
Thank you seems like such small words for the amount of gratitude I have for those who support and love me. But, I’ll say it anyway and hope that you know it doesn’t scratch the surface.

To my eternal one and only, thank you for putting up with me, for never making me feel guilty when I have to take time away from you to write, for loving my ideas and believing in their success. You never doubt me, and only ever encourage me to believe in myself. Thank you for always being willing to do “research” for my books, they wouldn’t be steamy or romantic without you. Your support in what it takes, through time and money, to be a new author is priceless and I can’t imagine what I would do without you. I love you and I will love you for forever.

To K. Webster, thank you for always being such an amazing mentor. My books would never become finished works without you. You’ve taught me so much, always take the time to chat, brainstorm, and help me without ever making me feel as though I’m bugging you! You are truly brilliant and I’m so grateful to have you as a friend. I would hate to see what my life would be if you took the other half of our shared brain and left! Besides, who else would I ask all of my penis questions?!

To my editor, Jacquelyn. What would I do without you? Our twisted senses of humor are a special kind of crazy, so I know you’ll appreciate my jokes! You’ve always been a friend and a support, so it made it all the sweeter to have you as an editor. I appreciate the snort laughing I do through all of your notes. Thank you be for pushing me to reach my potential. You’ve Got It (The Right Stuff).

A big thanks to Stacey Blake from Champaign Formatting. You always make my pages so beautiful!! You’re such a gem and I’m so happy I was sent in your direction.

To Danielle, what can I say? I would not have survived writing this book without you being a sounding board. Our inappropriate jokes and stories made me laugh on the crappiest of days. It was such a pleasure to brainstorm with you on my novel as well as yours. Our unique experiences with love and sex made for some interesting conversations, and some weirded out looks from my husband! Thank you for supporting me, for letting me give back to you what other authors have given to me, and for becoming a cherished friend. I look forward to the day we finally meet in person, although we might need to have warning labels attached to us!

To all of the authors who have inspired me, taught me, and supported me. I am honored to call you friends and colleagues. Rochelle Paige (and son), K. Webster, Aurora Rose Reynolds, Ella Fox, Anne Jolin, Zoe Norman, Jacquelyn Ayres, Danielle Ione, Autumn Grey, Leighton Riley, and so many others, I wish I could name you all! To the C.O.P.A girls, having a safe and positive environment to connect and support each other means the world to me. I still get a little intimidated by the amount of awesome in this group, thank you for letting me be a part of it.

To Heather and Melanie, I don’t how the hell I would survive the craziness that is my life without you. It’s hard to keep up a blog once you make the transition to author, so I am immensely grateful that, because of you both, I haven’t had to quit blogging. Your beta feedback, your support, enthusiasm, and friendship mean everything to me. Don’t ever leave me or I’ll be flapping in the wind with nothing to hold on to!

To my favorite friend, my oldest friend, my best friend. There is no filter between us, I am just me. You are a safe place, a place where I can lay all of my troubles, share my joys, and be all kinds of little girl silly with. When you tell me that you are proud of me, there are no words for how that makes me feel. I am forever grateful that our friendship has only become stronger through the years. You and hubs know ME. All of me. And without you, I would be a little less steady and a whole lot less confident in who I am. Thank you for always being there for me. I will always be here for you. I love you like the 80’s love Stevie Nicks.

To my Cupcakes, you are all so sweet (pun intended because I’m a nerd that way). Thank you for laughing at my jokes, being excited about my books, and sharing it with others. You brighten my day and, so often, make me feel like a rock star! I’ll keep baking, you keep licking the frosting (wow, that sounds way dirtier than I meant it).

To all of the amazing bloggers out there who make an author’s dreams become reality. It would be impossible to be a successful author without you. A special thanks to Escape N’ Books for all that you do to support and pimp me and my books.

To Bare Naked Words, IndieSage PR, and Tasty Book Tours, the world knows about Protecting Shaylee because you work so hard. You rock my socks off!

And to all of the book lovers, writing would just be a hobby if we didn’t have you to share our passion with. Thank you for taking chances on new authors and supporting the ones you love.

I’m sure I’ve forgotten people, but that doesn’t mean I don’t recognize all that you do for me. Know that you all shape me into the writer that I am. Thank you for everything.

To the one who blessed me with my talent, thank you for giving me something that filled the gaping hole, left in my soul, when I stepped away from my last career. For giving me a talent that brings me such joy.