Crafting Your Own Views

One of the classic forms of code reuse is the GUI widget. Since the advent of Microsoft Windows — and, to some extent, even earlier – developers have been creating their own widgets to extend an existing widget set. These range from 16-bit Windows “custom controls” to 32-bit Windows OCX components to the innumerable widgets available for Java Swing and SWT, and beyond. Android lets you craft your own widgets as well, such as extending an existing widget with a new UI or new behaviors.


Understanding this chapter requires that you have read the core chapters of this book.

Pick Your Poison

You have five major options for creating a custom View class.

First, your “custom View class” might really only be custom Drawable resources. Many widgets can adopt a radically different look and feel just with replacement graphics. For example, you might think that these toggle buttons from the Android 2.1 Google Maps application are some fancy custom widget:

Google Maps navigation toggle buttons
Figure 580: Google Maps navigation toggle buttons

In reality, those are just radio buttons with replacement images.

Second, your custom View class might be a simple subclass of an existing widget, where you override some behaviors or otherwise inject your own logic. Unfortunately, most of the built-in Android widgets are not really designed for this sort of simple subclassing, so you may be disappointed in how well this particular technique works.

Third, your custom View class might be a composite widget — akin to an activity’s contents, complete with layout and such, but encapsulated in its own class. This allows you to create something more elaborate than you will just by tweaking resources. We will see this later in the chapter with ColorMixer.

Fourth, you might want to implement your own layout manager, if your GUI rules do not fit well with RelativeLayout, TableLayout, or other built-in containers. For example, you might want to create a layout manager that more closely mirrors the “box model” approach taken by XUL and Flex, or you might want to create one that mirrors Swing’s FlowLayout (laying widgets out horizontally until there is no more room on the current row, then start a new row).

Finally, you might want to do something totally different, where you need to draw the widget yourself. For example, the ColorMixer widget uses SeekBar widgets to control the mix of red, blue, and green. But, you might create a ColorWheel widget that draws a spectrum gradient, detects touch events, and lets the user pick a color that way.

Some of these techniques are fairly simple; others are fairly complex. All share some common traits, such as widget-defined attributes, that we will see throughout the remainder of this chapter.

Colors, Mixed How You Like Them

The classic way for a user to pick a color in a GUI is to use a color wheel like this one:

Color Wheel
Figure 581: Color Wheel

However, a color wheel like that is difficult to manipulate on a touch screen, particularly a capacitive touchscreen designed for finger input. Fingers are great for gross touch events and lousy for selecting a particular color pixel.

Another approach is to use a mixer, with sliders to control the red, green, and blue values:

The ColorMixer widget, inside an activity
Figure 582: The ColorMixer widget, inside an activity

That is the custom widget you will see in this section, based on the code in the Views/ColorMixer sample project.

The Layout

ColorMixer is a composite widget, meaning that its contents are created from other widgets and containers. Hence, we can use a layout file to describe what the widget should look like.

The layout to be used for the widget is not that much: three SeekBar widgets (to control the colors), three TextView widgets (to label the colors), and one plain View (the “swatch” on the left that shows what the currently selected color is). Here is the file, found in res/layout/mixer.xml in the Views/ColorMixer project:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<merge xmlns:android="">
  <View android:id="@+id/swatch"
  <TextView android:id="@+id/redLabel"
  <SeekBar android:id="@+id/red"
  <TextView android:id="@+id/greenLabel"
  <SeekBar android:id="@+id/green"
  <TextView android:id="@+id/blueLabel"
  <SeekBar android:id="@+id/blue"
(from Views/ColorMixer/app/src/main/res/layout/mixer.xml)

One thing that is a bit interesting about this layout, though, is the root element: <merge>. A <merge> layout is a bag of widgets that can be poured into some other container. The layout rules on the children of <merge> are then used in conjunction with whatever container they are added to. As we will see shortly, ColorMixer itself inherits from RelativeLayout, and the children of the <merge> element will become children of ColorMixer in Java. Basically, the <merge> element is only there because XML files need a single root — otherwise, the <merge> element itself is ignored in the layout.

The Attributes

Widgets usually have attributes that you can set in the XML file, such as the android:src attribute you can specify on an ImageButton widget. You can create your own custom attributes that can be used in your custom widget, by creating a res/values/attrs.xml file containing declare-styleable resources to specify them.

For example, here is the attributes file for ColorMixer:

  <declare-styleable name="ColorMixer">
    <attr name="initialColor" format="color" />
(from Views/ColorMixer/app/src/main/res/values/attrs.xml)

The declare-styleable element describes what attributes are available on the widget class specified in the name attribute — in our case, ColorMixer. Inside declare-styleable you can have one or more attr elements, each indicating the name of an attribute (e.g., initialColor) and what data format the attribute has (e.g., color). The data type will help with compile-time validation and in getting any supplied values for this attribute parsed into the appropriate type at runtime.

Here, we indicate there is only one attribute: initialColor, which will hold the initial color we want the mixer set to when it first appears.

There are many possible values for the format attribute in an attr element, including:

  1. boolean
  2. color
  3. dimension
  4. float
  5. fraction
  6. integer
  7. reference (which means a reference to another resource, such as a Drawable)
  8. string

You can even support multiple formats for an attribute, by separating the values with a pipe (e.g., reference|color).

The Class

Our ColorMixer class, a subclass of RelativeLayout, will take those attributes and provide the actual custom widget implementation, for use in activities.

Constructor Flavors

A View has three possible constructors:

  1. One takes just a Context, which usually will be an Activity
  2. One takes a Context and an AttributeSet, the latter of which represents the attributes supplied via layout XML
  3. One takes a Context, an AttributeSet, and the default style to apply to the attributes

If you are expecting to use your custom widget in layout XML files, you will need to implement the second constructor and chain to the superclass. If you want to use styles with your custom widget when declared in layout XML files, you will need to implement the third constructor and chain to the superclass. If you want developers to create instances of your View class in Java code directly, you probably should implement the first constructor and, again, chain to the superclass.

In the case of ColorMixer, all three constructors are implemented, eventually routing to the three-parameter edition, which initializes our widget. Below, you will see the first two of those constructors, with the third coming up in the next section:

  public ColorMixer(Context context) {
    this(context, null);
  public ColorMixer(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    this(context, attrs, 0);
(from Views/ColorMixer/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/colormixer/

Using the Attributes

The ColorMixer has a starting color — after all, the SeekBar widgets and swatch View have to show something. Developers can, if they wish, set that color via a setColor() method:

  public void setColor(int color) {
(from Views/ColorMixer/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/colormixer/

If, however, we want developers to be able to use layout XML, we need to get the value of initialColor out of the supplied AttributeSet. In ColorMixer, this is handled in the three-parameter constructor:

  public ColorMixer(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
    super(context, attrs, defStyle);
        .inflate(R.layout.mixer, this, true);


    if (attrs!=null) {
      TypedArray a=getContext()
                                                0, 0);
(from Views/ColorMixer/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/colormixer/

There are three steps for getting attribute values:

Note that the name of any given attribute, from the standpoint of TypedArray, is the name of the styleable resource (R.styleable.ColorMixer) concatenated with an underscore and the name of the attribute itself (_initialColor).

In ColorMixer, we get the attribute and pass it to setColor(). Since getInt() on AttributeSet takes a default value, we supply some stock color that will be used if the developer declined to supply an initialColor attribute.

Also note that our ColorMixer constructor inflates the widget’s layout. In particular, it supplies true as the third parameter to inflate(), meaning that the contents of the layout should be added as children to the ColorMixer itself. When the layout is inflated, the <merge> element is ignored, and the <merge> element’s children are added as children to the ColorMixer.

Saving the State

Similar to activities, a custom View overrides onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() to persist data as needed, such as to handle a screen orientation change. The biggest difference is that rather than receive a Bundle as a parameter, onSaveInstanceState() must return a Parcelable with its state… including whatever state comes from the parent View.

The simplest way to do that is to return a Bundle, in which we have filled in our state (the chosen color) and the parent class’ state (whatever that may be).

So, for example, here are implementations of onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() from ColorMixer:

  public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {
    Bundle state=new Bundle();
    state.putParcelable(SUPERSTATE, super.onSaveInstanceState());
    state.putInt(COLOR, getColor());


  public void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable ss) {
    Bundle state=(Bundle)ss;

(from Views/ColorMixer/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/colormixer/

The Rest of the Functionality

ColorMixer defines a callback interface, named OnColorChangedListener:

  public interface OnColorChangedListener {
    public void onColorChange(int argb);
(from Views/ColorMixer/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/colormixer/

ColorMixer also provides getters and setters for an OnColorChangedListener object:

  public OnColorChangedListener getOnColorChangedListener() {
  public void setOnColorChangedListener(OnColorChangedListener listener) {
(from Views/ColorMixer/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/colormixer/

The rest of the logic is mostly tied up in the SeekBar handler, which will adjust the swatch based on the new color and invoke the OnColorChangedListener object, if there is one:

  private SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener onMix=new SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener() {
    public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int progress,
                                  boolean fromUser) {
      int color=getColor();
      if (listener!=null) {
    public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) {
      // unused
    public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) {
      // unused
(from Views/ColorMixer/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/colormixer/

Seeing It In Use

The project contains a sample activity, ColorMixerDemo, that shows the use of the ColorMixer widget.

The layout for that activity, shown below, can be found in res/layout/main.xml of the Views/ColorMixer project:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
  <TextView android:id="@+id/color"
(from Views/ColorMixer/app/src/main/res/layout/main.xml)

Notice that the root LinearLayout element defines two namespaces, the standard android namespace, and a separate one named mixer. The mixer namespace is given a URL of, which indicates to the Android build system to match up mixer attributes with their respective widgets that are supplied via Android library projects.

Our ColorMixer widget is in the layout, with a fully-qualified class name (, since ColorMixer is not in the android.widget package. Notice that we can treat our custom widget like any other, giving it a width and height and so on.

The one attribute of our ColorMixer widget that is unusual is mixer:initialColor. initialColor, you may recall, was the name of the attribute we declared in res/values/attrs.xml and retrieve in Java code, to represent the color to start with. The mixer namespace is needed to identify where Android should be pulling the rules for what sort of values an initialColor attribute can hold. Since our <attr> element indicated that the format of initialColor was color, Android will expect to see a color value here, rather than a string or dimension.

The ColorMixerDemo activity is not very elaborate:


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class ColorMixerDemo extends Activity {
  private TextView color=null;
  public void onCreate(Bundle state) {
    ColorMixer mixer=findViewById(;
  private ColorMixer.OnColorChangedListener onColorChange=
    new ColorMixer.OnColorChangedListener() {
    public void onColorChange(int argb) {
(from Views/ColorMixer/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/colormixer/

It gets access to both the ColorMixer and the TextView in the main layout, then registers an OnColorChangedListener with the ColorMixer. That listener, in turn, puts the value of the color in the TextView, so the user can see the hex value of the color along with the shade itself in the swatch.

ReverseChronometer: Simply a Custom Subclass

Sometimes, what you want to achieve only requires a basic subclass of an existing widget (or container), into which you can pour your business logic.

For example, Android has a Chronometer widget, which is used for denoting elapsed time of some operation. It works well, but it only counts up from zero. It cannot be used to display a countdown instead.

But, we can roll a ReverseChronometer that does, simply by subclassing TextView, as seen in the Views/ReverseChronometer sample project:


import android.content.Context;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class ReverseChronometer extends TextView implements Runnable {
  long startTime=0L;
  long overallDuration=0L;
  long warningDuration=0L;

  public ReverseChronometer(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);


  public void run() {
    long elapsedSeconds=
        (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - startTime) / 1000;

    if (elapsedSeconds < overallDuration) {
      long remainingSeconds=overallDuration - elapsedSeconds;
      long minutes=remainingSeconds / 60;
      long seconds=remainingSeconds - (60 * minutes);

      setText(String.format("%d:%02d", minutes, seconds));

      if (warningDuration > 0 && remainingSeconds < warningDuration) {
        setTextColor(0xFFFF6600); // orange
      else {

      postDelayed(this, 1000);
    else {

  public void reset() {

  public void stop() {

  public void setOverallDuration(long overallDuration) {

  public void setWarningDuration(long warningDuration) {
(from Views/ReverseChronometer/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/revchron/

ReverseChronometer is designed to show minutes and seconds remaining from some initial time. In the constructor, by means to a call to a reset() method, we set the text of the TextView to show a generic starting point (“-:–”), set its color to black, and note the current time (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()) in a startTime data member.

ReverseChronometer also tracks two durations in seconds, with corresponding setter methods:

ReverseChronometer implements Runnable, and when its run() method is called, it determines how many seconds have elapsed since that startTime value. Depending on the amount of seconds remaining, we either:

In either of the first two cases, we also call postDelayed() to schedule ourselves to run again in a second, where we can update the TextView contents once more. That continues until somebody calls stop().

As with any custom View, we can reference this in a layout XML resource, fully-qualifying the class name used as the name of our XML element for the widget. And, since we inherit from TextView, we can set any of the attributes that we want on that TextView, in terms of styling the text, positioning it within a parent container, etc.:

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""


(from Views/ReverseChronometer/app/src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml)

All our activity needs to do is set the durations, then call run() and stop() at appropriate times, such as when the activity is resumed and paused:


import android.os.Bundle;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
  private ReverseChronometer chrono=null;
  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  public void onResume() {
  public void onPause() {
(from Views/ReverseChronometer/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/revchron/

The result is much as you would expect: a countdown of the time remaining:

ReverseChronometer, Early in Countdown
Figure 583: ReverseChronometer, Early in Countdown

…changing to orange when we are within the warning duration:

ReverseChronometer, Late in Countdown
Figure 584: ReverseChronometer, Late in Countdown

…and changing to red when time has run out:

ReverseChronometer, With Complete Time Elapsed
Figure 585: ReverseChronometer, With Complete Time Elapsed

Of course, much more could be done with this widget, if you chose:

AspectLockedFrameLayout: A Custom Container

You can also craft your own custom container classes, whether inheriting straight from ViewGroup to implement your own set of layout rules, or by extending an existing ViewGroup to merely augment its functionality.

For example, there may be cases where you want to control the aspect ratio of some set of widgets. This is important when working with preview frames off of the Camera to prevent distortion, for example.

AspectLockedFrameLayout, therefore, is a custom extension of FrameLayout that ensures that its contents are kept within a particular aspect ratio, reducing the height or width of the contents to keep that aspect ratio.

AspectLockedFrameLayout is published as part of the CWAC-Layouts project, with its own GitHub repo. As with many of the CWAC projects, the reusable code is distributed as a JAR and as an Android library project, with a demo/ sub-project illustrating the use of some of the library’s contents.

AspectLockedFrameLayout holds onto two data members:

AspectLockedFrameLayout has corresponding setters for each:

        lockedHeight=(int)(lockedWidth / localRatio + .5);

      // Add the padding of the border.

      // Ask children to follow the new preview dimension.

   * Supplies a View as a source. The AspectLockedFrameLayout will aim to
   * match the aspect ratio of this View. This is a one-time check; if the
   * View changes its aspect ratio later, the AspectLockedFrameLayout will
   * not attempt to match it.
   * @param v some View

The “business logic” of maintaining the aspect ratio comes in onMeasure(). onMeasure() is called on a ViewGroup when it is time for it to determine its actual size, based upon things like the requested height and width and the sizes of its children. In our case onMeasure() needs to be tweaked to maintain the aspect ratio, assuming that we have an aspect ratio to work with:


   * {@inheritDoc}
  public AspectLockedFrameLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);

  // from, with slight
  // modifications

   * {@inheritDoc}
  protected void onMeasure(int widthSpec, int heightSpec) {
    double localRatio=aspectRatio;

    if (localRatio == 0.0 && aspectRatioSource != null
        && aspectRatioSource.getHeight() > 0) {
              / (double)aspectRatioSource.getHeight();

    if (localRatio == 0.0) {
      super.onMeasure(widthSpec, heightSpec);
    else {
      int lockedWidth=MeasureSpec.getSize(widthSpec);
      int lockedHeight=MeasureSpec.getSize(heightSpec);

      if (lockedWidth == 0 && lockedHeight == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                           "Both width and height cannot be zero -- watch out for scrollable containers");

      // Get the padding of the border background.
      int hPadding=getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();
      int vPadding=getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom();

      // Resize the preview frame with correct aspect ratio.

      if (lockedHeight > 0 && (lockedWidth > lockedHeight * localRatio)) {
        lockedWidth=(int)(lockedHeight * localRatio + .5);

We start by determining what actually is the desired aspect ratio, held onto in a localRatio local variable. That will be aspectRatio if we do not have an aspectRatioSource that already knows its size, otherwise we will calculate the aspect ratio from the source. And, if localRatio turns out to be 0.0, indicating that we do not have an aspect ratio to maintain, we just chain to the superclass, so AspectLockedFrameLayout will behave just like a normal FrameLayout.

If we do have an aspect ratio to maintain, we start by determining our requested height and width. onMeasure() is passed a pair of “specs” that provides details about our requested size, and we can get the height and width from those by means of the MeasureSpec helper class. We remove any horizontal padding — padding is considered to be “outside” the locked area and therefore is ignored in aspect ratio calculations. We then adjust the height or the width, as needed, to maintain the aspect ratio. We add back in the padding, then chain to the superclass with revised height and width “specs” via MeasureSpec.

Note that much of this logic was derived from from the AOSP Camera application, which is used to maintain the aspect ratio of the SurfaceView used to display preview frames.

To use an AspectLockedFrameLayout, just add it to your layout XML file, with an appropriate child widget/container representing the material that needs to maintain a particular aspect ratio. Since the AspectLockedFrameLayout is overriding its natural size, you can use android:layout_gravity to control its positioning within some parent widget, such as centering it:



        <!-- children go here -->

Mirror and MirroringFrameLayout: Draw It Yourself

Another scenario where aspect ratios matter is when you are presenting information on an external display via Presentation, as is covered elsewhere in this book. Ideally, you fill the external display. And normally this will happen for you automatically, as your Presentation content view should fill the available screen space… assuming that the content has the right aspect ratio, or can be suitably stretched.

One scenario where this might be a problem is if you want the same material shown on both the main display and on the external display. For example, suppose that you are using Presentation to deliver… well… a presentation. The external display is probably some form of video projector, and you will want your slides or other materials shown there. However, it is useful for you to be able to see those same slides and such on the tablet, as typically the projector screen is behind, or to the side of, the presenter. If the presenter has to keep turning around to confirm what is shown on “the big screen”, it can detract from the presentation.

Moreover, you might not only want to show the same material, but have it stem from the same source, on the tablet, for interactivity reasons. Suppose that you want to display a Web page. You might just pop up a WebView in the Presentation. But… how do you scroll? The Presentation offers no touch interface — projector screens do not magically respond to pinch-to-zoom just because we happen to be projecting something onto them from an Android tablet.

In this case, ideally we would like to mirror something. Have the actual widgets shown on the tablet, which can then respond to touch events and the like. At the same time, capture what is shown on the tablet and reproduce it, verbatim, on the Presentation for the audience to see. Now everybody can see the same material, and the presenter can manipulate that material.

But now aspect ratios come into play. We want to fill the Presentation display space, without black bars or stretching or whatever. That only works if our source material — the widgets and containers to be mirrored — have the same aspect ratio as the Presentation’s Display itself.

With that in mind, the CWAC Layouts project also contains two classes to solve this problem:

Technically, MirroringFrameLayout works with a MirrorSink, an interface that can receive updates to the content to be mirrored when that content changes. Mirror implements MirrorSink, and you could have other classes implement MirrorSink as well if that made sense for your app. The sections that follow focus on MirroringFrameLayout working with a Mirror, as that is the most likely scenario.


MirroringFrameLayout extends AspectLockedFrameLayout, so that we can lock the aspect ratio of the to-be-mirrored contents to match the aspect ratio of the Mirror. The Mirror is designed to be projected by the Presentation, and so if the Mirror fills the Presentation’s Display, we want our MirroringFrameLayout to match the aspect ratio so the entire Display can indeed be filled.

Of course, a ViewGroup like FrameLayout normally just has its children draw to the screen. In our case, we need to capture what is drawn ourselves, to supply to the Mirror as needed. This is a bit tricky.

package com.commonsware.cwac.layouts;

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener;
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnScrollChangedListener;

 * A FrameLayout that locks its aspect ratio (courtesy of AspectLockedFrameLayout)
 * and supplies "screenshots" of its contents to an associated MirrorSink,
 * such as a Mirror.
 * Principally, MirroringFrameLayout and Mirror are designed for use with
 * Android's Presentation system. The MirroringFrameLayout would be part of the
 * UI of the activity on the mobile device, allowing for user interaction. The
 * Mirror would be used in the Presentation to show an audience (e.g., via a
 * projector) what is shown inside the MirroringFrameLayout on the mobile
 * device.
public class MirroringFrameLayout extends AspectLockedFrameLayout
    implements OnPreDrawListener, OnScrollChangedListener {
  private MirrorSink mirror=null;
  private Bitmap bmp=null;
  private Canvas bmpBackedCanvas=null;
  private Rect rect=new Rect();

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public MirroringFrameLayout(Context context) {
    this(context, null);

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public MirroringFrameLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);


   * Associate a MirrorSink; this sink will be given bitmaps representing
   * updated contents of the MirroringFrameLayout as those contents change.
   * @param mirror a Mirror or other MirrorSink implementation
  public void setMirror(MirrorSink mirror) {

    if (mirror != null) {

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void onAttachedToWindow() {


   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void onDetachedFromWindow() {

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
    if (mirror != null) {

      canvas.drawBitmap(bmp, null, rect, null);
    else {

   * {@inheritDoc}
  protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
    initBitmap(w, h);

    super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public boolean onPreDraw() {
    if (mirror != null) {
      if (bmp == null) {
      else {


   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void onScrollChanged() {

  private void initBitmap(int w, int h) {
    if (mirror != null) {
      if (bmp == null || bmp.getWidth() != w || bmp.getHeight() != h) {
        if (bmp != null) {

        bmp=Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        bmpBackedCanvas=new Canvas(bmp);

Our one-argument constructor uses this() to chain to the two-argument constructor. The two-argument constructor calls setWillNotDraw(false) indicating to Android that we want this ViewGroup to participate in the drawing process like a regular View — normally, certain steps in the drawing process are skipped as being irrelevant to View classes that do not draw anything themselves.

We have a setMirror() method, where the activity or fragment can supply the MirrorSink that is connected to this MirroringFrameLayout. In addition to holding onto the MirrorSink in a mirror data member, we call setAspectRatioSource(), inherited from AspectLockedFrameLayout, so our contents will match the aspect ratio from that source.

MirroringFrameLayout overrides onAttachedToWindow() and onDetatchedFromWindow(). As one might guess, these callbacks are called when views are attached and detached from some window. Usually, that window represents an activity, though it could represent a Dialog or a Presentation.

In those callbacks, we connect with the ViewTreeObserver of the MirroringFrameLayout. A ViewTreeObserver is a way to find out about events of a view tree, rooted at some ViewGroup. In our case, we want to find out when children are going to be drawn (addOnPreDrawListener()) and when they are scrolled (addOnScrollChangedListener()).

We override onSizeChanged(). This is called on any View when its size may have changed, either because it is being sized initially when the UI is being set up, or because something else nearby changed size (e.g., its parent) and therefore the size of the View itself may now be different. In our case, we use onSizeChanged() to set up a Bitmap object, sized to match our size, and a Canvas object that wraps around that Bitmap object. As you will see, we will use this Canvas to capture what is being drawn on the screen, for later use by the Mirror.

We also override draw(). This is, in effect, the “entry point” into the logic that causes a View to render itself on the screen, by drawing to a supplied Canvas object. Most View classes do not override draw(), as the real rendering is done in an onDraw() method, as we will see with Mirror later in this chapter. However, in our case, we have to override draw() for one simple reason: we do not want to draw to the Canvas supplied by Android to the draw() method. We want to draw to our own Canvas, backed by that Bitmap.

To that end, if we have a MirrorSink, we:

By rendering our contents to the Bitmap-backed Canvas, instead of the normal one, we capture a copy of the output, in the form of the Bitmap. Since the Bitmap has the same size as the “real” Canvas (courtesy of our onSizeChanged() work), when we draw the Bitmap onto the Canvas, we effectively “color in” the same pixels in the same spots as if we had skipped all of this and left the normal draw() logic alone. But, since we still hold onto our Bitmap, we can use those same pixels elsewhere… such as in our Mirror.

The problem with relying on draw() is that it is not always called when there are changes to widgets within the MirroringFrameLayout. In particular, WebView often does not trigger draw() on the MirroringFrameLayout. That’s where the pre-draw and scroll-changed events from the ViewTreeObserver come into play: they give us more indication that we need to update our Bitmap.

The onPreDraw() method is called when a child of this MirroringFrameLayout is about to be drawn. If we have our MirrorSink, we then either call requestLayout() (if we have no bitmap yet) or invalidate() (if we do), to trigger Android to go through the draw process for the MirroringFrameLayout too, allowing us to update our Bitmap.

The onScrollChanged() method is called when a child of this MirroringFrameLayout has been scrolled. This delegates to onPreDraw(), to run through the same logic to force an update to the Bitmap.


Mirror extends the base View class, and so it is the most “raw” of all the custom widgets and containers shown so far in this chapter. It has an update() method, used to connect the MirroringFrameLayout from which the Mirror can obtain what it is supposed to display:

package com.commonsware.cwac.layouts;

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.View;

 * A View that implements MirrorSink and renders the supplied bitmaps to its
 * own contents. When connected to a MirroringFrameLayout, Mirror will aim to
 * show the same contents as is in the MirroringFrameLayout, at the same aspect
 * ratio, though possibly at a different size.
 * Principally, MirroringFrameLayout and Mirror are designed for use with
 * Android's Presentation system. The MirroringFrameLayout would be part of the
 * UI of the activity on the mobile device, allowing for user interaction. The
 * Mirror would be used in the Presentation to show an audience (e.g., via a
 * projector) what is shown inside the MirroringFrameLayout on the mobile
 * device.
public class Mirror extends View implements MirrorSink {
  private Rect rect=new Rect();
  private Bitmap bmp=null;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public Mirror(Context context) {

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public Mirror(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public Mirror(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
    super(context, attrs, defStyle);

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void update(Bitmap bmp) {

   * {@inheritDoc}
  protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    if (bmp != null) {

      calcCenter(rect.width(), rect.height(), bmp.getWidth(),
                 bmp.getHeight(), rect);
      canvas.drawBitmap(bmp, null, rect, null);

  // based upon

  static void calcCenter(int vw, int vh, int iw, int ih, Rect out) {
    double scale=
        Math.min((double)vw / (double)iw, (double)vh / (double)ih);

    int h=(int)(scale * ih);
    int w=(int)(scale * iw);
    int x=((vw - w) >> 1);
    int y=((vh - h) >> 1);

    out.set(x, y, x + w, y + h);

The bulk of the “business logic” lies in onDraw(), plus a helper calcCenter() static method.

onDraw() is called on a View when it is time for that widget to actually draw its visual representation onto the supplied Canvas. Different widgets will use different drawing primitive methods offered by Canvas, to draw lines and text and whatnot. In our case, we:

Usage and Results

Normally, you would use the Mirror in a layout for a Presentation and the MirroringFrameLayout in an activity that controls the Presentation. However, it is possible to use both in the same layout file, for light testing. However, please do not put the Mirror inside of the MirroringFrameLayout, as this is likely to cause a rupture in the space-time continuum, and you really do not want to be responsible for that.

So, in the SimpleMirrorActivity from the demo/ sub-project, we use a layout that has both Mirror and MirroringFrameLayout, with the latter set to mirror a WebView:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""







In this case, we set the background of the FrameLayout holding our MirroringFrameLayout to green, to show how the MirroringFrameLayout size is changed to maintain our aspect ratio.

(or, perhaps we just like green)

Besides configuring the to-be-mirrored widgets, all you need to do is call setMirror() on the MirroringFrameLayout to enable the mirroring logic:

package com.commonsware.cwac.layouts.demo;

import android.os.Bundle;
import com.commonsware.cwac.layouts.Mirror;
import com.commonsware.cwac.layouts.MirroringFrameLayout;

public class SimpleMirrorActivity extends Activity {
  MirroringFrameLayout source=null;

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    Mirror target=findViewById(;


MirroringFrameLayout Above Its Mirror
Figure 586: MirroringFrameLayout Above Its Mirror

While the bottom portion is just the Mirror and therefore is non-interactive, the top is the real WebView, which can be scrolled, with the resulting changes reflected in the Mirror in real-time:

MirroringFrameLayout and Mirror, Showing Scrolled Contents
Figure 587: MirroringFrameLayout and Mirror, Showing Scrolled Contents


MirroringFrameLayout only works for materials drawn in the Java layer, that therefore can be drawn to the Bitmap-backed Canvas. Content not drawn in the Java layer will not work with MirroringFrameLayout, notably anything involving a SurfaceView. This not only includes your own SurfaceView widgets, but anything else that depends upon SurfaceView, such as VideoView or the Maps V2 MapView and MapFragment.

Also, the re-sampling done by Mirror is not especially sophisticated and will cause jagged effects, particularly when up-sampling. Ideally, the MirroredFrameLayout will be the same size or larger than the Mirror. This may not always be possible, particularly with a Mirror shown on a 1080p external display, but the closer you can get will improve the output.