There was determination boiling in Claire. Stone’s study left her with a growing festering scorn for two people she had once trusted. But Claire could see that Stone’s feeble health was closing down – how long did she now have to confront him on this squalid duplicity?
Late afternoon, alone in her flat, Claire’s phone buzzed on the kitchen table. Answering, Claire was jolted.
‘You haven’t been to visit me,’ James said. His voice sounded very quiet.
‘I have called the hospital a few times. And I’ve been very busy on something else important.’
‘I thought you’d like to know I’m being discharged. I’m getting bored in here anyway. There’s lots to do on the site and I need to get back.’
‘When?’ Claire shot the question.
‘Sign off tomorrow, I hope. Scan shows brain all clear. No permanent damage.’
‘You’ve been in intensive care. Broken bones in your arm and leg, they’ll take a while to heal, and what about a knife dragged across your back?’ Claire replied.
‘Just a few weeks walking around on crutches, arm in a sling, usual stuff. But that won’t stop me. I expect to be back on site beginning next week when I’ll deal with that criminal.’
‘I’ve altered security on the site; we need to talk before you return.’
‘Why have you done that?’ James’s question was sharp; his arrogance was mounting.
‘I want everybody off that site and that includes you.’
‘Look, it was an accident; I fell off the scaffold – that could happen to anyone.’
‘The police will decide that. Knife blades flashing around is nothing to do with an accident.’
‘What have you said to the police?’
‘Only what I remember. You were scooped up from the wet grass at the bottom of the scaffold, groaning in pain. I don’t think you’re going to forget that. Do you want more?’ Claire did not wait for James to answer. ‘I’ll call in a day or two,’ she added quickly and closed the call.
Claire felt her pulse race. There were volatile confrontations to come. Sipping from a glass of her favourite white wine, Claire was now ready to get Rick’s money back, but pricking James’s puffed-up ego and facing off Harry Stone for one very last time would be more satisfying than the bank account.