My friends are such assholes. I know Brannon is just messing with me but, apparently, I have no limit when it comes to Shaylee. Next time I get him in the training room, I’m going to beat the shit out of him. And, if he kisses Shaylee one more time, I won’t wait for sparring.
I guide Shaylee up the stairs and feel relief to finally have her to myself again. We reach the second level and I take her to apartment 2B, a small studio. When we go inside, she looks around in surprise.
“This is where I’m staying? I figured it would be more like a dorm room.”
I chuckle at her assumption. “You’re not a child, baby. You won’t be treated like one. There are apartments in the facility for those who choose to live here, mostly for the convenience. However, a good amount of them live on their own. This facility is reserved for adults, but even in the facilities, where they train the children, they still live at home.” I watch for her reaction when I say, “You really are hung up on the idea that you’ve come to Hogwarts, aren’t you?” She rolls her eyes at me and turns to walk about the room, but not before I see the pretty blush on the apples of her cheeks.
She wanders around, getting to know her surroundings, giving me the opportunity to drink her in. She’s so damn gorgeous. There is a part of me that still doesn’t believe I finally have her here. I didn’t even realize how much I missed her the last two years. It’s killing me to know I have to go slow when all I want to do is drag her back to my bed and sink into her, lose myself in her essence. I discreetly adjust myself to take some of the pressure off of my cock, straining against my zipper. Fuck. I don’t know how much time I can give her. She moves into the light from the window and the sunlight shines through her t-shirt, highlighting her perfect breasts and flat belly. I shift uncomfortably, my cock hard as a baseball bat. Okay, so patience isn’t going to work. I decide on a new plan, a much more enjoyable method. I know she wants me and I’m going to use it to my advantage. I’m determined to have her give in by the end of the week. Five days—I’ve got five days. Stop standing here and move your ass.
“Shaylee,” I call to her. She’d moved to the bed and was going through the luggage that I’d had brought to her apartment. She lifts her head, and I crook my finger at her. She stands, facing me, and plops her hands onto her hips in exasperation.
“Aden, you need to stop ordering me around like I’m still six years old.”
I laugh at her comment, but my eyes become hooded as I slowly peruse her from head to toe. “Believe me, Shaylee, I’m very well aware that you aren’t my little ‘Buttercup’ anymore. Now, get your ass over here.”
She lets out a long, suffering sigh, but obeys me. When she’s standing in front of me, she lifts her brow sassily. She’s so damn cute. I snake my arm around her waist and pull her with me as I open the door and move to the door right across the hall.
“What are you doing Aden? Are you giving me a choice of apartments? Because I’m really fine with the other one, any apartment is a step up from my dorm room.”
As I unlock the door, I can’t help responding cryptically. “I’m definitely giving you a choice of which apartment you’d like to live in . . . for now.” The last words are said under my breath and I’m not sure she caught them. I open the door wide and usher her inside.
This apartment is at least three times the size of her studio. When you walk in the door, there is an open kitchen to the left, stainless steel appliances, white cabinets, and black granite counter tops. A breakfast bar separates it from the large living room that takes up the rest of the space. The right and back walls are windows, washing the room in the dimming light of afternoon. The couch is black leather, bookended with deep, cherry wood end tables. It faces a low cabinet that holds a large flat screen. There are a couple of black leather lazy boy chairs as well. There are two good-sized bedrooms down the hall as well, each with their own bathroom. It’s clearly a bachelor’s apartment, and until today, that’s what it was.
Shaylee takes it all in before looking back at me. “This is way too big for just me.” Chuckling, I turn her back around and pull her back against me, my arms tight around her waist.
My words whisper in her ear, “It’s not just for you, baby. You’ll have a roommate.” The movement of her cheek tells me that she’s scrunched up her cute little nose. Loosening my hold on her, I bring her around to face me, but keep my hands firmly on her hips. “This is my apartment.”
She narrows her eyes at me, her brows dipping in an irritation. “I’ll stick with my own place.”
Using my grip on her hips, I pull her flush against me, letting her feel what she’s doing to me. The bulge in my pants is nestled right up against the heat of her—she is the perfect height for me, fitting my body seamlessly. I wait until she’s locked in my stare. “You can stay in the other apartment.” Emotion flashes in her eyes at my words and I almost grunt in satisfaction when I see the disappointment before she can hide it. She wants me to fight for her. This is going to be easier than I thought. I bite back my smile.
She tries to back away but I put pressure on her back and bring her even closer, leaning my lips to her ear. “You can stay there until the end of the week. Then, like it or not, you’re moving in here with me. You have until Friday night to accept the fact that you’re mine, baby. Because, by the end of the week, you’ll be sleeping in my bed.” I stop for a moment to let my words sink in, biting lightly down on her lobe and I swell even more, the teeth of my zipper digging into my aching cock. I want nothing more than to haul her back to my huge bed and fuck her until she isn’t able to think about anything but me. But, I’ll wait. “I suppose I should rephrase that. You won’t be doing much sleeping.”
Her sapphire eyes widen, dilate, and catch mine. “Are we clear?” Some of the haze clears and I see the defiance growing. Time for reinforcement. One of my hands slips up to the back of her neck and I urge her forward, crashing my mouth down onto hers.
She immediately sinks into me, going slack against my body, bringing her hands to my biceps and holding on tight. I use the hand at her neck to tug on her curls, giving me more access to deepen the kiss. The angle also opens her mouth slightly and I take the advantage, plunging my tongue into the warm recesses of her mouth. She tastes so fucking sweet. Her body trembles again and I slide both hands down her body, grabbing her ass hard and slamming her hips into mine, making sure she feels what she does to me. She gasps at the contact and I open my mouth wider over hers, plundering and tangling my tongue with hers. Grasping her ass, I lift her and wrap her legs around my waist, keeping the contact between our legs, pressing deep into her heat. Her arms crawl up around my neck and into my hair, yanking in desperation and I growl at the bolt of lust that each tug shoots straight down to my dick.
She weighs practically nothing, but my body is on fire and I need to find my balance. I opt for the couch and move in that direction with her still curled around me, her lips making their way down my neck. I finally reach the sofa and fall back onto it, the slight bounce bringing her impossibly closer to me. My hands begin to explore, burrowing under her shirt and traveling up her back, pausing only to quickly flick the clasp of her bra. I’m desperate to feel her, to fill my hands with those heavy globes, to lick those coral buds, make them hard, suck them deep into my mouth, and hear her whimper my name. When I reach her front, I whisper my fingers along the undersides of her tits and a shiver that courses through her, causing her to squirm in my lap, the friction of our jeans painful and I swear, I almost come right here, in my pants, like a fucking teenager.
I steel myself, grasping at what little control I have and circle her nipples with the pads of my fingers, swirling around them but never reaching the peaks. Finally, I get what I was aiming for, Shaylee moans in frustration and pushes her tits forward. I want her to ask for it, to want it as much as I do, so I continue to deny her the relief she seeks. “What do you want, baby?”
She thrusts her chest forward again and I give her nipples a little tweak before moving away from them once more. Her whimper of distress is louder this time. “Tell me, baby. What do you want?” Shaylee’s head had dropped back, but now she lifts it and looks into my eyes, her blue ones dark and turbulent.
“I want you to stop toying with me and suck on my fucking nipples.” It takes absolutely everything in me not to come at that moment. Hearing dirty talk from my sweet Shaylee is the biggest fucking turn on and I know I won’t hold out much longer. I whip her shirt and bra off and toss them, who the hell knows where, before latching onto one of her diamond hard peaks. Her head falls back again, grinding into me, and I have to lift her slightly away, so that I can maintain some control.
Her moan of distress is my undoing and I grasp her tight before flipping her so that she is lying on the couch underneath me. I move my mouth to the other breast, not to leave that nipple neglected. Her hands are all over me, exploring my back, while one makes its way to the snap of my jeans. I grab her hand, afraid I’ll lose it before I can bury myself deep, deep inside her. Having sufficiently loved on her gorgeous tits, I return to her mouth, ripe and swollen from my kisses. Another flick unsnaps her pants and my fingers dive into her soaking wet pussy. Shaylee arches her back and cries out my name. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard, but I know it won’t compare to the sound of her screaming my name as I bring her to the ultimate explosion.
“Baby, you’re so fucking sexy. I—“
Bam! Bam! Bam!
“What the fuck?” Someone is banging on my door.
“Yo! Aden! Move your ass, dude! We are running late and I don’t need your mom busting my balls about it.”
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
“I forgot about dinner with my family. Ean and I usually ride together because he lives here too.” Shaylee has gone stiff as a board and the desire that was swirling in her deep blues, is quickly dissipating. Her expression is confused as she glances at the door, then she wiggles a little, indicating that she wants me to let her up.
I grit my teeth at the sensations sparked by her movement. “Baby, don’t move like that. I’m hanging by a thread here.” She stills immediately, but throws a harried look at the door again. “It’s locked, baby.” Some of the tension leaves her body, but she’s still taut as she pokes me in the shoulder. I take a deep breath and move to roll off of her when I feel a push of air and fall right off the couch onto my ass. When I look up, Shaylee is staring at me in surprise.
Damn, I’ve got to teach her how to control her impulses. She jumps up and rushes to gather her clothes, doing her best to avoid any eye contact with me.
“Aden! Move your ass, dude!”
“Keep your fucking panties on, Ean!” I yell back. After a couple of deep breathes, I’m able to stand without fearing that the zipper of my jeans will leave teeth marks on my dick. Shaylee is dressed and heading for the front door, but I grab her and whirl her around, bringing our faces nose to nose. “Don’t, for one second, think that we won’t be finishing what we started here.” Before she can respond, I spin her back to the door and smack her ass, urging her forward. She tosses back a dirty look and I give her an innocent smile, then reach around her and open the door.
Shaylee gasps and stares.
I feel a growl rumbling in my throat and grab Shaylee, bringing her back to my front and wrapping her up in my arms. Ean is leaning against the wall next to Shaylee’s door, flipping his keys in circles and looking incredibly bored. He looks like a GQ model. Women practically throw themselves at him. It’s nauseating. I’ve never cared and I feel like a pussy for being jealous now, and yet, I still hug her a little tighter, reminding her who she belongs to.
When Ean hears the door open, he pushes off the wall and looks up.
“It’s about fucking time—you must be Shaylee.” His eyes have landed on Shaylee and he gives her a head to toe once over. A slow, predatory smile creeps onto his face during his perusal. He steps forward, reaching out to shake her hand, but stops when I let out an involuntary snarl. Instead of backing away, like any normal man would, Ean’s smile widens, all though he does drop his hand.
“It’s nice to meet you, Ean.” Shaylee’s voice is friendly, but I don’t hear any desire and some of the tension melts from my body, slackening my hold around her. I turn to shut—oof! Shaylee’s elbow digs into my ribs and knocks the air out of me, forcing me to let her go completely. Ignoring me, she walks up to Ean and offers her hand in greeting.
Ean’s smile is filled with glee, which is as shocking as Shaylee’s elbow to the ribs. Ean doesn’t show much emotion, he’s always been somewhat reserved and quiet. After he lost a charge, he retreated so far into himself, that we were afraid we’d never reach him. He’s returned somewhat, but he’s never completely left the guilt behind and it drives him in his job to the brink of obsession. Looking at him now, I almost see the guy I grew up with, and I almost decide to let him get away with his plans to dick around with me. If it were anybody but Shaylee, I’d let him have his fun. But selfishly, I don’t want Shaylee to see his good side. I’m aware of what a bastard that makes me.