Chapter Twenty


Shaylee was up sick again in the early morning, so I decided not to wake her when I got up. I can’t bring myself to leave her right now, so I call Ean and ask him to come over so we can talk.

Once he arrives, I motion for him to have a seat on the couch and I grab us each a mug of coffee before joining him in the living room. The sun has been up for a few hours and it’s streaming through all of the open windows, warming me and giving me strength. I don’t know what the hell is going on, but this motherfucker who is stalking Shaylee has his days numbered.

I fill Ean in on our conversation with Fate, about the dreams, and the time Shaylee was almost suffocated. Since Ean also lives here, I need his help figuring out how this Fallen slipped in and out of my home without my notice.

“I slept with the fucking light on last night, Ean. I should have felt him, especially when I’m with Shaylee. Everything is magnified between the two of us, so how the hell did this guy get away with this?”

Ean is leaning back against the couch with his arms crossed over his broad chest, a deep frown on his face. “There’s nothing special about the locks on our doors and this person could be as capable as anyone at picking it. It’s not like we have some kind of magic protective spells that we cast.” He rolls his eyes. The ridiculous notions that humans have about our magic usually make us laugh, but all I can work up, at this moment, is a sarcastic grunt of agreement.

Ean leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees, his arms hanging loosely between them. “As for why you didn’t notice, I honestly don’t know, Aden. I met with her a while ago to talk about the increased amount of Fallen I’ve been running into on assignment.” His face twists into what I assume in annoyance. “She kept changing the fucking subject to—” He breaks off and shakes his head, as though to get back on track. “Anyway, she wasn’t very forthcoming. There’s something going on, Aden, and it pisses me off that Fate is leaving us hanging in the wind about it.”

I’ve crossed one leg and have the ankle resting on top of the opposite leg, and as my agitation grows, it begins to bounce. I still the action, but then run my hands over my hair, needing to move something to expel the anxious energy I feel. “She said it wasn’t solid enough to share right now. I get that, I really do. And if it doesn’t have any effect on solving my current problem, I really don’t give a shit right now.”

Ean gives me a dark look. His mind is completely focused on the job, these days, and he is running himself into the ground trying to be a protector for all of the Fae. He only ever sees the many, not the one.

I shake my head and lean forward, mirroring his position and look him dead in the eye. “She is what matters most right now, Ean. One day, when you’ve met your fate, you’ll understand. Until then, you have to trust me and help me get this guy.”

Ean snorts in derision. “Yeah, I need to be tied to a soulmate like I need a vow of celibacy. I don’t need that kind of distraction.”

“Aden, I—Oh, hi, Ean.” Shaylee walks into the room and gives a little wave when she sees him. She’s wearing small, silky robe that doesn’t cover nearly enough of her and when she moves toward the kitchen, the back lifts to where she is almost showing off her delectable ass; the one that belongs only to me.

I jump up out of my chair and hastily make my way to the kitchen. She’s pulling down a mug and I snatch it from her hand, giving her a quick hard kiss when she frowns up at me.

“Let me get that for you, baby. You go and get dressed and I’ll make you some toast too.”

“Aden, please don’t tell me that you’re going to treat me like an invalid for the next nine months,” She says, “Because if that’s the case, you’ll be getting to know that couch really well.”

I slip two fingers into her belt loop and bring her close to me, then grasp her hips while I dip my head to whisper in her ear. “First of all, let’s be clear about one thing. Under no circumstances will we ever spend a night in our home not in the same bed.” I lean back a little, making sure she understands that I am completely serious. Her eyes widen just a little, but a corner of her mouth ticks up when she nods in agreement.

“Second,” I say quietly, “I’m not trying to treat you like an invalid, I would simply like to you to put on a little more clothing before Ean gets a view of what is only mine to see.” I run one of my hands around and down, bringing it up underneath her robe. When my hand meets nothing but smooth, naked skin, I groan, realizing that she didn’t put on any panties. Her eyes go impossibly wide and she gasps, having obviously forgotten her state of undress. I swivel her around to face the hallway and give her ass a little pat to get her going. She scampers down the hallway without protest and I heave a sigh of relief knowing that she’ll be covered up in front of Ean. I’d hate to have to beat the shit out of him for leering at my girl.

After I’m seated again, with toast and coffee ready on the end table next to me, Ean and I dive into conversation about what our next steps should be. Shaylee comes back from the bedroom, walks over to grab her breakfast, and moves toward the other arm chair. Before she can get a step, I place my hand on her arm and pat my lap. She blushes and glances at Ean, who is smiling broadly at her, and the red flush deepens. I throw Ean a dirty look before returning my gaze to Shaylee, and tug lightly until she gives in and sits on my lap. I’m not going to deny it. I need her near me right now. I settle her comfortably and turn my attention back to the topic at hand, while she munches on her breakfast.

“I don’t think moving to another apartment will make a difference.” I feel a burst of anger and slam my hand down on the armrest of the chair. “How the fuck did this get past me?”

Ean blows out a breath and looks at me warily. “Don’t get defensive, ok? Just let me get this thought out before you shut it down.”

“Just spit it out, Ean,” I snap. My patience is getting thin, but I don’t have it in me to feel the least bit remorseful about it right now. Shaylee slips an arm around my shoulders and softly strokes her fingers through the hair on the back of my head. Immediately, I feel myself calming.

“When you’ve found your other half, it calms your soul. You’re able to relax into a peaceful state, having comfort and safety in each other’s arms.” I’m taken aback by Ean’s words, he sounds as though he’s speaking from experience. But, he’s never said anything about finding the one he’s fated with. I file that talk away for another day and listen as he goes on.

“Is it possible that being together caused you to settle into a more vulnerable state? Less aware of what’s around you because you’re wrapped up in each other?”

I want to scoff and tell him that he’s crazy, but there is some value to what he is saying. “I suppose that could contribute. But seriously, Ean, do you really think that alone would cause me to be entirely oblivious to that kind of evil being so close to me?”

He sighs in frustration, scrubbing his face with his hands, and flopping back against the couch. “No. I think it may be a part of it, but I also agree that you would never let your guard down so completely.”

“Aden,” Shaylee says, her voice speculative. “I’m still learning about all of this, so help me understand something.” She is still pondering so I don’t bother to encourage her; I just wait for her to form her thoughts.

“Fate readers. They help find the children who are half, right?” I nod in agreement, while Ean just cocks his head to the side and listens.

“How do they do that?”

“I’m not one hundred percent sure how it works. I don’t think it is something that could really be described. But, I know it’s something like seeing them in their mind. Fate is how the whole “fortune teller” garbage caught on as a trend in the human realm. She sees and feels the fate of others. But, she sees them individually, so she has to piece it all together,” I explain what I know. Shaylee’s face is scrunched and she’s tapping her chin with one finger. Seemingly, contemplating what I’m telling her.

“It’s too much for one person to handle, so the fate readers are there to help catch some of the things that she might miss from being overwhelmed. Everything is run by her eventually, and she always has the final word.” I’m not sure what she is looking for in my explanation, so I finish and wait for her to share what’s on her mind.

“You’re always telling me about different legends, folklore, and such, which have been twisted and skewed by humans.” She pauses, “We’ve—well, humans; I guess that doesn’t include me anymore. Anyway, they often believe that they are guided to their fate through dreams.” She looks at me expectantly, “Is there any truth behind that belief?”

It begins to dawn on me and I start to see what she’s getting at. “Yes. Fate uses dreams to help push people in the right direction. Even with fate readers; she can’t meet with everyone.”

Her face lights up a little as her thoughts come together. “Didn’t Fate say that she thought this Fallen was a fate reader?”

Ean’s been quietly listening but, at this, he sits up straight, anger emanating from him. “This Fallen is a fucking fate reader?” Ean’s voice is deadly and, if I had the time right now, I would worry about what this knowledge will do to his already obsessive need to work. But I wave him off, gesturing for him to back off and let me think.

“I think you might be on to something, baby.” My mind is running now, forming conclusions and possible plans. “If he’s a fate reader, he may have been affecting our dreams, causing us to dream about what we were feeling in reality so that, when we woke up, we were convinced that it hadn’t been real.” Fuck. This is going to really complicate things. But, Fate had warned us that things were about to get darker.

Ok. One thing at a time. First, we take care of the fucker threatening Shaylee.

“So, let’s take him down.”

Ean’s head snaps to me and his eyes narrow, like he’s trying to figure out if I’m serious. Oh yeah. I’m going to send him straight to his master’s arms. “Are you sure you’re up for that?” Ean’s voice holds a slight note of disbelief and, as much as it annoys me, he has a point. I don’t shy away from the fight, but neither do I go out looking for it the way that Ean does. Sometimes, I’m convinced that he has taken it upon himself to rid both realms of every single Fallen.

“Without a second thought,” I vow, my voice brokering no argument.

I glance at Shaylee to see how she’s handling all of this, and am slightly taken aback to see that she isn’t fazed by this. In fact, she’s tapping that finger again and looks lost in thought.

“What’s going on in there, baby?” I tap my finger lightly against her temple. This seems to break her out of her reverie and she turns her whole body to face me more fully.

“I have an idea.” The look in her eyes reminds me of Dr. Evil. Clearly, she’s concocted some kind of devious plan. I’m not sure I like where this is headed, and I don’t even know the plan yet.

“We need to draw him out. Bring him to us, so that we are in control of the situation and have covered every contingency plan.”

I feel my eyes narrow in suspicion; she had better not be thinking what I think she is.

“So, let’s give him what he wants. I can lure him to me and lead him to where we’ve designated.”

I was already shaking my head halfway through the first sentence. “No way. Abso-fucking-lutely not.”



“But, I just—”

“No, Shaylee.” I manage not to raise my voice to her, but the finality in my tone puts a mulish look on her face.

“Why the hell not, Aden?!” Shaylee on the other hand, is shouting. “You can’t treat me like I’m breakable. Why have I been training this hard, if not to put my skills to use?”

She rants on for another minute or so about chauvinistic men and my asinine need to keep her in a bubble, and who knows what else. I stop listening to the words and simply wait for her to calm down before I play my trump card. Her tirade begins to run out of steam and when she notices my lack of reaction, she regards me with suspicion.

“Shaylee, you know me better than that. I may not like you being in danger, but I would never keep you from your fate to be a Mie'Lorvor. Especially considering the powerhouse we are as a team.” I place my finger over her lips to keep her objections to herself for the moment. “I think you’ve forgotten about something. Or, should I say, someone?”

Comprehension comes over her and she slumps a little, her indignation deflated.

“Who?” I’d forgotten Ean was even there and his question startles me. Cat’s out of the bag now.

“Shaylee’s pregnant,” I can’t suppress the pride that rings in my tone and out of the corner of my eye, I see Shaylee roll her eyes and sigh.

Ean doesn’t comment at first, his gaze bouncing back and forth between us, probably trying to decide if we think this is good or bad before he reacts. Apparently satisfied with the smiles on our faces, he stands and walks over to us, pulling Shaylee up into a hug. I reluctantly let her go and try not to be annoyed that another man has his arms around her.

“Congratulations, beautiful. I don’t know why you chose this asshole over me, but I guess, if he makes you happy, I’ll just have to let you go.”

Shaylee giggles and kisses him on the cheek, while I grind my teeth together. “Thanks. We didn’t plan it, but we are incredibly happy about it.” Her words soothe my irritation a little, but I still stand up and pull her away from Ean, back against me.

Ean gives me a look of pity, “No offense to Shaylee, but I pray that I’ll never be as pussy-whipped as you, brother.”

Just thinking about that day puts an evil smile on my face. It’s only a matter of time. I just hope he gets his head out of his ass long enough to recognize her when he finally meets her.

He backs away from us as though he doesn’t want to catch our fated germs. “I’m going to go meet up with Brannon and Kendrix and fill them in. We’ll meet back here, down in the den at around nine. That work for you?” He doesn’t wait for an answer before walking to the door and opening it. With one foot out the door, he pops his head back in to send Shaylee a smile and me a chin lift. Then, he’s gone.

Shaylee turns around and wraps her arms around me, holding me tight and running her hand soothingly up and down my back. I let out a sigh as my mind settles under her administrations. She looks up at me and props her chin on my chest, “Are you sure there isn’t a way for me to bait him without endangering the pregnancy?”

Just the thought has my blood pressure spiking with fear. “I’m not going to take that chance.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry. I’d never put our baby’s life at risk.”

I kiss the top of her head and hug her close. “Let’s get some training in. I think we could both use the tension relief.”

Her arms go slack and she leans back to frown at me in concern. “How much training can I do?”

“You can be as active as you were before you were pregnant until the third trimester, when you’ll have to start pulling back. However, you’ll need to stop all the ab work and watch out for things like twisting too hard when you’re sparring. We’ll probably lay off the fighting and focus more on your magic.”

Shaylee’s brow furrows and she glares at me. “How do you know this stuff? From all the other women you’ve gotten pregnant?”

I can’t help the bark of laughter, causing her scowl to deepen. “I’ve been training for a long time, baby. You think I haven’t come across a trainee who was pregnant in the last fifty years?”

Her expression morphs into a sheepish smile. “Oh,” she sighs, which is quickly followed by a look of shock. “Fifty years?” her voice has become a little shrill and its then I remember, I’ve never mentioned how old I am.

“Baby, you had to know I’m at least twenty-one years older than you; I’ve been watching you your whole life.”

“So, exactly how old are you?”


“Damn, Aden, robbing the cradle much?” Her sarcasm is laced with amusement and the little bit of worry, I’d felt at the subject, flees.

Her smile is drawing my attention to those sweet, pink lips, begging to be kissed. Who am I to turn down a beggar? I put a hand at the back of her head and guide her mouth up to meet mine. My tongue licks across the seam of her lips and, when she opens, I slide it in slowly, savoring her taste. I suck on her plump, bottom lip and give it a little nip, before soothing the spot again with my tongue. Shaylee whimpers lightly and desire for her slams into me, running full speed ahead. Without breaking our connection, I sweep her up into my arms and head back to the bedroom. There will be time for training later.