My respects to the Kaurna people on whose country most of this story takes place.
Thanks to:
Margot Lloyd (brilliant editor), Michael Bollen and all at Wakefield Press
Sheila Drummond, of the Drummond Agency
Sarah Tooth and Writers SA
Varuna, The Writers’ House
Chia Moan for the cover illustration ‘Rocks at Megalong Creek’
Jenny Pausacker for ‘Stop ’em All’ (an adaptation of Fred Godfrey’s 1917 ‘Bless ’em All’)
Miriel Lenore for ‘The Stones of Lesbos’
For reading, editing, practical support and invaluable friendship:
Annie Nutter, Biff Ward, Chia Moan, Dee Basinski, Dinah Cohen, Jayne Jennifer, Jill Golden, Jill McDougall, Kerryn Higgs, Lynn Lobo, Miriel Lenore, Nicky Page, Obi Ind, Ros Bent, Ruth Raintree, Truffy Maginnis and Wendi Avery.
And to all the sisters of many years—thanks for your everyday courage and your zest!