My lungs are burning, my legs are screaming, and every inch of my body is dripping with sweat. But no matter how many miles I run, I can’t wipe Shaylee from my mind. She consumes me, day and night. I’ve never wanted anything in the last seventy-six years like I want her. I don’t just crave her body either, although I’ve had a permanent semi since the moment I saw her again. I want it all. I want her to give me her body, her heart, her perfect soul.
No matter how many miles I run, I can’t get away from the fact that I’ve already given her all of those things. She fucking owns me, and I can’t out run the reality of it. So, it’s time for a game plan. I meant what I told her yesterday, she’s got until Friday. If she thinks I’m going to give her space, she’s out of her mind. I’m going to do everything I can to sweep her off her feet, and bring her to the brink of desire, so she is begging me to satisfy her need.
I hit the cool down button and take my speed down to a slow jog. Brannon hops onto the machine next to me and looks me up and down.
“You look frustrated.” His voice is anything but sympathetic. A knowing look enters his eyes and I can see that he is fighting a smile. Asshole. “Shaylee must be living in the other apartment.” I know he’s being a prick on purpose, so I just grunt a response, refusing to take the bait. Brannon gives in to his laughter, but wisely turns to his treadmill without comment and begins his workout. I slow down to a walk, and then hop off the machine after five minutes. Grabbing a towel, I give in to my childish side and whip it right at Brannon’s ass. He yelps (like a little girl) and stumbles, making me double over with laughter, before I give him a jaunty salute and make my way to the locker room and the showers.
At a quarter to ten, I head to the training room and get out the necessary items to begin Shaylee’s training. Out of the window, I can see others training on the fields, and I’m grateful that this space is almost empty. Laila is coaching a sparring match between two teenage boys, at the other end of the room, and gives me a wave before focusing back on her students.
Laila chose to become an instructor after a decade or so in the Mie'Lorvor. She wanted the real world experience, but decided quickly that she preferred to “get to the good part”, as she puts it. Most people underestimate her because of her size and short time in the field, but that just means they’ll get their asses handed to them that much harder. She’s one of the most powerful instructors at the facility and uses their ignorance to gain respect. Watching her take down an arrogant, know-it-all student is one of my favorite spectator sports. If I could sell tickets and popcorn, I’d make a fortune.
As I’m laying down footwork tape, I hear Laila call out a greeting. Setting the tape aside, I stand and turn toward the entrance, noticing that the boys have stopped practicing and are gawking at the door. I roll my eyes at their lack of focus and move my gaze to see what has their attention and stop dead in my tracks.
Oh, fuck no.
Shaylee is striding toward me, dressed in tight black running pants, molded to every muscle in her legs and showing off her spectacular ass. The straps of her purple top cross at the back of her neck, come down from behind and wrap around the front, just below her tits, before hooking in the back. The straps and support from the sports bra lift her generous tits up high and show off just enough cleavage to have every male mouth in the room filling with saliva. Way too much of her smooth, creamy skin is exposed. Before she reaches me, I hurry over, grab her arm, and lead her back out the door.
“Change. Now.” I demand tightly, my jaw grinding. She was startled by my reaction a moment ago, but at my words, her eyes narrow and her lips pinch in defiance.
“No.” She raises an eyebrow, waiting for my response, but when she folds her arms under her chest, I’m distracted by the plump flesh on display. The distraction just makes me that much more determined to get my way. Not to mention how difficult it would be to train her with a fucking hard on.
“Shaylee, don’t push me.” I warn. “Now get your ass upstairs and put on some clothes.”
She inhales sharply and her blue eyes turn stormy, fury swirling in their depths. She can get as angry as she wants; I’m not going to budge a fucking inch. She must see the determination in my eyes because eventually she lets out a huff before spinning around and stomping down the hall.
“Hurry it up.” I call. “And, leave the pout at the door, Buttercup.” I hear a higher pitched shriek of frustration from around the corner and her clomping gets louder. That’s when I notice ground trembling in time with each of her irritated little steps. Holy fuck, that girl needs to learn to control her power or every time she has a snit, we’ll be staring down world destruction. I shake my head in exasperation and almost laugh at her childish attitude. Almost. I’m too busy trying to lose the damn tent in my shorts to think about anything else.
When Shaylee returns to the training room, she still has on the pants that fit like a second skin, which I’m not overly happy about. However, she’d put on a grey t-shirt with a Tinkerbell graphic on the front and, as she walks by me, I see that it says, “I’m the happiness fairy. I just sprinkled happy dust on you. Now smile. This shits expensive.” My head flies back as I laugh so hard, my stomach begins to ache. I pass by her and give her a light swat on the ass, “That’s more like it.”
Shaylee halts and gets up in my face, “Did it occur to you that I didn’t’t pack my bags, Aden?” she hisses as her cheeks turn a little pink. “Most of my workout clothes are ridiculously skimpy.”
This time, when I start laughing, I double over, barely able to stay on my feet. Her mother packed those clothes? Damn, Shaylee comes by her sassiness honestly. Shaking my head, I refrain from comment and just take her hand, leading her to the room with the cardio machines. At least, I’ll be able to focus a little more with her new attire.
I start her off with a warm up on the treadmill and am pleasantly surprised to see that she’s in good shape; her endurance is pretty strong. While she runs, I start off with the typical lectures on defensive techniques. It turns out, she has taken self-defense classes, which means, I don’t have to start from the beginning and we can move faster. I also explain how we are going to train, spending the majority of our time on the physical aspects right now, but then, we’ll incorporate her abilities more and more.
“You’ve got to pay a little more attention to your emotions, babe,” I warn, remembering her little fit in the hallway. Defense is about awareness, knowing what options your opponent has and what you need to do to protect yourself. Your magic is a tool and inadvertently using your abilities without control could get us both hurt.
Hopping off the treadmill, she nods, “I’ll try.” Then she shrugs, “Just try not to piss me off.”
Choosing to ignore her barb, we make our way back into the training room. For the next several hours, we concentrate on reviewing her knowledge of footwork and self-defense moves. I’m impressed with how fast she picks it up, and even more with her focus and determination to learn. She left the smartass in the other room and is genuinely open to what I’m teaching her. Mostly.
“Shaylee, keep your hands up,” I chide for, at least, the twentieth time. Her eyes shoot daggers at me but she lifts her hands to her face once again. Sweat is dripping off her skin and I’m amazed that I’m able to keep my mind off of the way it molds her clothes to her every curve.
I’ve kept her in constant movement since the moment we began and I can see she is getting tired. But, I want to find her limits, to see just how hard I can push her. So far, my girl is already proving herself a force to be reckoned with. I’ve got her running footwork drills along tape lines, when her concentration is interrupted by the presence of someone behind me.
“Shaylee, concentrate! “ I bark at her. She rolls her eyes and stops the drill to walk forward, smiling at whomever has arrived. I turn to glower at the person and see its Hayleigh. She’s covered in sweat and mud; she must have been training out in the field. She nods a greeting at me, but turns to Shaylee with a full smile. Some of my irritation eases at the sight. I want Shaylee to be comfortable here and honestly, it’s nice to see Hayleigh look a little less serious for a change. She transferred here from another city a couple of years ago and it was immediately clear that she was jaded by her past and looking for a fresh start. She’s softened over the years, but she still wears a cynical shell that keeps her wary. Brannon was taken with her from the moment he met her, but damn, she is leading him on a not-so-merry chase.
Shaylee pulls her into a hug and she stiffens but to my complete astonishment, she doesn’t pull away and after a moment, returns the embrace. I guess I shouldn’t have been shocked; Shaylee has always had the ability to draw people to her.
Pulling back, Shaylee grabs Hayleigh’s hands, “Please tell me you’re here to save me from this torture,” she pleads. Hayleigh laughs and I roll my eyes at her exaggerated description.
“Unfortunately, I just stopped by to see if you’re free Friday night. Laila and I are vegging out with junk food and chick flicks.” I open my mouth to tell her that Shaylee will be with me, but shut it just as quickly. I want her to find her rhythm here, so I’ll give her the evening with the girls. I watch her face and see the tiny, but triumphant, smile when she steals a glance at me out of the corner of her eye. She thinks she’s beat me at my game, and I let her, keeping my face carefully blank. Yeah, we’ll see who wins on Friday night.
“Since you’re not here to spring me, I’ll take you up on it and demand that our night include boat loads of chocolate.” They both giggle and Hayleigh agrees to her terms. She takes off for the showers and Shaylee turns to me with a beseeching pout on her face. “Let’s take a break, Aden.” She falls to her knees and then down on to her back, sprawling across the floor.
We’ve been at it for several hours. I was about to give her a break and get some food, but I decide to mess with her. Walking over to her, I put a foot on each side of her torso, lean down, and give her a stern face. “Suck it up, Buttercup. We’ve got work to do.” Shaylee’s eyes narrow at the patronizing nickname and before I know what’s hit me, she brings up her left foot and pushes into the back of my opposite knee. Normally, I would be able to catch my balance, but just then, I feel a light push. I tip over to her right and she rolls left, just missing being crushed by my weight.
I twist in my fall and land on my ass, chagrined at being taken off guard by her. That’s the second time she’s used the air to give me a shove. The first time was an accident, but my instincts tell me that she’s getting a feel for it and this time, it was quite deliberate. My brow furrows in irritation as I observe her clutching her stomach and shaking with laughter. Damn. My one saving grace for my pride is that none of my boys were here to see it.
The next few days are crammed with hand-to-hand combat training. Fae are protectors by nature, so physical and magical defense are mastered in a very short timeframe. The half Fae trainees should be at a disadvantage from the Fae who have grown up in Rien, having been training since they were teenagers. However, after their marking, the leath leanbh have a window of time where they are able to absorb all of the knowledge they’ve missed at an amazing rate.
Shaylee is excelling even faster than I expected and we’ll be able to begin working on bringing her magic into the mix. For the most part, she’s been able to control her abilities and we’ve avoided any major catastrophes. Though, it certainly wasn’t without incident. Like the time I called her “Buttercup”, knowing it would piss her off, since I was basically telling her to stop acting like a child. I’ve found that works well to make her mad enough to really focus. Except, if looks could kill, I’d be dead and buried. When the hole in the ground opened up beneath me, I just barely caused a stiff wind to blow back and keep me from falling. Damn, that was hot. Artic shower tonight buddy.
Her slip drills, bag and mitt work, and overall technique have become stellar. Her body, though already in great shape, has become leaner and stronger. Then every evening, after we finished up, she’d hightail it to her apartment and practically hide from me. Though, I know she is spending some time with Laila and Hayleigh and glad she is fitting in so seamlessly. Finding friends and, hopefully, making this home.
I’m not going to bullshit you; I fucking miss her. And, it doesn’t help that I spend my days with my hands all over her while we train. It takes all of my effort not to let my restraint go, when we fall to the mats, and fuck her on the floor of the training room. But, I let her have some space, holding onto my patience with cold showers and the reminder that Friday gets closer every day.
I haven’t let her get away from me completely, though. I left a bouquet of her favorite flower, bluebell roses, on her bed one night, knowing it would bring her a little comfort of home, since they don’t grow in Rien. I put a box of animal crackers on her table to remind her of the zoo. My favorite moment was when I left a stuffed unicorn, prompting her to remind me of our first day here when she mentioned them and I told her we’d discuss it another time. She wasn’t super happy about the fact that I was just messing with her and that we don’t, in fact, have unicorns (where humans conjured up that piece of folklore is beyond me…). I swear, she almost looked disappointed.
To my relief, it’s Friday. You mean to your dick’s relief. Ok, that too. Shaylee has been sending me speculative glances all day, not surprising considering the heated looks I’ve been sending her way. I can’t seem to stop devouring her gorgeous body and making a mental list of all the things I’m going to do to her tonight. It takes every thread of my control to concentrate on training her, but somehow, I get through the day.
Once we put away the equipment, she walks past me toward the exit, avoiding my gaze.
Nice try, babe.
My arm sneaks out and hooks her around the waist, pulling her up against me, her back to my front. I feather a kiss on the shell of her ear and smile into her hair when her breath hitches and I feel a shiver race through her. I knew the sexual tension this week hadn’t been one-sided, but feeling the tension coiling her muscles, I realized that she is every bit as wound up as I am.
She is the perfect height to mold our bodies flawlessly together. But, I still have to lower my head to brush more soft kisses along the sides of her neck and nip at her earlobe. I inhale deeply, her lavender scent surrounds me, and her skin tastes like sun kissed strawberries, making my mouth water.
“I know you’re aware of what day it is, baby.” I’m practically purring. She turns her head to face mine, her eyes wide, trying valiantly for an innocent look. I almost smile, but manage to keep my smoldering expression, letting her feel the burn of how much I want her.
“I’ve got plans with the girls tonight.” A twinkle appears in her eye. This ought to be fun. She’s ready to be mine, I can see the acceptance lurking in the cobalt depths, but she’s not quite done making me chase her.
“I haven’t forgotten.” My right hand slides back from her waist and slips down to give her ass a strong squeeze. “Just remember where you’re sleeping tonight.” With that, I give her another squeeze and let her go, spinning around and walking swiftly to the locker room door. I’ve got a plan. Reaching into my bag, I text Brannon and Kendrix, enlisting their help. They agree with some good natured grumbling, particularly about Ean getting out of it since he is off on assignment. Giving myself time to get cleaned up, we agree to meet in thirty minutes.
There is a very good chance that Shaylee will be pissed, but I’m confident in my tactics of persuasion. I might even decide to punish her for making me suffer all week. The thoughts running through my head have my cock perking up. He’s definitely liking where this is headed.