they walked it.

She would be ready. She just hoped she wouldn’t need to be.

This cabin was drafty and chilly. Not that she was complaining. They spent evenings in the living room, snuggled up on the sofa in front of a roaring fire, talking, laughing, and kissing.

She’d rarely been as happy.

On Christmas Eve, she brought his wrapped present out and set it on the table in the dining room.

“Can I open it?” he asked, his eyes bright and hopeful.

“Not until tomorrow.”

“Then why did you bring it out?”

She shrugged. “To torment you, mostly.”

He picked it up and shook it. It rattled nondescriptly. “Hmm. It’s kind of big.”

“Yeah, well, don’t get too excited. You know where it came from, and how much money I had.”

“Still, I’m really excited to open it.”

She grinned. “Good thing tomorrow is Christmas.”

He wound his arms around her waist and kissed her. “Do I get to unwrap anything tonight?” he asked as he kissed down her neck and ran his fingers up her back.

God, she loved when he did that. “Have you been naughty or nice?” she murmured.

“I’ve been very, very naughty, and it’s bound to get worse.”

“One person’s naughty could be another person’s nice,” she said with a wink, unbuttoning his jeans. With a wicked laugh, she tugged them down right there in the dining room.

They made good use of the chairs, and the table, then moving to the sofa, and eventually the bed. He touched her in ways she hadn’t even known she liked. When she responded with throaty moans, he made smug little sounds she couldn’t help but love. She fell asleep almost immediately after he’d collapsed next to her.

“We are really good at this,” she heard him say before she was out.

It was true. They were very good at it.

Garrett woke her the next morning by bouncing on the bed.

“Wake up. It’s Christmas. I want to open my present.” He stopped bouncing only to launch a full-fledged attack of kisses on her face and neck.

“I should have let you open it last night,” she mumbled into her arm as she tried to hide.

“Come on. Get up.” He moved from kissing to tickling.

There was no use fighting it. She knew she wouldn’t win. “Fine. I’m coming.” She looked at the clock. It was only seven. “What good is it to be in protective custody if I can’t even sleep in?” she grumbled as she found some clothes and put them on.

The smell of coffee and…something else…filled the hall as she headed toward the kitchen and living room. Hmm. Pine?

She went through the arch into the living room and saw the tree.

It was beautiful. A small blue spruce with white lights and red glass balls.

She held back tears as she took in the presents under the tree and Garrett sitting on the floor next to them with a huge smile on his face.


“The whole mountain is full of trees. I ordered decorations online, along with a few other things.”

Under the tree were a few extra packages, wrapped in the same snowman paper as the one for him.

“I think I’m going to need another pass,” she murmured. The tears were already running over.

She sat next to him, and he hugged her. “Granted.”

“Oh, Garrett.”

“Merry Christmas, Sam,” he said seriously before the smile came back with a vengeance. “Can I open my present now?”

“Yes.” She wiped her tears away.

She thought she’d teared up because she was touched by his gesture. But now she realized it was far worse. Because she wished she could spend every Christmas with him from now on, just like this.

And it wasn’t possible.

She’d barely gotten the word out before the paper was ripped off and he was laughing.

“Are you kidding me?” he said, holding up the box. “Risk? I love this game. My best friend had it, and we always played it when I stayed at his house.”

“I figured you’d like it, since you’re so big on strategy.” She loved seeing him so excited. It was like they were a normal couple for a few moments.

“Open yours.” He handed over two presents. “Wait. Let me take your picture.” He pulled out his phone and she smiled for the camera in front of the tree. “Okay. This one first,” he instructed as he gestured to the larger of the two packages.

She opened the gift and found the book she’d been reading before her life got turned upside down.

“I don’t think you ever got to finish that one, so I thought you might want to, now that we have all this time on our hands.”

“Thanks. I had wondered how it ended.” She smiled and picked up the other package. Under the paper was a small velvet box. The type that jewelry came in.

Her heartbeat kicked up as she popped open the lid and looked down at the necklace it held. The aquamarine was very similar to the one she’d had before.

“I know how sad you were when I took your jewelry away. I felt bad about it.”

“Don’t be. My mother won that necklace at work. It was just a coincidence that it was my birthstone.”

He tugged at his bottom lip for a second with a strange look. “Let me help you put it on.” Once the chain was fastened around her neck, he turned back to the tree. “Isn’t it awesome?” The proud look on his face as he sipped his coffee made her day.

“It’s the prettiest tree I’ve ever had.” Truly, it was.

“Me, too.”

She smiled and watched him as he gazed at the tree. He’d said he’d never had a tree before, and she felt lucky to be the one to experience this first one with him.

Even if it would only be this one time.