The Media Projection APIs

Android 5.0 debuted the ability for Android apps to take screenshots of whatever is in the foreground. It further allows apps to record full-resolution video of whatever is in the foreground, for screencasts, product demo videos, and the like. For whatever reason, this is called “media projection”, and is based around classes like MediaProjectionManager.

In this chapter, we will explore how to use the media projection APIs to record screenshots and screencast-style videos.


Understanding this chapter requires that you have read the core chapters.

Having read the chapter on using the camera APIs would not be a bad idea, particularly for video recording, though it is not essential.

Requesting Screenshots

Here, “screenshot” (or “screen capture”) refers to generating an ordinary image file (e.g., PNG) of the contents of the screen. Most likely, you have created such screenshots yourself for a desktop OS (e.g., using the PrtSc key on Windows or Linux). Android’s development tools allow you to take screenshots of devices and emulators, and there is a cumbersome way for users to take screenshots using the volume and power keys.

The media projection APIs allow you to take a screenshot of whatever is in the foreground… which does not necessarily have to be your own app. Indeed, you can take screenshots of any app, plus of system-supplied UI, such as the pull-down notification shade.

Not surprisingly, this has privacy and security issues. As such, in order to be able to take screenshots, the user must agree to allow it. In particular, instead of a durable permission that the user might grant once and forget about, the user has to agree to allow your app to take screenshots every time you want to do so.

The MediaProjection/andshooter sample project allows you to take screenshots on demand, whether from a Notification or from a broadcast, such as one triggered from the command line.

Asking for Permission

To get permission from the user, we get an instance of the MediaProjectionManager system service and call createScreenCaptureIntent():


import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
  private static final int REQUEST_SCREENSHOT=59706;
  private MediaProjectionManager mgr;

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



  protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    if (requestCode==REQUEST_SCREENSHOT) {
      if (resultCode==RESULT_OK) {
        Intent i=
            new Intent(this, ScreenshotService.class)
                .putExtra(ScreenshotService.EXTRA_RESULT_CODE, resultCode)
                .putExtra(ScreenshotService.EXTRA_RESULT_INTENT, data);


(from MediaProjection/andshooter/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andshooter/

This is designed for use with startActivityForResult(). Starting that activity brings up a dialog for the user to confirm that we should be allowed to take screenshots and record screencasts:

andshooter Permission Dialog
Figure 820: andshooter Permission Dialog

In onActivityResult(), if our request for permission was granted, we pass the details along via Intent extras to a ScreenshotService that we start using startService().

MainActivity uses Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar to have no UI, so once we get our result, we finish() the activty.

Setting Up the Notification

The onCreate() method of the ScreenshotService simply obtains access to the WindowManager and MediaProjectionManager system services, plus sets up a HandlerThread that the MediaProjectionManager will want:

  public void onCreate() {


    handler=new Handler(handlerThread.getLooper());
(from MediaProjection/andshooter/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andshooter/

onStartCommand() performs different work based upon the Intent action used to start this service:

  public int onStartCommand(Intent i, int flags, int startId) {
    if (i.getAction()==null) {
      resultCode=i.getIntExtra(EXTRA_RESULT_CODE, 1337);
    else if (ACTION_RECORD.equals(i.getAction())) {
      if (resultData!=null) {
      else {
        Intent ui=
          new Intent(this, MainActivity.class)

    else if (ACTION_SHUTDOWN.equals(i.getAction())) {

(from MediaProjection/andshooter/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andshooter/

In the case where there is no action string, this must be the Intent from the startService() call in MainActivity. So, we grab and hold onto that result code and result Intent passed in via extras, then call foregroundify() to set up a the service as a foreground service with an associated Notification:

  private void foregroundify() {
    NotificationManager mgr=

      mgr.getNotificationChannel(CHANNEL_WHATEVER)==null) {
      mgr.createNotificationChannel(new NotificationChannel(CHANNEL_WHATEVER,
        "Whatever", NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT));

    NotificationCompat.Builder b=
      new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, CHANNEL_WHATEVER);






  private PendingIntent buildPendingIntent(String action) {
    Intent i=new Intent(this, getClass());


    return(PendingIntent.getService(this, 0, i, 0));
(from MediaProjection/andshooter/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andshooter/

That Notification, in turn, has “record” and “shutdown” actions that will trigger ScreenshotService with custom action strings, to trigger other branches within onStartCommand().

The downside of relying upon a foreground Notification is that the user has to interact with that Notification to request the screenshot. As a result, that Notification — and the rest of the notification tray — will be visible in the screenshot. While this could be addressed by delaying the screenshot, we do not know how long to wait. It would be nice to be able to operate andshooter without affecting the screen.

Fortunately, we can, courtesy of adb.

As is covered in the chapter on ADB, it is possible to use the adb shell am command to start an activity, start a service, and send a broadcast. In this case, since we are using a service for managing the recording process, we can use adb shell am to trigger the same actions that the Notification does.

This, however, requires that our ScreenshotService be exported. For the PendingIntent objects used in the Notification, we would not need to export the service. Invoking the service from the command line, however, does require an exported service, since the command line is not the app itself and therefore is considered to be a third-party client of the app. Moreover, there is no obvious way to validate that the commands were sent from adb shell am, which means that when andshooter is installed, any app could send commands to ScreenshotService.

From a security standpoint, this is not great. The user still has to be involved to grant permission to record the screen, which limits the security risk a little bit. However, in general, you should not run andshooter on your own personal device, due to this security hole. Or, at minimum, run andshooter, then uninstall it immediately when you are done with it, so it does not linger where malware might try to use it.

The andshooter project contains a bash script to invoke the ScreenshotService. This should be able to be trivially converted to Windows command file; the proof of this is left as an exercise for the reader:


adb shell am startservice -n \
sleep 2s

adb pull /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ $1
adb shell rm /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/

NOTE: the backslashes indicate where a line break was added to allow these lines to fit on the width of the page

Capturing a Screenshot

If the user asks to record a screenshot — via the Notification or the shell script — startCapture() is called:

  private void startCapture() {
    projection=mgr.getMediaProjection(resultCode, resultData);
    it=new ImageTransmogrifier(this);

    MediaProjection.Callback cb=new MediaProjection.Callback() {
      public void onStop() {

      it.getWidth(), it.getHeight(),
      VIRT_DISPLAY_FLAGS, it.getSurface(), null, handler);
    projection.registerCallback(cb, handler);
(from MediaProjection/andshooter/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andshooter/

We start by asking our MediaProjectionManager to give us a MediaProjection object, using the permission that we obtained from createScreenCaptureIntent(), as embodied in the result code and result Intent we were given in onActivityResult().

We then ask the MediaProjection to create a VirtualDisplay, tied to an ImageTransmogrifier and its ImageReader. We will see more about the ImageTransmogrifier shortly. The VirtualDisplay basically is a fake screen which is used for collecting screenshots and screencasts.

To create a VirtualDisplay need to provide:

  static final int VIRT_DISPLAY_FLAGS=
(from MediaProjection/andshooter/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andshooter/

We also need to know about events surrounding the MediaProjection itself, so we create and register a MediaProjection.Callback.

The ImageTransmogrifier

ImageTransmogrifier, in its constructor, sets about determining the screen size (using WindowManager and getDefaultDisplay()). Since high-resolution displays will wind up with very large bitmaps, and therefore slow down the data transfer, we scale the width and height until such time as each screenshot will contain no more than 512K pixels.

  ImageTransmogrifier(ScreenshotService svc) {

    Display display=svc.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
    Point size=new Point();


    int width=size.x;
    int height=size.y;

    while (width*height > (2<<19)) {


    imageReader=ImageReader.newInstance(width, height,
        PixelFormat.RGBA_8888, 2);
    imageReader.setOnImageAvailableListener(this, svc.getHandler());
(from MediaProjection/andshooter/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andshooter/

Then we create a new ImageReader, which boils down to a class that manages a bitmap Surface that can be written to, using our specified width, height, and bit depth. In particular, we are saying that there are two possible outstanding bitmaps at a time, courtesy of the 2 final parameter, and that we should be notified when a new image is ready, by registering the ImageTransmogrifier as the listener. The Handler is used so that we are informed about image availability on our designated background HandlerThread.

We find out when a screenshot is available via the ImageReader.Callback we set up in ImageTransmogrifier, specifically its onImageAvailable() callback. Since ImageTransmogrifier itself is implementing the ImageReader.Callback interface, ImageTransmogrifier has the onImageAvailable() implementation:

  public void onImageAvailable(ImageReader reader) {
    final Image image=imageReader.acquireLatestImage();

    if (image!=null) {
      Image.Plane[] planes=image.getPlanes();
      ByteBuffer buffer=planes[0].getBuffer();
      int pixelStride=planes[0].getPixelStride();
      int rowStride=planes[0].getRowStride();
      int rowPadding=rowStride - pixelStride * width;
      int bitmapWidth=width + rowPadding / pixelStride;

      if (latestBitmap == null ||
          latestBitmap.getWidth() != bitmapWidth ||
          latestBitmap.getHeight() != height) {
        if (latestBitmap != null) {

            height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);


      ByteArrayOutputStream baos=new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      Bitmap cropped=Bitmap.createBitmap(latestBitmap, 0, 0,
        width, height);

      cropped.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, baos);

      byte[] newPng=baos.toByteArray();


  Surface getSurface() {
(from MediaProjection/andshooter/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andshooter/

This is complex.

First, we ask the ImageReader for the latest image, via acquireLatestImage(). If, for some reason, there is no image, there is nothing for us to do, so we skip all the work.

Otherwise, we have to go through some gyrations to get the actual bitmap itself from Image object. The recipe for that probably makes sense to somebody, but that “somebody” is not the author of this book. Suffice it to say, the first six lines of the main if block in onImageAvaialble() get access to the bytes of the bitmap (as a ByteBuffer named buffer) and determine the width of the bitmap that was handed to us (as an int named bitmapWidth).

Because Bitmap objects are large and therefore troublesome to allocate, we try to reuse one where possible. If we do not have a Bitmap (latestBitmap), or if the one we have is not the right size, we create a new Bitmap of the appropriate size. Otherwise, we use the Bitmap that we already have. Regardless of where the Bitmap came from, we use copyPixelsFromBuffer() to populate it from the ByteBuffer we got from the Image.Plane that we got from the Image that we got from the ImageReader.

You might think that this Bitmap would be the proper size. However, it is not. For inexplicable reasons, on some devices, it will be a bit larger, with excess unused pixels on each row on the end. This is why we need to use Bitmap.createBitmap() to create a cropped edition of the original Bitmap, for our actual desired width.

We then compress() the cropped Bitmap into a PNG file, get the byte array of pixel data from the compressed result, and hand that off to the ProjectorService via processImage().

Saving the Screenshot

In processImage(), we write the PNG to a file, update the MediaStore so it knows about the image, play an acknowledgment tone to let the user know the screenshot is ready, and call stopCapture():

  void processImage(final byte[] png) {
    new Thread() {
      public void run() {
        File output=new File(getExternalFilesDir(null),

        try {
          FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream(output);


            new String[] {output.getAbsolutePath()},
            new String[] {"image/png"},
        catch (Exception e) {
          Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Exception writing out screenshot", e);

(from MediaProjection/andshooter/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andshooter/

All stopCapture() does is close down the MediaProjection and associated virtual display, to clean things up in preparation for the next screenshot:

  private void stopCapture() {
    if (projection!=null) {
(from MediaProjection/andshooter/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andshooter/

Recording the Screen

Here, a “screencast” refers to a full-motion video of what goes on the screen. You can think of it as a series of screenshots all written to one video file (e.g., an MP4). Many apps on the Play Store have screencasts as part of their product profile, so you can see what the app looks like when it is run.

Android’s media projection APIs allow you to capture screencasts, using a mechanism similar to the one used to take screenshots. You have to ask permission from the user to be able to record the screen, and that permission will last for the duration of one screen recording. During that period of time, you can direct Android to make a duplicate copy of what goes on the screen to a video file. This winds up using the MediaRecorder API along with dedicated media projection APIs, which is a bit awkward, since MediaRecorder is really aimed at using the device camera to record videos of the world outside the device.

Jake Wharton, with his open source Telecine app, helped blaze the trail in how these APIs are supposed to work, since the documentation, as usual, is limited.

The MediaProjection/andcorder sample project offers screen recording through the media projection APIs. In the end, andcorder does the same basic stuff as does Telecine, with fewer bells and whistles. Also, the control channel is different: Telecine uses a screen overlay, while andcorder uses a foreground Notification or the command line.

Requesting Media Projection… Without a GUI

As with andshooter, andcorder has a MainActivity that uses MediaProjectionManager and createScreenCaptureIntent() to get permission from the user to record the screen, passing the results along to a RecorderService:


import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
  private static final int REQUEST_SCREENCAST=59706;
  private MediaProjectionManager mgr;

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



  protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    if (requestCode==REQUEST_SCREENCAST) {
      if (resultCode==RESULT_OK) {
        Intent i=
            new Intent(this, RecorderService.class)
                .putExtra(RecorderService.EXTRA_RESULT_CODE, resultCode)
                .putExtra(RecorderService.EXTRA_RESULT_INTENT, data);


(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

Implementing a Control Channel… Without a GUI

And, as with andshooter, andcorder uses a Notification tied to a foreground service that manages the actual screen recording, to allow the user to request to start and stop the screen recording.

We will use action strings, in the Intent used to start the RecorderService, to indicate what is to be done. Those action strings will be the application ID plus a segment at the end that is the specific operation we want:

  static final String ACTION_RECORD=
  static final String ACTION_STOP=
  static final String ACTION_SHUTDOWN=
(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

Here, we use BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID, a faster, no-Context way to get our application ID, as part of building up these strings. We have three actions: to start recording (RECORD), to stop recording (STOP), and to shut down the RecorderService (SHUTDOWN). An Intent with no action string will be used on the initial launch of the service, from MainActivity.

onStartCommand() is where all of these commands, triggered by startService() calls, will come in:

  public int onStartCommand(Intent i, int flags, int startId) {
    if (i.getAction()==null) {
      resultCode=i.getIntExtra(EXTRA_RESULT_CODE, 1337);

      if (recordOnNextStart) {

    else if (ACTION_RECORD.equals(i.getAction())) {
      if (resultData!=null) {
      else {
        Intent ui=
          new Intent(this, MainActivity.class)

    else if (ACTION_STOP.equals(i.getAction())) {
    else if (ACTION_SHUTDOWN.equals(i.getAction())) {

(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

If we have no action string, this should be the command from MainActivity, so we grab the resultCode and resultData out of the Intent and stash them in simple fields on the service:

  private int resultCode;
  private Intent resultData;
  private boolean recordOnNextStart=false;
(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

We also:

We will discuss more about that recordOnNextStart, its role, and why it exists, later in this chapter.

If, instead, a RECORD action string was on the Intent, then ideally we should begin recording the screen contents. The “ideally” part is because there will be scenarios in which the RECORD action is invoked before we actually have permission from the user to record the screen (more on this later).

So, if a RECORD action comes in, and we have permission from the user to record the screen (resultData is not null), we call startRecorder() to start recording, plus call foregroundify() to put up a Notification with an action for STOP. If, on the other hand, we do not presently have permission from the user (resultData is null), we start up MainActivity to get that permission, plus set recordOnNextStart to true.

The other two cases are simpler:

foregroundify() is invoked for most of those cases, to put the service in the foreground (if it is not in the foreground already) and show a Notification with the appropriate mix of actions:

  private void foregroundify(boolean showRecord) {
    NotificationManager mgr=

      mgr.getNotificationChannel(CHANNEL_WHATEVER)==null) {
      mgr.createNotificationChannel(new NotificationChannel(CHANNEL_WHATEVER,
        "Whatever", NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_DEFAULT));

    NotificationCompat.Builder b=
      new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, CHANNEL_WHATEVER);



    if (showRecord) {
        getString(R.string.notify_record), buildPendingIntent(ACTION_RECORD));
    else {
        getString(R.string.notify_stop), buildPendingIntent(ACTION_STOP));

      getString(R.string.notify_shutdown), buildPendingIntent(ACTION_SHUTDOWN));

    if (isForeground) {
    else {
(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

In addition to generic NotificationCompat.Builder configuration, we:

The latter distinction may not be necessary. Calling startForeground() multiple times does not seem to have any harm, and it also updates the foreground Notification. Using NotificationManager directly for the already-in-the-foreground scenario, though, may be superfluous.

The addAction() calls delegate to a buildPendingIntent() method, to create the PendingIntent to be triggered when the action is tapped:

  private PendingIntent buildPendingIntent(String action) {
    Intent i=new Intent(this, getClass());


    return(PendingIntent.getService(this, 0, i, 0));
(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

This creates an explicit Intent, tied to RecorderService itself, but also adds the action string. This Intent will always resolve to our RecorderService; the action string is just part of the payload.

That foreground Notification provides the visual way of starting recording:

andcorder Notification, Showing Record and Shutdown Actions
Figure 821: andcorder Notification, Showing Record and Shutdown Actions

…and stopping recording once started:

andcorder Notification, Showing Stop and Shutdown Actions
Figure 822: andcorder Notification, Showing Stop and Shutdown Actions

In addition, onDestroy() stops the recording and removes us from the foreground, plus we have the obligatory onBind() implementation:

  public void onDestroy() {


  public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("go away");
(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

Using the Control Channel… From the Command Line

As with andshooter, andcorder is designed to use command-line scripts to start and stop recording.

The andcorder project contains three bash scripts to invoke the RecorderService. These should be able to be converted to Windows command files for those that need them.

All three scripts use adb shell am startservice, and all point to the same component (-n What varies is the action string supplied to the -a switch.

NOTE: the shell script code listings are word-wrapped due to line length limitations in the books; the files themselves have the adb shell commands all on one line.

So, the record script, for example, passes as the action string:


adb shell am startservice -n

The stop script passes the STOP action string; the shutdown script passes the SHUTDOWN action string.

These, therefore, replicate the Intent structures used in the PendingIntent objects for the Notification actions.

However, there is one key usage difference: it would be nice to be able to run the record script without having to think about whether or not you ran andcorder from the home screen launcher or not. The RECORD action cannot actually do the recording without the result data from the startActivityForResult() call in MainActivity.

This is why the RECORD action logic detects this case and starts up MainActivity — so we can just run the record script and, if we do not presently have screen-recording permission, request it from the user.

The recordOnNextStart flag indicates whether or not RECORD started up MainActivity. If it did, when we get the result data in the no-action onStartCommand() call, we should go ahead and begin recording. This prevents the user from having to run the record script twice, once to pop up the permission dialog and once to actually begin recording.

Starting the Recording

The startRecorder() method on RecorderService is called when it is time to begin screen recording, either because the user asked us to record just now or the user asked us to record (via the command-line script) and we just now got permission from the user to do that.

  synchronized private void startRecorder() {
    if (session==null) {
      MediaProjectionManager mgr=
      MediaProjection projection=
        mgr.getMediaProjection(resultCode, resultData);

        new RecordingSession(this, new RecordingConfig(this),
(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

Here, as with the andshooter sample, we use a MediaProjectionManager to turn the resultCode int and resultData Intent into a MediaProjection. Then, we create a RecordingSession, wrapped around a RecordingConfig and the MediaProjection, and call start() on the RecordingSession.

Both RecordingSession and RecordingConfig are classes that are part of the app, not the Android SDK. RecordingConfig holds onto information about the nature of what is being recorded (notably, the video resolution) to capture. RecordingSession handles the stateful work of actually recording the video.

Of the two, you might expect RecordingSession to be far more complex. In truth, it is decidedly more straightforward than is RecordingConfig. Determining the resolution and other information about our screen recording is annoyingly complicated.

Deciding How Big Our Recording Is

The job of RecordingConfig is to derive and hold onto five pieces of data regarding the screen recording that we are about to initiate:

These are held in five final int fields, as RecordingConfig is designed to be immutable:

  final int width;
  final int height;
  final int frameRate;
  final int bitRate;
  final int density;
(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

All five of these values will be initialized in the constructor (since they are final). In fact, all the business logic for RecordingSession is just in the constructor, to derive these five values.

That constructor starts off simple enough:

  RecordingConfig(Context ctxt) {
    DisplayMetrics metrics=new DisplayMetrics();
    WindowManager wm=(WindowManager)ctxt.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);



    Configuration cfg=ctxt.getResources().getConfiguration();

    boolean isLandscape=
(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

Here, we:

Where things start to get messy is with the other four fields, as they need to be populated based on the device’s video recording capabilities. For various reasons, screen recording is actually handled mostly by MediaRecorder, the same class used to record videos from a device camera. Hence, we are limited by not only the actual resolution of the screen but by the capabilities of the video recording engine.

The classic way to handle this is by using CamcorderProfile objects. These standardize video recording support for various resolutions. We can find out which of these profiles the device supports and use that to help determine our video resolution, frame rate, and bitrate.

However, we also have to take into account the resolution of the screen itself. If MediaRecorder is capable of 1080p (1920 x 1080) video recording, but the device has a low-end WXGA (1280 x 800) screen, we will waste a lot of space recording that screen at 1080p. What we want is the smallest resolution that is bigger than the screen, to minimize wasted space while not losing data. If, for some reason, we do not have a CamcorderProfile that is bigger than the screen, we will have to settle for one that is as big as we can manage.

To that end, the CAMCORDER_PROFILES static field on RecordingConfig lists the major CamcorderProfile IDs, in descending order based on resolution:

  private static final int[] CAMCORDER_PROFILES={
(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

If we simply iterate over this list and choose either the first one we find, or one that is smaller yet is bigger than the screen, we will get the right CamcorderProfile for our use case:

    CamcorderProfile selectedProfile=null;

    for (int profileId : CAMCORDER_PROFILES) {
      CamcorderProfile profile=null;

      try {
      catch (Exception e) {
        // not documented to throw anything, but does

      if (profile!=null) {
        if (selectedProfile==null) {
        else if (profile.videoFrameWidth>=metrics.widthPixels &&
          profile.videoFrameHeight>=metrics.heightPixels) {
(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

To get a CamcorderProfile given its ID, you call the static get() method on CamcorderProfile. This is supposed to return the CamcorderProfile if it is supported or null if it is not. In actuality, it may throw an exception if the profile is not supported, which is why we have to wrap the get() call in a try/catch block. Then, if profile exists, we hold onto it as the selectedProfile if either:

If, after all that is done, we have a null selectedProfile, that means that none of the CamcorderProfile values were available. That is very strange, and rather than take a random guess as to what will work, we just blow up with an IllegalStateException. Obviously, a production-grade app would need to blow up more nicely.

Otherwise, we can collect our remaining data… which once again is more complex than you might expect:

    if (selectedProfile==null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("No CamcorderProfile available!");
    else {

      int targetWidth, targetHeight;

      if (isLandscape) {
      else {

      if (targetWidth>=metrics.widthPixels &&
        targetHeight>=metrics.heightPixels) {
      else {
        if (isLandscape) {
        else {
(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

Getting the frame rate and the bitrate are easy enough, as they are just fields on the CamcorderProfile. Where things start to get strange is in determining what we should tell the MediaRecorder that we want recorded in terms of resolution.

Partly, this is a problem of orientation. MediaRecorder thinks that everything is recorded in landscape, but we may well want to record the screen held in portrait mode.

Partly, this is a problem of aspect ratios. There is no requirement that the MediaRecorder advertise support for resolutions that match the screen size, or even match the screen’s aspect ratio. So, if the MediaRecorder is capable of recording our full screen, we ask it to record the full screen (as determined from the DisplayMetrics). If, however, we are on some odd device whose MediaRecorder is not capable of recording video at the screen’s own resolution, we try to at least maintain the aspect ratio of the screen when deriving the resolution to use for recording.

The net of all that work is that we have the details of how we want the screen recording to be done, encapsulated in the RecordingConfig object, ready for use by the RecordingSession.

Actually Recording Stuff

None of that actually records the screen, though. That is the responsibility of the RecordingSession.

In the RecordingSession constructor, we:

  RecordingSession(Context ctxt, RecordingConfig config,
                   MediaProjection projection) {
    this.beeper=new ToneGenerator(
      AudioManager.STREAM_NOTIFICATION, 100);

    output=new File(ctxt.getExternalFilesDir(null), "andcorder.mp4");
(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

The actual work to record the video is handled in the start() method on RecordingSession, where we set up the MediaRecorder and a VirtualDisplay, the latter being the same thing that we used in the andshooter sample:

  void start() {
    recorder=new MediaRecorder();
    recorder.setVideoSize(config.width, config.height);

    try {
        config.width, config.height, config.density,
        VIRT_DISPLAY_FLAGS, recorder.getSurface(), null, null);
    catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Exception preparing recorder", e);
(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

First, we create an instance of MediaRecorder and configure it. As is discussed in the chapter on working with the camera, MediaRecorder is a very fussy class, requiring a fairly specific order of method calls to configure it without messing things up too bad. The values for the configuration come from:

Of particular interest is the call to setVideoSource(). Usually, you would set this to CAMERA, to record from a device-supplied camera. Here, though, we set it to SURFACE, indicating that MediaRecorder should supply a Surface onto which we can render what should get recorded.

We then:

The VIRT_DISPLAY_FLAGS used here are the same ones used for andshooter:

  static final int VIRT_DISPLAY_FLAGS=
(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

And, at this point, the screen is being recorded.

Stopping the Recording

Eventually, we will want to stop that recording, whether triggered via the Notification or the command-line script. That eventually results in a call to stopRecorder() on the RecorderService, which just calls stop on the RecordingSession before setting the field to null:

  synchronized private void stopRecorder() {
    if (session!=null) {
(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

The stop() method on RecordingSession unwinds everything we set up, via stop() and release() calls on the MediaProjection, MediaRecorder, and VirtualDisplay. stop() also calls scanFile() on MediaScannerConnection, so that our video gets indexed by the MediaStore and therefore can be seen in on-device video players and via the MTP connection to your developer machine:

  void stop() {

      new String[]{output.getAbsolutePath()}, null, this);

  public void onScanCompleted(String path, Uri uri) {
(from MediaProjection/andcorder/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/andcorder/

When the scan is complete, another beep signals to the user that the screen recording is finished.

Usage Notes

On the plus side, andcorder has no built-in duration limitation, the way that adb shell screenrecord does.

However, it does not optimize configuration changes. If you rotate the device during the recording, the recording will continue, but the screen will be shrunk to fit within the original dimensions. So, for example, if you start recording in landscape, then rotate the device to portrait, the video will still be landscape, with part of the video showing a small portrait rendition of the screen.