Device Administration

Balding authors of Android books often point out that enterprises and malware authors have the same interests: they want to take control of a device away from the person that is holding it and give that control to some other party. Android, being a consumer operating system, is designed to defend against malware, and so enterprises can run into issues.

However, Android does have a growing area of device administration APIs, that allow carefully-constructed and installed applications to exert some degree of control over the device, how it is configured, and how it operates.


Understanding this chapter requires that you have read the core chapters, particularly the chapter on broadcast Intents.

Objectives and Scope

One might read the phrase “device administration” and assume that somebody, using these APIs, could do anything they want on the device.

That’s not quite what “device administration” means in this case.

Rather, the device administration APIs serve three main roles:

  1. They allow an application to dictate how well a device is secured, from the password required in the OS lock screen to whether the device should have full-disk encryption
  2. They allow an application to find out when security issues might arise, notably failed password attempts
  3. They allow an application to lock the device, disable its cameras, or even perform a “wipe” (i.e., factory reset)

The user, however, has to agree to enable a device administration app. It does not magically get all these powers simply by being installed. What the user gets from agreeing to this is access to something that otherwise would be denied (e.g., to use Enterprise App X, you must agree to allow it to be a device administrator).

Defining and Registering an Admin Component

There are four pieces for defining and registering a device administration app: creating the metadata, adding the <receiver> to the manifest, implementing that BroadcastReceiver, and telling Android to ask the user to agree to allow the app to a device administrator.

Here, we will take a peek at the DeviceAdmin/LockMeNow sample application.

The Feature

Apps implementing device administrators should add a <uses-feature> element with a name of, indicating whether or not they require this device feature to exist. This can be used by the Play Store to filter your app from being available on devices that, for one reason or another, do not offer this capability.

The Metadata

As with app widgets and other Android facilities, you will need to define a metadata file as an XML resource, describing in greater detail what your device administration app wishes to do. This information will determine what you will be allowed to do once the user approves your app, and what you list here will be displayed to the user when you request such approval.

The DeviceAdminInfo class has a series of static data members (e.g., USES_ENCRYPTED_STORAGE) that represent specific policies that your device administrator app could use. The documentation for each of those static data members lists the corresponding element that goes in this XML metadata file (e.g., <encrypted-storage>). These elements are wrapped in a <uses-policies> element, which itself is wrapped in a <device-admin] element. The range of possible policies is shown in the following sample XML metadata file:

<device-admin xmlns:android="">
    <disable-camera />
    <encrypted-storage />
    <expire-password />
    <force-lock />
    <limit-password />
    <reset-password />
    <watch-login />
    <wipe-data />

Here, we:

Choose which of those policies you need — the fewer you request, the more likely it is the user will not wonder about your intentions. In your project’s res/xml/ directory, create a file that looks like the above with the policies you wish. You can name this file whatever you want (e.g., device_admin.xml), within standard Android resource naming rules.

The Manifest

In the manifest, you will need to declare a <receiver> element for the DeviceAdminReceiver component that you will write. This component not only is the embodiment of the device admin capabilities of your app, but it will be the one notified of failed logins and other events.

For example, here is the <receiver> element from the LockMeNow sample app:


        <action android:name=""/>
(from DeviceAdmin/LockMeNow/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml)

There are three things distinctive about this element compared to your usual <receiver> element:

  1. It requires that whoever sends broadcasts to it hold the BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN permission. Since that permission is protected and can only be held by apps signed with the firmware’s signing key, you can be reasonably assured that any events sent to you are real.
  2. It has the <meta-data> child element pointing to our device administration metadata from the previous section.
  3. It registers for broadcasts via its <intent-filter> — this is the broadcast that will be used to notify you when your app gains device administration privileges

The Receiver

The DeviceAdminReceiver itself needs to exist as a component in your app, registered in the manifest as shown above. At minimum, though, it does not need to override any methods, such as the implementation from the LockMeNow sample app:



public class AdminReceiver extends DeviceAdminReceiver {
(from DeviceAdmin/LockMeNow/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/lockme/

By requesting the DEVICE_ADMIN_ENABLED broadcasts, we could get control when we are enabled by overriding an onEnabled() method. We could also register for other broadcasts (e.g., ACTION_PASSWORD_FAILED) and implement the corresponding callback method on our DeviceAdminReceiver (e.g., onPasswordFailed()).

The Demand for Device Domination

Simply having this component in our manifest, though, is insufficient. The user must proactively agree to allow us to administer their device. And, since this is potentially very dangerous, a simple permission was deemed to also be insufficient. Instead, we need to ask the user to approve us as a device administrator from our app, typically from an activity.

In the case of LockMeNow, the UI is just a really big button, tied to a lockMeNow() method on our LockMeNowActivity:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""


(from DeviceAdmin/LockMeNow/app/src/main/res/layout/main.xml)

In onCreate() of the activity, in addition to loading up the UI via setContentView(), we create a ComponentName object identifying our AdminReceiver component. We also request access to the DevicePolicyManager, via a call to getSystemService(). DevicePolicyManager is our gateway for making direct requests for device administration operations, such as locking the device:


import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;

public class LockMeNowActivity extends Activity {
  private DevicePolicyManager mgr=null;
  private ComponentName cn=null;

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    cn=new ComponentName(this, AdminReceiver.class);

  public void lockMeNow(View v) {
    if (mgr.isAdminActive(cn)) {
    else {
      Intent intent=
          new Intent(DevicePolicyManager.ACTION_ADD_DEVICE_ADMIN);
      intent.putExtra(DevicePolicyManager.EXTRA_DEVICE_ADMIN, cn);
(from DeviceAdmin/LockMeNow/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/lockme/

In lockMeNow(), we ask the DevicePolicyManager if we have already been registered as a device administrator, by calling isAdminActive(), supplying the ComponentName of our DeviceAdminReceiver that should be so registered. If that returns false, then the user has not approved us as a device administrator yet, so we need to ask them to do so. To do that, you:

If you run this on a device, then tap the button, the first time you do so the user will be prompted to agree to making the app be a device administrator:

The Activate Device Administrator Screen
Figure 839: The Activate Device Administrator Screen

The “For experimentation purposes only” is the value of our DevicePolicyManager.EXTRA_ADD_EXPLANATION extra, loaded from a string resource.

If the user clicks “Activate”, and you overrode onEnabled() in your DeviceAdminReceiver, that will be called to let you know that you have been approved and can perform device administration functions. Your component will also appear in the list of device administrators in the Settings app:

The Device Administrator List
Figure 840: The Device Administrator List

The user can, at any time, uncheck you in this list and disable you. You can find out about this by having your DeviceAdminReceiver listen for ACTION_DEVICE_ADMIN_DISABLE_REQUESTED broadcasts and overriding the onDisableRequested() method, where you can return the text of a message to be displayed to the user confirming that they do indeed wish to go ahead with the disable operation. To find out if they go through with it, your DeviceAdminReceiver can listen for ACTION_DEVICE_ADMIN_DISABLED broadcasts and override onDisabled().

Going Into Lockdown

Given that the user has approved your device administration request, and given that you requested <force-lock> in your metadata, you can call lockNow() on a DevicePolicyManager. That will immediately lock the device and (generally) turn off the screen. It is as if the user pressed the POWER button on the device. If anything, lockNow() will offer tighter security.

The LockItNow sample app does this if, when the user clicks the really big button, it detects that it is already a device administrator. If you test this on a device, it will behave as though the user pressed POWER; on an emulator, you will need to press the HOME button to “power on” the screen and be able to re-enter your emulator.

You can also call:

For example, the latter feature, while available in the Android SDK, is not built into the Settings app of Android 4.2. As a result, users need a third-party app to toggle on or off lockscreen access to the camera and app widgets. One such third-party app is LockscreenLocker, released as open source by the author of this book.

Basically, the app presents you with two Switch widgets to control the camera and app widgets on the lock screen. First, though, it shows you a message and a Button, if the app is not set up as a device administrator:

LockscreenLocker, On Initial Run
Figure 841: LockscreenLocker, On Initial Run

Once that is complete, the Switch widgets become enabled and usable:

LockscreenLocker, After Being Made a Device Admin
Figure 842: LockscreenLocker, After Being Made a Device Admin

The device admin metadata for this app specifies that we want to control keyguard features:

<device-admin xmlns:android="">



Note that, at the time of this writing, there is a flaw in the Android developer documentation — the correct element to have in the metadata is [disable-keyguard-features/>, not <disable-keyguard-widgets]. You can track this issue to see when this documentation bug has been repaired.

Our device admin component, LockscreenAdminReceiver, is empty, because there are no events that we are trying to listen to:

public class LockscreenAdminReceiver extends DeviceAdminReceiver {

However, we still need the LockscreenAdminReceiver, as it is the component that is tied to our device admin metadata and indicates to the system that we should be an option in Settings for available device administrators.

Our activity layout contains all the requisite widgets: a TextView for the message, a Button to jump to the Settings app, a View to serve as a divider, and a pair of Switch widgets to manage the lockscreen settings:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""







In onCreate() of our activity (MainActivity), we request a DevicePolicyManager, set up a ComponentName identifying our DeviceAdminReceiver implementation (LockscreenAdminReceiver), and hook up the activity to know about changes in the state of the Switch widgets:

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    cn=new ComponentName(this, LockscreenAdminReceiver.class);



In onResume(), we check to see if our DeviceAdminReceiver is active — in other words, whether the user has set us up as being a device administrator or not:

  public void onResume() {

    if (mgr.isAdminActive(cn)) {

      int status=mgr.getKeyguardDisabledFeatures(cn);

      camera.setChecked(!((status & DevicePolicyManager.KEYGUARD_DISABLE_SECURE_CAMERA) == DevicePolicyManager.KEYGUARD_DISABLE_SECURE_CAMERA));
      widgets.setChecked(!((status & DevicePolicyManager.KEYGUARD_DISABLE_WIDGETS_ALL) == DevicePolicyManager.KEYGUARD_DISABLE_WIDGETS_ALL));
    else {

We toggle the visibility and enabled settings of our widgets based upon whether we are a device administrator or not, in a toggleWidgets() private method:

  private void toggleWidgets(boolean enable) {
    int visibility=(enable ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE);



onResume() also sets the state of our Switch widgets based upon the current state of the keyguard features, by calling getKeyguardDisabledFeatures() on the DevicePolicyManager. This returns a bit set of which features are disabled, with DevicePolicyManager.KEYGUARD_DISABLE_SECURE_CAMERA and/or DevicePolicyManager.KEYGUARD_DISABLE_WIDGETS_ALL possibly being set.

At the outset, after being installed, we will not be a device administrator, so the Switch widgets will be disabled and the Button will be visible. We simply send the user to the security screen in the Settings app if they click that button:

  public void showSettings(View v) {
    startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_SECURITY_SETTINGS));

When the user toggles a Switch, our activity will be called with onCheckedChanged(). There, we need to call setKeyguardDisabledFeatures() with a new bit set, toggling on or off a bit based on the user’s chosen values in the UI:

  public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView,
                               boolean isChecked) {
    int status=mgr.getKeyguardDisabledFeatures(cn);

    if (buttonView == camera) {
      if (isChecked) {
        mgr.setKeyguardDisabledFeatures(cn, status
            & ~DevicePolicyManager.KEYGUARD_DISABLE_SECURE_CAMERA);
      else {
        mgr.setKeyguardDisabledFeatures(cn, status
            | DevicePolicyManager.KEYGUARD_DISABLE_SECURE_CAMERA);
    else {
      if (isChecked) {
        mgr.setKeyguardDisabledFeatures(cn, status
            & ~DevicePolicyManager.KEYGUARD_DISABLE_WIDGETS_ALL);
      else {
        mgr.setKeyguardDisabledFeatures(cn, status
            | DevicePolicyManager.KEYGUARD_DISABLE_WIDGETS_ALL);

Note that we have the Switch widgets set up for positive statements (e.g., “enable the camera”), while the bit set uses negative statements (e.g., “disable the camera”). That makes toggling the bit set a “bit” more complicated, to ensure that we are applying the user’s choices correctly.

Passwords and Device Administration

One popular facet of the device administration APIs is for an app to mandate a certain degree of password quality. The app might then fail to operate if the current password does not meet the requested quality standard.

Mandating Quality of Security

You can call various setters on DevicePolicyManager to dictate your minimum requirements for the password that the user uses to get past the lock screen. Examples include:

All of these require the <limit-password> policy be requested in the metadata.

Then, you can call isActivePasswordSufficient() to determine if the current password meets your requirements. If it does not, you might elect to disable certain functionality. Or, if you requested the <reset-password> policy in the metadata, you can call resetPassword() to force the user to come up with a password meeting your requirements.

Similarly, you can also call getStorageEncryptionStatus() on DevicePolicyManager to find out whether full-disk encryption is active, inactive, or unavailable on this particular device. If it is inactive, and you requested the <encrypted-storage> policy in your metadata, you can call setStorageEncryption() to demand it, and start the encryption process via starting the ACTION_START_ENCRYPTION activity.

Establishing Password Requirements

To see password quality enforcement in action, let us examine the DeviceAdmin/PasswordEnforcer sample application.

The activity (MainActivity) is fairly short, and much of its code is based on the earlier LockMeNow sample:


import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    ComponentName cn=new ComponentName(this, AdminReceiver.class);
    DevicePolicyManager mgr=

    if (mgr.isAdminActive(cn)) {
      int msgId;

      if (mgr.isActivePasswordSufficient()) {
      else {

      Toast.makeText(this, msgId, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    else {
      Intent intent=
          new Intent(DevicePolicyManager.ACTION_ADD_DEVICE_ADMIN);
      intent.putExtra(DevicePolicyManager.EXTRA_DEVICE_ADMIN, cn);

(from DeviceAdmin/PasswordEnforcer/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/pwenforce/

In onCreate(), after obtaining a DevicePolicyManager, we see if our app has been designated by the user as a device administrator. If not — which will be the case when the app is first installed — we use an ACTION_ADD_DEVICE_ADMIN Intent and startActivity() to steer the user towards making our app be a device administrator.

If the user does make our app be a device administrator, our AdminReceiver will get control in onEnabled(), as we have registered it for DEVICE_ADMIN_ENABLED broadcasts in the manifest. In onEnabled(), we mandate that the password for the device must be alphanumeric, via a call to setPasswordQuality() on the DevicePolicyManager:

  public void onEnabled(Context ctxt, Intent intent) {
    ComponentName cn=new ComponentName(ctxt, AdminReceiver.class);
    DevicePolicyManager mgr=

    onPasswordChanged(ctxt, intent);
(from DeviceAdmin/PasswordEnforcer/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/pwenforce/

We will see the role of the onPasswordChanged() method, called late in onEnabled(), later in this chapter.

Back in onCreate() of our MainActivity, if we are a device administrator, then we know that the setPasswordQuality() call has been made, and so we can check to see if the current password meets our standards via a call to isActivePasswordSufficient() on the DevicePolicyManager. The app displays a Toast showing whether the password is or is not currently “sufficient”.

Password-Related Events

Via appropriate actions in our <intent-filter> for our DeviceAdminReceiver, and associated callback methods, we can find out other things that go on with respect to the password:

The PasswordEnforcer sample registers for all of these in the manifest:


        <action android:name=""/>
        <action android:name=""/>
        <action android:name=""/>
        <action android:name=""/>
(from DeviceAdmin/PasswordEnforcer/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml)

The implementations of the corresponding onPasswordChanged(), onPasswordFailed(), and onPasswordSucceeded() methods simply display Toast messages about those events:

  public void onPasswordChanged(Context ctxt, Intent intent) {
    DevicePolicyManager mgr=
    int msgId;

    if (mgr.isActivePasswordSufficient()) {
    else {

    Toast.makeText(ctxt, msgId, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

  public void onPasswordFailed(Context ctxt, Intent intent) {
    Toast.makeText(ctxt, R.string.password_failed, Toast.LENGTH_LONG)

  public void onPasswordSucceeded(Context ctxt, Intent intent) {
    Toast.makeText(ctxt, R.string.password_success, Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
(from DeviceAdmin/PasswordEnforcer/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/pwenforce/

However, these will illustrate some quirks in the behavior of the device administration APIs:

Getting Along with Others

Bear in mind that you might not be the only device administrator on any given device. If there are multiple administrators, the most secure requirements are in force. So, for example, if Admin A requests a minimum password length of 7, and Admin B requests a minimum password length of 10, the user will have to supply a password that is at least 10 characters long, to meet both device administrators’ requirements.

This also means that certain requests you make may fail. For example, if you decide to say that you do not need encryption (setStorageEncryption() with a value of false), if something else needs encryption, the user will still need to encrypt their device.