Issues with Bandwidth

As anyone who owned an Apple Newton or Palm V PDA back in the 1990’s knows, handheld devices have been around for quite some time. For a very long time, they were a niche product, associated with geeks, nerds, and the occasional business executive.

Internet access changed all of that.

Blackberry for enterprise messaging — an outgrowth of its original two-way paging approach — blazed part of the trail, but the concept “crossed the chasm” to ordinary people with the advent of the iPhone, Android devices, and similar equipment.

Therefore, it is not terribly surprising when Android developers want to add Internet capabilities to their apps. To the contrary, it is almost unusual when you encounter an app that does not want to use the Internet for something or another.

However, mobile Internet access inherits all of the classic problems of Internet access (e.g., “server not found”) and adds new and exciting challenges, all of which can leave a developer with an app that has performance issues.


Understanding this chapter requires that you have read the core chapters and understand how Android apps are set up and operate.

You’re Using Too Much of the Slow Stuff

To paraphrase America’s Founding Fathers, “all Internet connections are not created equal”.

One form of inequality is speed. Different classes of connection have different theoretical upper bounds. WiMAX and other 4G connections are theoretically faster than 3G connections, which are theoretically faster than 2G or EDGE connections. WiFi is theoretically ridiculously fast though it is typically limited by the ISP connection, and ISP connections can run the gamut from really fast to merely good.

However, “theoretical” bounds tend to run afoul of reality. There are plenty of places where high-speed mobile data connections are non-existent, despite what the carriers’ coverage maps claim. 2G mobile data works, but is not especially speedy. This layers on top of the typical Internet congestion issues, along with typically transitory problems (e.g., trying to get connectivity while attending a technology conference keynote presentation).

Beyond that, there are financial issues. While WiFi is usually unmetered (no incremental cost per MB/GB), many mobile data connections are metered. Those mobile data connections that are not metered in theory – advertised as “unlimited” — have usage caps that, once exceeded, impose costs or impose speed limits.

Hence, what runs quickly in the lab may run much more slowly in users’ hands.

If you followed the instructions in previous chapters on CPU bottlenecks, the limited bandwidth will not cause your UI to become “janky”, in that it will be responsive to touches and taps. However, poor connectivity will mean that you are simply slow to respond to user requests. For example, clicking the “check for new email” menu button has no immediate effect. If you feel that you need a splash screen or progress indicator to tell the user that “we are really checking for new email, honest”, then you know that your Internet access is slower than is ideal.

Obviously, some of this is unavoidable. However, the objective of the chapters in this part of the book is to give you an idea of ways to reduce your bandwidth consumption, making those delays be that much less annoying for your users.

You’re Using Too Much of the Expensive Stuff

Mobile data tends to come with more strings attached than does WiFi.

In the US, it used to be that mobile data connections included unlimited usage. Now, at best, a mobile data plan has “unlimited” usage for a curious definition of the term “unlimited”. More and more carriers are moving towards a hard cap — go above the cap, and you either cannot use more bandwidth, have your speeds curtailed, or pay significantly for additional bandwidth.

Outside of the US, the “pay significantly for bandwidth” approach is fairly typical. So-called “metered” data plans simply charge you such-and-so per MB or GB of bandwidth.

And, to top it off, roaming almost always is a metered plan. So, a US resident traveling overseas, even with a SIM and phone that supports international usage, would pay a ridiculous sum for bandwidth. Stories of phone bills in the tens of thousands of dollars abound, where people simply used their phone as they normally would when they were outside of their home network.

Hence, if you use a fair bit of bandwidth, it would be really nice if you offered users means to consume less of it when they are on mobile data compared to WiFi (which is typically unmetered). You could elect to poll your server less frequently, for example, giving the users the ability to specify separate polling periods depending on which type of connection they have.

And, of course, there are other “costs” for using bandwidth besides direct monetary costs. For example, downloading data over a slower mobile data connection may consume more power than downloading the same data over WiFi — while the WiFi radio might consume additional power, the time difference might account for more power consumption, if the CPU could be powered down for the rest of that time.

These chapters will show you how you can react to changes in connectivity and approaches for how to use that information to reduce costs for the user.

You’re Using Too Much of Somebody Else’s Stuff

It is easy for developers to think that they alone are using a user’s device. Alas, this is infrequently the case, particularly when it comes to background Internet access.

While your application is busily downloading stuff, some other application might be busily downloading stuff. In principle, this should not be an issue, as multiple applications can access the Internet simultaneously. However, bandwidth can become an issue. If you are in the background, and the other application is in the foreground, the user might notice that bandwidth is an issue. For example, users might be unhappy if your downloads are impeding their ability to watch streaming video, or play their favorite Android-based MMORPG, or whatever.

A polite Android application will test to see whether the foreground application is heavily using the Internet and will curtail its own Internet use while that is going on. This chapter will help you learn how to make that determination and how to respond.

You’re Using Too Much… And There Is None

Not only might location dictate how much bandwidth you have, but whether you have any bandwidth at all.

While some people think that the entire planet has connectivity, reality once again dictates otherwise. Major metropolitan areas have connectivity. Outlying areas are much more hit-or-miss. Voice is sometimes a challenge, let alone data. And it only seems as though there is a Starbucks every 100 meters in the US, which might actually provide blanket WiFi coverage.

Then, of course, there are planes (many still do not offer in-flight WiFi at this time), international travel without an international-capable phone plan, and so on.

Some Android applications have the potential to still offer near-complete functionality despite this, with a bit of user assistance. For example, Google Maps for Android has an offline caching feature, which will download data for a 10-mile radius from a given point, for use while the device is otherwise offline.

Here, the issue becomes less one of bandwidth (other than detecting that you have no connection) and more one of caching and storage. The space-related issues that these techniques can raise will be covered elsewhere in this book.