Hayleigh silently swings the door open and I slip through onto the porch. She’d managed to keep her phone hidden behind her back and send me a text to let me know what had happened. Thank God I’d already arrived back in New York and was at Shaylee’s house, waiting for her. Hayleigh had succeeded in melting into the background so that, with his full attention on Shaylee, he would forget all about her. If he noticed her movement at the door, he would most likely assume that she was leaving to save herself.
Shaylee had wisely kept him talking, not too hard since its clear this guy is an arrogant bastard. She hadn’t seen me yet, and I tried to keep it that way for as long as possible. I have no doubt that she would be able to keep from giving off any indication that she’d seen me. But, it will just be easier if she is as surprised as Killian.
I creep down the steps, just to his right, along the outer wall that juts out just beyond the porch. Hayleigh follows silently, but she moves to his right, ready to protect Shaylee when I’ve got Killian’s attention.
I’m forming a strategy when I hear his threat to Shaylee. I flip my shit and pull a sudden burst of wind from behind him, shoving him right into the wall next to me. I spin him around and slam him up against it, my hand pressing tightly into his neck.
“You know, Killian, when you started dating Shaylee, I know there was something off about you.” I can feel him trying to blow me away but the thing is, in this little fairy tale, I’m the big fucking bad wolf and I’m going to crush his motherfucking house. I press his throat even harder and he begins to sputter, his skin turning the color of eggplant.
“Then you went and started treating her like shit and I had to have a little talk with you. That’s when I knew you were Fae. But, being the sniveling little rat that you are, I didn’t see you as being any further of a threat to her.” I’ve kept my tone light as though we were just having a conversation, but now I drop it down and it becomes menacing when I bring our faces only inches apart. “I won’t make that mistake again.”
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” A new voice slithers into the darkness, bringing a surge of cool power into the air. He’s a Fallen but I know better than to take my attention off of Killian, so I trust Hayleigh to take care of the newcomer. I take note however, that Killian’s eyes are now full of terror and his attempts to remove me have ceased.
Who the fuck are you and what do you want?” Shaylee spits. I can’t help but smile at how feisty she is.
“No need to be crass, my dear. I’m Aodhagan.”
I don’t like having my back to this guy, so I cause the roots from the tree, a few feet away, to grow in our direction. Once they reach the wall, they begin to climb up, twisting and winding all around Killian, keeping him immobile and fixed to the wall. Being in this close of proximity to Shaylee boosts my abilities; Killian won’t be able to do much from his little perch. I might have made the roots a little tight; it’s possible he is struggling to breathe right now. I mentally shrug and turn to face the Fallen, standing much too close to Shaylee.
He reminds me of someone, with his lengthy, straight, black hair, falling down well below his shoulders, with a deep widow’s peak on his forehead. His face is long, with a patrician nose, narrow, dark eyes, and a small, thin-lipped mouth. Suddenly, Shaylee’s Harry Potter references don’t seem so far off.
I reach out my hand and motion her over to me. “Baby, come over here.”
She makes a wide berth around Aodhagan and walks to my side. Hayleigh is hanging back again, blending, forgotten until she’s needed. “You haven’t answered the whole question. What do you want?” I bite out.
“Well, I was looking for Killian. It seems you found him first.” He examines Killian and raises his eyebrows slightly. “It looks as though you’re not very fond of each other.”
Shaylee snorts in contempt. “Actually, he found me and well, yeah. You could say I’m not fond of him.”
Aodhagan’s inspection shifts to Shaylee, curiosity sparking in his eyes. “I have introduced myself, would you be so kind as to return the favor?”
His speech pattern is niggling at me, trying to ferret out a memory. He is obviously much older and hasn’t lost the refined speech and posture of his day. Curious, I decide to give an inch. “I’m Aden Foster.” There is a flash of recognition in his eyes; visible, despite the bland expression on his face.
“Hmmm. Aden Foster. It’s nice to finally make your acquaintance. I do believe the others of my council have been searching for you.” This information brings the memory closer to the surface, but I still can’t quite grasp it. He’s a member of the Fallen council and yet he has come personally searching for Killian?
“What is it you want, Aodhagan?” I don’t even try to hide my impatience.
He studies us for a moment. “You are Shaylee? You’re fated with Aden?” His voice holds mild curiosity, but there is something dark hidden behind it. There seems no reason to hide it, so I answer, “She is.”
The darkness emerges as his gaze whips back to Killian, and for a moment he is unable to hide his disapproval and rage. “Killian was instructed to bring the whereabouts of certain Fae directly to us,” he quickly morphs his countenance back to one of only mild interest. His eyes shift just the tiniest bit, but enough to know that Killian was not supposed to approach Shaylee on his own.
“He has chosen to go against the council one too many times and I was tasked with bringing him in to be…chastised.” His hesitation explains some of the terror I’d seen from Killian. I don’t think it’s a stretch to believe their version of chastisement involves a great deal of pain. “If you would remand him to my custody now, we’ll be on our way.”
I have no sympathy for what Killian would endure under the thumb of the Fallen council. However, he is a fate reader so they won’t kill him and that’s not acceptable to me. Not only did this son of a bitch try to kill Shaylee, but she’ll never be safe from him if we don’t end him.
The Fae are not ones to seek violence, we are not malicious, but our role as protectors becomes even fiercer when it is our family. I would not choose to kill someone if there were any other way, but I know, deep down, that Shaylee will always be in danger.
“I’m afraid I can’t let you have him.” Again, I see the slightest crack in his pleasant demeanor and his angry disapproval becomes faintly visible before it vanishes.
His probing gaze is steady on Shaylee and me, seeming to contemplate his options. He even turns to glance at Hayleigh, having not forgotten her as we’d thought. She steps forward, not in a threatening way, but simply in a statement that she is there to aid the situation. There is a miniscule change in him like he’s decided that going against us is a lost cause. “Very well, I would be a fool to pit myself alone against three other Fae, and even more of a fool, considering the power between you two.” He dips his head in farewell and glides toward the back gate, tapping the tree as he steps past it, eliciting a gasp from Killian. Just as he steps one foot through the exit, he pauses. “Tell your friend, Ean, I look forward to making his acquaintance,” he calls without even turning around. Then, he is gone.
His cryptic words have the three of us wearing matching frowns. There is something about that man…
I shake off the encounter and move on to my next task, wanting to get Shaylee home and safe. I pivot on my heel and step back in front of Killian, but before I finish him, I decide to take the advantage he provides us. I loosen the hold of the roots and wait, while he gasps for air and some of the bluish tint on his skin begins to recede.
“Killian, I’m going to ask you once and you’re going to give me an honest answer, because, if you don’t, I’m going to let this tree slowly squeeze the life out of you. Suffocation seems fitting for you, doesn’t it? But, if you give me what I want, I’ll make it quick. Mostly.” The last word is mumbled under my breath but Shaylee must have heard it because she frowns darkly at me. I can see the indecision in her eyes, that she doesn’t want me to kill him, but she has come to the same conclusion that I have. She takes one of my hands with both of hers and the warmth that we share in each other’s presence spreads. She’s seeking comfort in our connection and to calm her discordant thoughts. She nods, and even though I know I’m doing the right thing, being of one mind on this makes it easier to swallow.
Killian nods, his face resigned.
“Were you the only one hunting Shaylee? Or do we have to worry about the Fallen council coming after her?”
His voice is rough and raw when he answers, “No, they know the only value in either of you is if they have you together and are able to turn you both. They don’t believe you are a true threat to their plans and so their focus is elsewhere. However, should the opportunity arise to separate you two forever, they might take it.” He stops and coughs a few times, the speech, seemingly, having exhausted his throat muscles. “I was only supposed to mention your location, if I came across you,” he gives me a little more, his voice wheezing. He coughs again. “They don’t,” cough, “want to make the effort.”
I don’t feel dishonesty radiating from him and from the corner of my eye, I see Shaylee’s quick nod, signifying that she agrees. I hesitate longer than I would have thought. I don’t relish the thought of destroying another of God’s creatures. But, he has made that choice and he’ll have to die for it.
It’s difficult to do, but with Shaylee near, I’m able to manipulate the water and air above to shift charged clouds together at just the right spot and a bolt of lightning strikes Killian, killing him instantly.
I drop my head in fatigue. Without the sun, that kind of power drains you. To be honest, my head is also hung in sorrow. I don’t regret my actions, but it still hurts my soul to take another life. Shaylee steps to face me and wraps her arms around to hold me tight. Her warmth seeps into my bones where I feel a chill that has nothing to do with the outside temperature. Hayleigh comes to stand beside us and she places a hand on my arms and gives a soft squeeze.
She is ready to head home and I give her a nod of acknowledgement and a smile of thanks. She returns the gestures, squeezes Shaylee’s shoulder before stepping back and with a light radiance, she is gone.
Shaylee and I burn the remnants of the tree and body, and then bury them in the ground. After we are finished, we make our way to her mother’s house. The lights are burning bright and I’m sure Violet is worried sick because Shaylee is always home by this time of night. We walk inside, prepared for her tears and questions and once she’s settled down, we explain the night’s events. Shaylee has fallen asleep on the couch, her head resting on my chest, her feet curled up under her. I bid her mother goodnight and carry her down to our room. She wakes as I begin to undress her and takes over the task. Naked, we fall into bed, our bodies each seeking the other, and we finally succumb to sleep.
Two weeks later
Excitement is coursing through me as I pace the living room floor waiting for Shaylee to come upstairs. Her mother, aunt, and uncle are all seated in the room, waiting as well. I want to walk over to the stairs and yell for her to get her sexy ass up here immediately, but I manage to restrain myself.
Her soft footsteps are coming down the hall and then I see her beautiful face. It lights up when she sees me. Her gorgeous smile, making me shift as I feel more than my heart tightening at the sight of her. I can’t fucking believe she’s mine.
Time to make sure the rest of the world knows it too. I go to her side and grasp her hand, bringing it to my lips for just a moment. Then I guide her to one of the elegant chairs in front of the fireplace. She knew we were all having dinner together tonight, as we are leaving to go home tomorrow. So, there is no surprise in seeing her family here. However, she gives me an odd look when I seat her instead of all of us moving to the dining room for dinner.
I lower myself onto one knee (even the Fae follow some human traditions) and watch her eyes widen, staring at my hand, which now holds a small, blue box. The box is vintage and the exact color of her eyes, so I thought it a fitting home for it until it’s placed on her finger.
“Baby,” I start. She slowly raises her eyes to meet mine, tears brimming in her eyes, making the blue look so much more like the ocean. “We both know I’m better at demanding than asking, and I don’t think I could get through a flowery speech without gagging.” There are titters of laughter from everyone, but I barely hear it, my only care for the woman who is destined to be mine for eternity. “I love you, for eternity.”
“Forever,” her soft whisper adds another string to the bands that bind us together.
“Will you marry me?” I’m actually pretty proud of myself for asking, instead of just dragging her to a justice of the peace.
She leans forward and lays her warm lips over mine, and I wish away all the other people here so that I could sink myself into her and get lost there.
She sits back and swipes the box from my hand. “Hey!” I protest.
She ignores me and whips open the box to find a platinum ring with a round diamond on the top. The band is a series of twists, creating linked infinity signs and, in each little opening, it alternates being set with a sapphire or emerald.
She sucks in a breath at it, pulls it out, and examines it, then gives me a sly smile. “Ok. This is worth marrying you,” she says with a shrug, but she isn’t able to keep the act up and she bursts into laughter before planting a solid kiss on my lips. “Hell yes, I’ll marry you!”
I pull her in for another deep kiss, but we’re interrupted by well wishes from the family. Shaylee’s mother decided she doesn’t want to return with us to Rien, she’s comfortable with her life and wants to eventually be with her husband. Shaylee was understandably disappointed, but she also understood and we promised to be here as often as possible. It was because of this that I chose to propose here, without my family. However, the wedding will be interesting, when my family descends on New York for a week. God help us all.