Widget Catalog: CalendarView

CalendarView, as you might have guessed, displays a calendar to the user, designed to allow the user to pick a date. You supply a starting date, which the user then manipulates, triggering event listeners whenever the date is changed.

Note that this is a small calendar – it is not designed to show details within a date, such as appointments and times.

This view is available standalone and also as an optional adjunct to the DatePicker widget.

This view was added in API Level 11 and therefore will not be available on older versions of Android, though a backport is available that works on Android 2.2 onwards.

Key Usage Tips

If you do nothing, the CalendarView will start with today’s date, though you can call a setDate() method to pass in a Calendar object to use to change the initially-selected date. You can also call setOnDateChangeListener() to supply an OnDateChangeListener to learn when the user changes the date in the CalendarView.

CalendarView works well with Calendar and GregorianCalendar, in terms of setting and getting the year/month/day-of-month from the CalendarView (as supplied to the onSelectedDayChange() method of your OnDateChangeListener) and converting it into something you can use in your code.

A Sample Usage

The sample project can be found in WidgetCatalog/CalendarView.


<CalendarView xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
(from WidgetCatalog/CalendarView/app/src/main/res/layout/main.xml)


package com.commonsware.android.wc.calendar;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.CalendarView;
import android.widget.CalendarView.OnDateChangeListener;
import android.widget.Toast;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;

public class CalendarDemoActivity extends Activity implements
    OnDateChangeListener {
  CalendarView calendar=null;

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


  public void onSelectedDayChange(CalendarView view, int year,
                                  int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth) {
    Calendar then=new GregorianCalendar(year, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth);

    Toast.makeText(this, then.getTime().toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
(from WidgetCatalog/CalendarView/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/wc/calendar/CalendarDemoActivity.java)

Visual Representation

This is what a CalendarView looks like in a few different Android versions and configurations, based upon the sample app shown above.

Android 4.0
Figure 1035: Android 4.0

Android 4.1
Figure 1036: Android 4.1

Android 5.0
Figure 1037: Android 5.0

Android 6.0