PackageManager Tricks

PackageManager is your primary means of introspection at the component level, to determine what else is installed on the device and what components they export (activities, etc.). As such, there are many ways you can use PackageManager to determine if something you want is possible or not, so you can modify your behavior accordingly (e.g., disable action bar items that are not possible).

This chapter will outline some ways you can use PackageManager to find out what components are available to you on a device.


Understanding this chapter requires that you have read the core chapters of this book.

Asking Around

The ways to find out whether there is an activity that will respond to a given Intent are by means of queryIntentActivityOptions() and the somewhat simpler queryIntentActivities().

The queryIntentActivityOptions() method takes the caller ComponentName, the “specifics” array of Intent instances, the overall Intent representing the actions you are seeking, and the set of flags. It returns a List of Intent instances matching the stated criteria, with the “specifics” ones first.

If you would like to offer alternative actions to users, but by means other than addIntentOptions(), you could call queryIntentActivityOptions(), get the Intent instances, then use them to populate some other user interface (e.g., a toolbar).

A simpler version of this method, queryIntentActivities(), is used by the Introspection/Launchalot sample application. This presents a “launcher” — an activity that starts other activities — but uses a ListView rather than a grid like the Android default home screen uses.

Here is the Java code for Launchalot itself:


import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.ListView;
import android.widget.TextView;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

public class Launchalot extends ListActivity {
  AppAdapter adapter=null;
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    PackageManager pm=getPackageManager();
    Intent main=new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);

    List<ResolveInfo> launchables=pm.queryIntentActivities(main, 0);
                     new ResolveInfo.DisplayNameComparator(pm)); 
    adapter=new AppAdapter(pm, launchables);
  protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v,
                                 int position, long id) {
    ResolveInfo launchable=adapter.getItem(position);
    ActivityInfo activity=launchable.activityInfo;
    ComponentName name=new ComponentName(activity.applicationInfo.packageName,
    Intent i=new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
    i.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK |
  class AppAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<ResolveInfo> {
    private PackageManager pm=null;
    AppAdapter(PackageManager pm, List<ResolveInfo> apps) {
      super(Launchalot.this, R.layout.row, apps);;
    public View getView(int position, View convertView,
                          ViewGroup parent) {
      if (convertView==null) {
      bindView(position, convertView);
    private View newView(ViewGroup parent) {
      return(getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.row, parent, false));
    private void bindView(int position, View row) {
      TextView label=(TextView)row.findViewById(;
      ImageView icon=(ImageView)row.findViewById(;
(from Introspection/Launchalot/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/launchalot/

In onCreate(), we:

  1. Get a PackageManager object via getPackageManager()
  2. Create an Intent for ACTION_MAIN in CATEGORY_LAUNCHER, which identifies activities that wish to be considered “launchable”
  3. Call queryIntentActivities() to get a List of ResolveInfo objects, each one representing one launchable activity
  4. Sort those ResolveInfo objects via a ResolveInfo.DisplayNameComparator instance
  5. Pour them into a custom AppAdapter and set that to be the contents of our ListView

AppAdapter is an ArrayAdapter subclass that maps the icon and name of the launchable Activity to a row in the ListView, using a custom row layout.

Finally, in onListItemClick(), we construct an Intent that will launch the clicked-upon Activity, given the information from the corresponding ResolveInfo object. Not only do we need to populate the Intent with ACTION_MAIN and CATEGORY_LAUNCHER, but we also need to set the component to be the desired Activity. We also set FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK and FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED flags, following Android’s own launcher implementation from the Home sample project. Finally, we call startActivity() with that Intent, which opens up the activity selected by the user.

The result is a simple list of launchable activities:

The Launchalot sample application
Figure 862: The Launchalot sample application

There is also a resolveActivity() method that takes a template Intent, as do queryIntentActivities() and queryIntentActivityOptions(). However, resolveActivity() returns the single best match, rather than a list.

NOTE: On modern versions of Android, there is a LauncherApps class that simplifies a lot of this and takes things like Android Work profiles into account. For really implementing a home screen-style launcher, you will probably want to use LauncherApps. However, using PackageManager to find what can handle certain Intent structures is used for other purposes beyond home screen launchers.

Preferred Activities

Users, when presented with a default activity chooser, usually have the option to make their next choice be the default for this action for now on. The next time they do whatever they did to bring up the chooser, it should go straight to this default. This is known in the system as the “preferred activity” for an Intent structure, and is stored in the system as a set of pairs of IntentFilter objects and the corresponding ComponentName of the preferred activity.

To find out what the preferred activities are on a given device, you can ask PackageManager to getPreferredActivities(). You pass in a List<IntentFilter> and a List<ComponentName>, and Android fills in those lists with the preferred activity information.

To see this in action, take a look at the Introspection/PrefActivities sample application. This simply loads all of the information into a ListView, using android.R.layout.simple_list_item_2 as a row layout for a title-and-description pattern.

The PackageManager logic is confined to onCreate():

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    PackageManager mgr=getPackageManager();

    mgr.getPreferredActivities(filters, names, null);
    setListAdapter(new IntentFilterAdapter());
(from Introspection/PrefActivities/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/prefact/

In this case, the two lists are data members of the activity:

  ArrayList<IntentFilter> filters=new ArrayList<IntentFilter>();
  ArrayList<ComponentName> names=new ArrayList<ComponentName>();
(from Introspection/PrefActivities/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/prefact/

Most of the logic is in formatting the ListView contents. IntentFilter, unfortunately, does not come with a method that gives us a human-readable dump of its definition. As a result, we need to roll that ourselves. Compounding the problem is that IntentFilter tends to return Iterator objects for its collections (e.g., roster of actions), rather than something Iterable. The activity leverages an Iterator-to-Iterable wrapper culled from a Stack Overflow answer to help with this. The IntentFilterAdapter and helper code looks like this:

  // from

  public static <T> Iterable<T> in(final Iterator<T> iterator) {
    class SingleUseIterable implements Iterable<T> {
      private boolean used=false;

      public Iterator<T> iterator() {
        if (used) {
          throw new IllegalStateException("Already invoked");
        return iterator;
    return new SingleUseIterable();

  class IntentFilterAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<IntentFilter> {
    IntentFilterAdapter() {

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
      View row=super.getView(position, convertView, parent);
      TextView filter=(TextView)row.findViewById(;
      TextView name=(TextView)row.findViewById(;



    String buildTitle(IntentFilter filter) {
      StringBuilder buf=new StringBuilder();
      boolean first=true;

      if (filter.countActions() > 0) {
        for (String action : in(filter.actionsIterator())) {
          if (first) {
          else {

          buf.append(action.replaceAll("android.intent.action.", ""));

      if (filter.countDataTypes() > 0) {

        for (String type : in(filter.typesIterator())) {
          if (first) {
            buf.append(" : ");
          else {


      if (filter.countDataSchemes() > 0) {
        buf.append(" : ");

        if (filter.countDataSchemes() > 1) {
          buf.append(" (other schemes)");

      if (filter.countDataPaths() > 0) {
        buf.append(" : ");

        if (filter.countDataPaths() > 1) {
          buf.append(" (other paths)");

(from Introspection/PrefActivities/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/prefact/

The resulting activity shows a simple description of the IntentFilter along with the class name of the corresponding activity in each row:

Preferred Activities on a Stock HTC One S
Figure 863: Preferred Activities on a Stock HTC One S

Another way to think about preferred activities is to determine what specific activity will handle a startActivity() call on some Intent. If there is only one alternative, or the user chose a preferred activity, that activity should handle the Intent. Otherwise, the activity handling the Intent should be one implementing a chooser. The resolveActivity() method on PackageManager can let us know what will handle the Intent.

To examine what resolveActivity() returns, take a look at the Introspection/Resolver sample application.

The activity — which uses Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar and so has no UI of its own — is fairly short:


import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class ResolveActivityDemoActivity extends Activity {
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    PackageManager mgr=getPackageManager();
    Intent i=
        new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,
    ResolveInfo ri=
        mgr.resolveActivity(i, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY);

    Toast.makeText(this, ri.loadLabel(mgr), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
(from Introspection/Resolver/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/resolver/

We get a PackageManager, create an Intent to test, and pass the Intent to resolveActivity(). We include MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY so we only get activities that have CATEGORY_DEFAULT in their <intent-filter> elements. We then use loadLabel() on the resulting ResolveInfo object to get the display name of the activity, toss that in a Toast, and invoke startActivity() on the Intent to confirm the results.

On a device with only one option, or with a default chosen, the Toast will show the name of the preferred activity (e.g., Browser). On most devices with more than one option, the startActivity() call will display a chooser, and the Toast will show the display name of the chooser (e.g., “Android System”).

However, on some devices — notably newer models from HTC distributed in the US — resolveActivity() indicates that HTCLinkifyDispatcher is the one that will handle ACTION_VIEW on a URL… even if there is more than one browser installed and no default has been specified. This is part of a workaround that HTC added in 2012 to help deal with a patent dispute with Apple.

Middle Management

The PackageManager class offers much more than merely queryIntentActivities() and queryIntentActivityOptions(). It is your gateway to all sorts of analysis of what is installed and available on the device where your application is installed and available. If you want to be able to intelligently connect to third-party applications based on whether or not they are around, PackageManager is what you will want.

Finding Applications and Packages

Packages are what get installed on the device — a package is the in-device representation of an APK. An application is defined within a package’s manifest. Between the two, you can find out all sorts of things about existing software installed on the device.

Specifically, getInstalledPackages() returns a List of PackageInfo objects, each of which describes a single package. Here, you can find out:

  1. The version of the package, in terms of a monotonically increasing number (versionCode) and the display name (versionName)
  2. Details about all of the components — activities, services, etc. — offered by this package
  3. Details about the permissions the package requires

Similarly, getInstalledApplications() returns a List of ApplicationInfo objects, each providing data like:

  1. The user ID that the application will run as
  2. The path to the application’s private data directory
  3. Whether or not the application is enabled

In addition to those methods, you can call:

  1. getApplicationIcon() and getApplicationLabel() to get the icon and display name for an application
  2. getLaunchIntentForPackage() to get an Intent for something launchable within a named package
  3. setApplicationEnabledSetting() to enable or disable an application

Finding Resources

You can access resources from another application, apparently without any security restrictions. This may be useful if you have multiple applications and wish to share resources for one reason or another.

The getResourcesForActivity() and getResourcesForApplication() methods on PackageManager return a Resources object. This is just like the one you get for your own application via getResources() on any Context (e.g., Activity). However, in this case, you identify what activity or application you wish to get the Resources from (e.g., supply the application’s package name as a String).

There are also getText() and getXml() methods that dive into the Resources object for an application and pull out specific String or XmlPullParser objects. However, these require you to know the resource ID of the resource to be retrieved, and that may be difficult to manage between disparate applications.

Finding Components

Not only does Android offer “query” and “resolve” methods to find activities, but it offers similar methods to find other sorts of Android components:

  1. queryBroadcastReceivers()
  2. queryContentProviders()
  3. queryIntentServices()
  4. resolveContentProvider()
  5. resolveService()

For example, you could use resolveService() to determine if a certain remote service is available, so you can disable certain UI elements if the service is not on the device. You could achieve the same end by calling bindService() and watching for a failure, but that may be later in the application flow than you would like.

There is also a setComponentEnabledSetting() to toggle a component (activity, service, etc.) on and off. While this may seem esoteric, there are a number of possible uses for this method, such as:

  1. Flagging a launchable activity as disabled in your manifest, then enabling it programmatically after the user has entered a license key, achieved some level or standing in a game, or any other criteria
  2. Controlling whether a BroadcastReceiver registered in the manifest is hooked into the system or not, replicating the level of control you have with registerReceiver() while still taking advantage of the fact that a manifest-registered BroadcastReceiver can be started even if no other component of your application is running