Chapter II.1.2

Adsorbed Proteins on Biomaterials

Thomas A. Horbett

Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA


The replacement of injured or diseased tissues with devices made from materials that are not of biologic origin is the central approach in current biomaterials science and clinical practice. The prevalence of this approach is due largely to the fact that these materials are not attacked by the immune system, unlike donor tissues or organs. This fundamental difference arises from the presence of immunologically recognizable biologic motifs on donor tissue, and their absence on synthetic materials.

Nonetheless, there are other types of biological responses to implanted biomaterials that often impair their usefulness, including the clotting of blood and the foreign-body reaction. Clearly, the body does recognize and respond to biomaterials. The basis for these reactions is the adsorption of adhesion proteins to the surface of the biomaterials that are recognized by the integrin receptors present on most cells. The adsorption of adhesion proteins to the biomaterial converts it into a biologically recognizable material, as illustrated in Figure II.1.2.1. The protein adsorption event is rapid (seconds) and happens on all materials implanted into biological systems. Note: familiarity with protein structure is essential to appreciate the content of this chapter. All introductory biochemistry textbooks can provide this critical background material.


FIGURE II.1.2.1 Cell interactions with foreign surfaces are mediated by integrin receptors with adsorbed adhesion proteins that sometimes change their biological activity when they adsorb. The cell is shown as a circular space with a bilayer membrane in which the adhesion receptor protein molecules (the slingshot-shaped objects) are partly embedded. The proteins in the extracellular fluid are represented by circles, squares, and triangles. The receptor proteins recognize and cause the cell to adhere to only the surface bound form of one protein, the one represented by a solid blue circle. The bulk phase of this same adhesion protein is represented by a blue triangle, indicating that the solution and solid phase forms of this same protein have a different biological activity. The figure is schematic and not to scale.

The interaction of adhesion receptors with adhesion proteins thus constitutes a major cellular recognition system for biomaterials. Therefore, the role of adsorbed adhesion proteins in mediating cellular interactions with biomaterials will be the primary focus of this chapter. Examples illustrating the ability of adsorbed adhesion proteins to influence cellular interactions with foreign materials are presented first. Then, some of the major physicochemical characteristics of protein adsorption are illustrated and discussed, including rapid kinetics, monolayer adsorption, and competitive adsorption. Molecular spreading events related to the conformational stability of the protein are presented at some length, as background for a section on how the biological activity of adsorbed adhesion proteins is affected by the substrate. The final section summarizes the principles underlying the role of adsorbed proteins in mediating platelet response to biomaterials, as an illustrative case study representative of many other types of cellular responses.

This chapter emphasizes the biological effects of adsorbed adhesion proteins, and includes material that is discussed in greater detail in several previous review articles by the author (Horbett 1993, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2003; Horbett and Brash 1995). Those articles also give citations to all the work discussed here. A useful recent review that emphasizes thermodynamic and other physicochemical aspects of protein adsorption has been provided by Latour (2008).

Most studies of protein interactions with biomaterials and their effects on cells have been done in vitro after relatively short contact periods, leading to the focus here on effects in the shorter-term that involve undegraded adhesion proteins that mediate cell interactions. However, the adsorbed protein layer on biomaterials implanted in humans or animals for longer times includes smaller size fragments (observed on breast implants (Backovic et al., 2007), glucose sensors (Gifford et al., 2006), and kidney dialyzers (Cornelius and Brash, 1993)) that are presumably due to proteolytic attack. The functional role of any of these changes to the adsorbed proteins on the interaction of biomaterials with the body remains to be elucidated.

Examples of the Effects of Adhesion Proteins on Cellular Interactions with Materials

Protein adsorption to materials can be performed with a single protein, typically in a buffer solution, or from complex, multi-protein solutions, such as blood plasma which can contain hundreds of proteins. Experiments done with single proteins in buffer can be used to study fundamental aspects of protein adsorption, such as adsorption rates or conformational changes, and to study biological responses such as cell adhesion to each protein. Adsorption from complex media approximates the adsorption conditions encountered by implanted biomaterials, and thus provides a more realistic insight into the functional role of adsorbed proteins. Examples of the effects on cellular responses of protein adsorption done under both conditions are presented.

The Effects of Preadsorption with Purified Adhesion Proteins

Preadsorption of certain proteins onto a solid substrate, such as tissue culture polystyrene, greatly increases its adhesiveness to many kinds of cells, and such proteins are called adhesion proteins. The increased adhesiveness is due to the fact that many cells have receptors in their cell membrane that bind specifically to these specialized proteins. The adhesion receptors involved in cell adhesion to biomaterials and extracellular matrices such as collagen are called integrins. For example, fibronectin preadsorption greatly increases the adhesion of fibroblasts, while albumin preadsorption prevents it. Experiments of this type have been done with a wide variety of cells and adhesion proteins, with basically similar results. Adhesion proteins also promote the flattening out or spreading of the cell onto the surface. A specific example is provided by measuring the percentage of attached cells that spread on polystyrene surfaces pretreated with increasing concentrations of fibronectin. Spreading is only about 5% on albumin coated surfaces, but increases to nearly 100% as the fibronectin concentrations in the preadsorption solution are increased from 0.03 to 3 μg/ml.

In studies of protein-mediated cell adhesion, it is necessary to eliminate or reduce the role of non-specific adhesion directly to the uncoated surfaces, as this is often high, so that the special ability of adhesion proteins compared to other proteins would be masked. Thus, when testing for the ability of a protein to specifically cause cell adhesion, any residual uncoated sites left after preadsorption with the putative adhesion protein are filled by a second adsorption step with a protein such as albumin, which is commonly used to block surfaces because it greatly reduces most cell adhesion. The results for this surface are compared to a control surface that is only adsorbed with albumin. Under these conditions, any elevation in cell adhesion compared to the albumin control can be ascribed to the test protein, rather than non-specific adhesion due to direct contact with the surface.

An example of the effect of fibronectin adsorption is shown in Figure II.1.2.2, which also contrasts it with the effects of the non-adhesive protein immunoglobulin G. As shown in the figure, the adhesion of the fibroblast-like 3T3 cells to a series of polymers and copolymers of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and ethyl methacrylate (EMA) not previously adsorbed with protein (and without proteins in the cell suspension) varies, being much less on the hydrophilic polyHEMA-rich surfaces than on the hydrophobic polyEMA-rich surfaces. These data are an example of direct or non-specific cell adhesion in which the cells adhere directly to the surfaces, rather than to adsorbed proteins. The preadsorption of the surfaces with immunoglobulin G (IgG) greatly reduces the adhesion of the cells to all the surfaces, because this protein effectively blocks the non-specific adhesion of the cells to the surfaces. In the presence of IgG, the high non-specific adhesion to EMA rich surfaces cannot occur, as the cells do not have direct contact with the surfaces. In contrast, surfaces preadsorbed with fibronectin (designated CIG in the figure) are much more adhesive than the same surface adsorbed with IgG. After fibronectin coating, even surfaces rich in HEMA that are not adhesive become adhesive, as the cells now interact not with HEMA, but with the adhesive protein.


FIGURE II.1.2.2 3T3 cell adhesion to HEMA–EMA copolymers varying from hydrophilic (HEMA-rich) to hydrophobic (EMA-rich): effect of no adsorbed protein, preadsorption with fibronectin (designated CIG in the figure) or preadsorption with immunoglobulin G (IgG). The data is from the author’s laboratory.

Preadsorption of adhesion proteins also affects cell interactions with surfaces studied under in vivo conditions. For example, blood platelet deposition onto polymeric arteriovenous shunts in dogs is greatly increased when fibrinogen or fibronectin are preadsorbed to the surfaces in comparison to albumin coated surfaces (see Chapters II.2.6 and II.3.5).

Depletion Studies

Although adsorption of purified adhesion proteins to a surface is one way to see their effect on cell adhesion, as presented in the section “The Effects of Preadsorption with Purified Adhesion Proteins,” it does not mimic very well what occurs with implanted biomaterials. This is because implants are exposed to complex mixtures of proteins such as plasma or serum, so the adhesion protein must compete with many others for adsorption to the biomaterial. Under those conditions, a given adhesion protein present in the bulk phase protein mixture may really play little or no role. It is possible that very little of the adhesion protein may adsorb to the surface, as it is “out-competed” by other proteins for the limited surface sites. Thus, a more biologically relevant way to understand the role of an adhesion protein in reactions to implants is to study the effect of their selective depletion from the complex mixture. The observations presented in this section, and the articles they are based on, are presented in greater detail in a review article (Horbett, 1999).

Selective depletion means that only one of the proteins is removed from the mixture at a time, either by immunoadsorption chromatography, by use of plasma from mutant individuals lacking the adhesion protein of interest, or by selective enzymatic degradation. Thus, the more important role of adsorbed vitronectin, as opposed to fibronectin, in mediating attachment and spreading of cells on many surfaces has emerged from immunoadsorption studies. Several studies illustrate the important role that adsorbed fibrinogen plays in the adhesion of platelets, neutrophils, and macrophages.

The effects of removal of fibronectin or vitronectin or both proteins from serum on the adhesion of endothelial cells depend on surface chemistry. On tissue culture polystyrene (TCPS) fibronectin removal has little effect, while vitronectin removal greatly reduces adhesion. The results clearly show the primary role of adsorbed vitronectin in supporting endothelial cell adhesion to TCPS. In contrast, adhesion to a surface modified by ammonia in a glow discharge (see Chapter I.2.12) requires fibronectin, since removal of that protein greatly reduces adhesion to this surface, while vitronectin removal has little effect. However, the results for TCPS are more typical, i.e., on most surfaces studied by this method it appears that vitronectin, not fibronectin, is the primary agent responsible for cell adhesion.

Platelet adhesion to surfaces preadsorbed with plasma deficient in fibrinogen is much less than to the same surface preadsorbed with normal plasma, as illustrated in Figure II.1.2.3. Most of the adhesion supporting activity can be restored to fibrinogen deficient plasma by addition of exogenous fibrinogen at concentrations well below that in normal plasma. Platelets are very sensitive to fibrinogen as they adhere to some surfaces at fibrinogen adsorption levels of only 5 ng/cm2, in comparison with adsorption values in the range of 100–200 ng/cm2 in the presence of normal fibrinogen concentrations. In contrast, removal of fibronectin or vitronectin or von Willebrand’s factor from plasma has little effect on platelet adhesion (data not shown), even though these other plasma proteins act as adhesion proteins when adsorbed as single proteins to surfaces. It appears that too little of these other proteins adsorb from plasma to make much difference, i.e., competition from fibrinogen and other proteins keeps their surface concentration too low, and so their removal has no effect.


FIGURE II.1.2.3 Platelet adhesion to Immulon I® preadsorbed with normal plasma (triangles) or afibrinogenemic plasma (squares). The solid line represents the platelet adhesion to Immulon I® preadsorbed with a series of dilutions of normal plasma, whereas the dotted line represents the platelet adhesion to Immulon I® preadsorbed with a series of dilutions of afibrinogenemic plasma. The arrow at the lower right corner indicates platelet adhesion to Immulon I® preadsorbed with 2% BSA only (BSA is bovine serum albumin).

(Source: Figure 4 in Tsai and Horbett, 1999. Copyright permission received.)

The apparently negligible role of von Willebrand’s factor in platelet adhesion discussed above only applies when platelet adhesion from static suspensions is measured. At higher wall shear rates (e.g., 500 sec−1), platelet adhesion to biomaterials is highly dependent on the presence of adsorbed von Willebrand’s factor. This dependence is most clearly illustrated by the effects of increasing the shear rate on platelet adhesion. On surfaces preadsorbed with normal plasma (i.e., containing von Willebrand’s factor, fibrinogen, and the other proteins), platelet adhesion is much higher at higher shear rates than low shear rates, because of the enhanced transport of the platelets to the surface, i.e., the greater number of platelet–surface encounters at high shear rate allows for an increase in the number of adhesive outcomes. On surfaces preadsorbed with plasma deficient in von Willebrand’s factor only, raising the shear rate not only does not result in an increase in adhesion, but the adhesion at high shear is actually lower than at low shear, exactly the opposite of what happens in the presence of von Willebrand’s factor. Thus, von Willebrand’s factor adsorption plays a major role in platelet adhesion at higher shear rates. The special role of von Willebrand’s factor in high shear adhesion is thought to be due to the ability of the platelet receptor GPIb-IX to form and break bonds very rapidly with immobilized von Willebrand’s factor, causing the platelets to roll along the surface until they are activated and can form a permanent bond that stops the rolling. The role of von Willebrand’s factor in shear-mediated adhesion was documented in several recent studies (summarized in Zhang et al., 2008). Interestingly, the adsorbed von Willebrand’s factor molecule is itself subject to distortion by both mechanical and fluid shear (Siedlecki et al., 1996). That may play a role in the surface activation of von Willebrand factor by exposing platelet binding sites on the molecule.

When mice are depleted of fibrinogen by treatment with an enzyme that degrades it, the adhesion of neutrophils and macrophages to a polymer implanted in their peritoneal cavity is greatly reduced. The fibrinogen depleted animals exhibited near normal neutrophil and macrophage adhesion to the implants, if the implants are preadsorbed with fibrinogen. These studies clearly illustrate the power of the depletion method. Previously, it had been thought that either complement or IgG would be the main adhesion proteins for neutrophils and monocytes, due to the presence of receptors on these cells that bind these proteins. Instead, it appears that an integrin receptor for fibrinogen (CD11b/CD18, also known as Mac-1) plays a major role, at least during the initial or acute phase of the foreign-body response in the mouse peritoneal cavity.

Inhibition of Receptor Activity with Antibodies

Another way to show the role of adhesion proteins in cell interactions with biomaterials is to add specific inhibitors of their function. Adhesion proteins cause cell adhesion by binding to integrin receptors that specifically recognize the adhesion protein. One way to inhibit this reaction is to add an antibody that binds to the adhesion receptor or adhesion protein. Examples of these approaches are now presented.

Platelet receptor-mediated interactions appear to be the primary mechanism of platelet interaction in vivo with certain vascular grafts, because platelet deposition is largely inhibited by antibodies to the glycopro IIb/IIIa receptor, the major integrin on the surface of platelets. In vitro platelet adhesion to surfaces preadsorbed with blood plasma is also inhibited by anti-glycoprotein IIb/IIIa in a dose-dependent manner, as illustrated in Figure II.1.2.4. In this study, samples of the polyurethane Biomer were preadsorbed with plasma and then exposed to platelets in an albumin containing buffered saline suspension that had increasing amounts of the antibody. As shown in the figure, adhesion declined to very low values when high concentrations of the anti-integrin antibody were present.


FIGURE II.1.2.4 Effect of anti-IIb/IIIa antibody on platelet adhesion to Biomer preadsorbed with plasma. Adhesion of platelets incubated in monoclonal antibody CP-8 (monovalent Fab’ fragment directed against the glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa complex) to Biomer. Substrates were contacted with 1.0% plasma for 2 hours, then with washed, antibody-treated platelets for 2 hours.

(From: Chinn J.A., Horbett T.A., Ratner B.D. (1991). Baboon Fibrinogen Adsorption and Platelet Adhesion to Polymeric Materials. Thromb Haemost, 65, 608–17.)

There is currently much interest in the ability of biomaterials to regulate stem cell differentiation, including the role of proteins adsorbed to the biomaterials. Thus, antibodies to vitronectin and fibronectin were used to study the role of these two proteins in osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells on polycaprolactone. The vitronectin antibody selectively blocked adhesion and differentiation, but the fibronectin antibody did not, showing the importance of vitronectin-mediated adhesion in the behavior of this type of stem cell (Chastain et al., 2006). Combinatorial screening methods to find biomaterials that promote neural stem cell differentiation found a role for adsorbed fibronectin and other adhesion factors in combination with immobilized growth factors (Nakajima et al., 2007). A much broader combinatorial screen (3456 assays) for biomaterials conducive to human mesenchymal stem cell adhesion has also been done (Anderson et al., 2005). Modification of biomaterials with various adhesion promoting peptides to promote stem cell adhesion and differentiation has also come under active study, because it is thought to be a good way to “provide a microenvironment where adhesive moieties are expressed in a spatial and temporal manner to control cellular behaviors” (Hwang et al., 2008).

The Adsorption Behavior of Proteins at Solid–Liquid Interfaces

Adsorption Transforms the Interface

Figure II.1.2.5 illustrates an experiment that is performed by the author to demonstrate the adsorption of proteins to surfaces. As illustrated in part (A), water droplets sprayed on the surface of an unused polystyrene cell culture dish are easily visible because they bead up, i.e., the contact angle between the droplet and the polystyrene surface is very high due to the water repellent, hydrophobic nature of polystyrene (Chapter I.1.5). If a cell were placed on a polystyrene dish instead of the water droplet, it would also encounter a very non-wettable surface. Part (B) of the figure illustrates the results of spraying water droplets on the surface of a polystyrene dish that had first been exposed to a protein solution for a short time, and then rinsed extensively with water. As illustrated, no water droplets can be seen on this surface, reflecting the fact that in this case the added drop of water completely spread out over the surface of the preadsorbed dish. This happens because the water in part (B) was not able to interact with the polystyrene surface, because the surface had become coated with a layer of the hydrophilic protein adsorbate. Similarly, cells that come into contact with surfaces adsorbed with proteins do not directly “see” the substrate, but instead they interact with the intervening protein adsorbate.


FIGURE II.1.2.5 The conversion of non-wettable polystyrene surface (A) into one completely wettable by water (B) is due to the adsorption of proteins (simulated images based on actual observations).

Rapid Adsorption Kinetics and Irreversibility

The kinetics of adsorption of proteins to solid surfaces typically consists of a very rapid initial phase, followed by a slower phase upon approach to the steady-state value. Initially, proteins adsorb as quickly as they arrive at the largely empty surface. In this phase, adsorption is linear when plotted against time1/2, characteristic of a diffusion-controlled process. In the later, slower phase, it is more difficult for the arriving proteins to find and fit into an empty spot on the surface.

Figure II.1.2.6 shows the time course of adsorption of lysozyme on silica measured with a high speed, automated ellipsometer capable of very rapid measurements (Arnebrant and Wahlgen, 1995). At the earliest measurement time, less than a second into the study, the adsorption has reached almost half of the steady-state value. At 2000 seconds, the protein solution was replaced with a buffer, resulting in some removal of loosely bound protein, but the adsorption stabilizes and would have remained at this value for much longer than shown, due to the tight, irreversible binding. At 4000 seconds, a solution of the detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was infused, leading to complete removal of the protein. Thus, this experiment illustrates the rapid adsorption of proteins. It also illustrates that most of the adsorbed protein is irreversibly bound, as indicated by the fact that washing the surface with buffer does not remove the protein. The adsorbed protein is only removed when a strong surfactant (SDS in this example) is used. All these features are characteristic of protein adsorption to solid surfaces.


FIGURE II.1.2.6 The adsorption kinetics of lysozyme to a silica surface as studied with ellipsometry. The adsorbed amount versus time for adsorption of lysozyme to silica followed by buffer rinsing after 1800 seconds, addition of surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate) after 3600 seconds, and a final rinse with buffer after 5400 seconds (open circles). Adsorption from a mixture of the protein and surfactant for 1800 seconds followed by rinsing is also included (closed circles). The experiments were carried out at 25°C in 0.01 M phosphate buffer, 0.15 M NaCl, pH 7.

(Reprinted with permission from: Arnebrandt and Wahlgen, 1995. Copyright © 1995 American Chemical Society.)

Figure II.1.2.7 provides an example from modeling studies illustrating the complex array of interactions possible for a protein interacting with a surface (Agashe et al., 2005). The illustrations are for the gamma chain of fibrinogen interacting with either a CH3 or a COOH terminated self-assembled monolayer (SAM) (Chapter I.2.12), and shows that many atoms in the protein’s amino acid side chains come near the surface, and could thus contribute to bonding. These modeling studies start with high resolution protein structures, and apply molecular dynamic calculations that allow the protein molecule and its atoms to move in space, in order to find favorable interactions with surfaces. It is found that the protein rolling over the surface eventually oriented itself with several residues near the surface, as shown.


FIGURE II.1.2.7 Molecular interactions of the 30 kDa C-terminus γ-chain fragment of fibrinogen with self-assembled monolayers with terminal CH3 (left) and COOH (right) groups. Spacefill and wireframe models were newly created by R. Latour from the trajectory data for simulations described by Agashe et al., (2005). The models for the CH3 surface show the interactions of the side chains of two alanines residues (A), one leucine (L), and the CH2 groups of a lysine residue (K). The models for the COOH surface show the interactions of the side chains of three lysines (K), a glutamine (Q), and an arginine (R). Color code: Green = C; Red = O; Blue = N; White = H; Yellow = S. For clarity, interactions not easily seen in the full molecule views are not labeled.

For the CH3-terminated SAM, the position of the protein illustrated is a stable orientation that has hydrophobic groups, namely the side chains of alanine and leucine, and the CH2 of a lysine side chain, lying close to the surface forming hydrophobic interactions with the methyl surface. In this orientation, the hydrophilic functional groups of the protein residues remained hydrated and well separated from the surface.

For the COOH surface, the position of the molecule that is a preferred orientation is quite different than for the CH3 surface, as comparison of the overall shapes of the molecule against the two surfaces indicates. A clearer indication of these differences is the types of amino acid side chains found near the COOH interface. As shown, the near neighbors are three lysines, a glutamine, and an arginine, providing favorable interactions with the COOH. The COOH-terminated SAM was modeled as 50% deprotonated/50% protonated to represent pH 7.4.

The Monolayer Model

The existence of a close packed monolayer of adsorbed protein is suggested by studies with single protein solutions, in which a saturation effect can often be observed in the adsorption isotherm (Figure II.1.2.8). Adsorption to surfaces exposed to different concentrations of protein until steady-state adsorption is achieved (2 hours or more) increases steeply at low bulk phase concentrations, but typically reaches a plateau or saturation value at higher bulk concentrations. This behavior is called a Langmuir isotherm, and has the form shown in the following equation:



FIGURE II.1.2.8 Adsorption isotherms (A) and the monolayer concept (B).

where θ is the fractional occupancy of the surface (with a range of 0 to 1), i.e., Γ/Γmax where Γ is the adsorption of a particular bulk protein concentration ([P]) and Γmax is the maximum adsorption in the saturation or plateau region. The constant KD is the dissociation constant for the protein–surface interaction:



where S is an absorption site on the surface.

Despite the fact that protein adsorption to biomaterials is an irreversible process, the concentration dependence of adsorption for pure protein solutions often follows the Langmuir isotherm that is only applicable for reversible adsorption processes such as gas adsorption. One explanation for this is that the space occupied per protein molecule in a close packed layer (its “footprint”) varies depending on the adsorption conditions. Thus, at low concentrations, the proteins have time to molecularly spread onto the surface and form a larger footprint, i.e., a packed layer of more spread protein molecules is formed. In contrast, when adsorption is done at higher concentrations, the adjacent sites are rapidly filled with other proteins, and so the spreading of each molecule into these sites on the surface is inhibited. In this case, a packed layer of protein is also formed, but the molecules are less spread so that there can be more of them per unit area than when adsorption occurs at lower concentration (Wertz and Santore, 2001). Support for the existence of variations in molecular spreading and protein footprints is provided by the fact that proteins adsorbed at lower concentrations tend to be more tightly bound, as judged by lower desorption upon exposure to buffer or other proteins or detergents.

Usually, the plateau adsorption value observed in measured adsorption isotherms falls within the range expected for a close-packed monolayer of protein (about 0.1–0.5 μg /cm2, depending on the diameter and orientation assumed for the protein). The adsorption values from complex protein mixtures are also typically in the monolayer range. For example, the sum total of the amount of adsorption of the three major proteins in plasma (albumin, IgG, and fibrinogen) on the HEMA-EMA series of surfaces is also in the range 0.1–0.5 μg/cm2. In addition, the fact that competition exists between proteins for adsorption to a surface (see section “Competitive Adsorption of Proteins to Surfaces from Protein Mixtures,” below) also indicates the existence of limited sites. Thus, when a monolayer is the limit, there must be some selection for which proteins are present in the adsorbed film. It should be noted that well-defined plateaus are not always observed, but instead adsorption rises much more slowly at higher bulk phase concentrations than at low concentrations, i.e., Freundlich isotherms do occur.

Competitive Adsorption of Proteins to Surfaces from Protein Mixtures

Adsorption from mixtures of proteins is selective, leading to enrichment of the surface phase in certain proteins. In this context, enrichment means that the fraction of the total mass of the adsorbed protein layer corresponding to a given protein is often much higher than the fraction of this protein in the bulk phase mixture from which it adsorbed. Since the solid can accommodate only a small fraction of the total protein present in the bulk phase, and proteins vary greatly in their affinity for surfaces, some adsorbed proteins are present in greater amounts than others. Studies of surfaces exposed to plasma have shown that many different proteins are present in the adsorbed film.

The competitive phenomena underlying differential enrichment from multi-protein mixtures are most clearly illustrated in binary mixtures of proteins. Figure II.1.2.9 has three separate curves in it, which overlap at the high and low ends. These curves represent the typical outcome of binary mixture studies, but for three different conditions. For example, when a radiolabeled protein such as fibrinogen (“A” in the figure) is mixed with various amounts of an unlabeled protein such as albumin (“B” in the figure), the adsorption of fibrinogen (“A”) always declines when sufficiently high amounts of albumin (“B”) are present. However, the amount of competing protein needed to inhibit the adsorption of the labeled protein is different in each curve. This is meant to illustrate that, for a given pair of competing proteins, the competition curves will be different if the surfaces they are competing for are different. In addition, if the surfaces are kept the same, but the competition of different pairs of proteins are studied, the curves will differ because the ability of proteins to compete for surface sites is quite different for different proteins. A convenient way to characterize these binary competition curves is the ratio of competing protein it takes to cause 50% inhibition of the adsorption of the labeled protein. If this ratio is 1, it reflects the fact that the proteins are equal in affinity for the surface; if the ratio is much less (or much greater) than one, it signifies that much less (or much more) of the competing protein is needed to reduce the adsorption, and so the competitor has a much higher (or much lower) affinity for the surface.


FIGURE II.1.2.9 Competitive adsorption of two proteins from a mixture.

(From: Horbett, 1993.)

For example, inhibition of fibrinogen adsorption to polyethylene requires roughly 10-fold excess by weight of lower affinity competing proteins such as albumin, but is effectively inhibited by the higher affinity protein hemoglobin, even when hemoglobin is present at only 10% of the mass of fibrinogen. However, the amounts needed for this inhibition will depend on the surface chemistry, because the affinity of proteins changes with surface chemistry. Affinity variation is thus a major principle determining the outcome of the competitive adsorption processes.

An experimental example of surface chemistry-dependent selective adsorption of proteins from a complex protein mixture is shown in Figure II.1.2.10. In these studies, a radiolabeled protein (e.g., 125I-fibrinogen) added to blood plasma enabled measurement of the protein’s adsorption to a series of polymers and copolymers of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and ethyl methacrylate (EMA). This series varies greatly in its surface properties, from water swollen hydrophilic HEMA to water repelling hydrophobic EMA. The studies were repeated four times, once each with 125I labeled fibrinogen, albumin, IgG or hemoglobin. The dependence of the adsorption of each protein on the changes in surface chemistry in this series is different for each protein, as reflected in the very different shape of lines for each protein. For example, albumin displayed preferential adsorption to both HEMA and EMA, in that adsorption to these polymers was much greater than to any of the HEMA–EMA copolymers. Conversely, fibrinogen adsorption was maximal at intermediate HEMA–EMA compositions. Another behavior is shown by the adsorption of hemoglobin and IgG, both of which display maximal adsorption to EMA, with minimal adsorption on surfaces made with about 20% EMA. Another way to look at this data is to consider that the very different trends in adsorption across the series for each protein means that the relative amount of each protein is unique to each surface, and varies quite a bit among the surfaces. On HEMA, the adsorption is seen to be in the order albumin>hemoglobin>fibrinogen>IgG, while on EMA the order is quite different: IgG, hemoglobin, and albumin are all about the same, but much greater than fibrinogen adsorption. On the 50–50 HEMA–EMA copolymer, the order is also different: fibrinogen and hemoglobin adsorption are about the same, but much greater than albumin or IgG. Examination of the amounts of adsorption for each protein on each surface shows that the overall composition of the adsorbed layer is different on each and every polymer in the series. The differences seen in these studies are typical for many other polymers that have been studied. Namely, the relative enrichment of a given protein when adsorbed from a complex mixture such as plasma is unique to each polymer studied. The effect of surface chemistry in causing differences in the relative enrichment of proteins adsorbed from the complex mixture of proteins in plasma is due to differences in the relative competitive affinity of the proteins for each surface that were discussed above in regard to binary competitive adsorption studies.


FIGURE II.1.2.10 Differential affinity of proteins to a series of polymers: adsorption of Fg (green line); IgG (purple line); Alb (red line); and Hb (blue line) from plasma to hydroxyethyl methacrylate – ethyl methacrylate copolymers.

(Redrawn version of a figure from: Horbett, 1981.)

Other examples of surface enrichment from complex protein mixtures are readily available. The examples presented in this paragraph emphasize protein affinity differences, in contrast to the surface affinity examples presented in the previous paragraph. Although fibrinogen is only the third most concentrated protein in plasma, after IgG and albumin, biomaterials exposed to plasma are enriched in fibrinogen in the adsorbed phase. Hemoglobin is present in very low concentrations in plasma (0.01 mg/mL or less), but it is still adsorbed in amounts similar to the more predominant proteins because of its high surface affinity. Albumin, a lower affinity protein, presents a counter example. Albumin concentration in plasma is much higher than fibrinogen, yet the surface concentration of albumin adsorbed from plasma is typically about the same as fibrinogen. The high concentration of albumin in the plasma drives it onto the surface according to the law of mass action. Similarly, fibrinogen adsorption is higher from plasmas that contain higher concentrations of fibrinogen. Thus, mass concentration in the bulk phase is the second major factor determining competitive adsorption behavior.

The adsorption of fibrinogen from plasma exhibits some unusual behavior. On some surfaces, fibrinogen adsorption is maximal at intermediate dilutions of plasma (see example in Figure II.1.2.11A). In addition, fibrinogen adsorption from full-strength or moderately diluted plasma is higher at very early adsorption times than at later times (example shown in Figure II.1.2.11B). These are examples of the Vroman effect for fibrinogen. This phenomenon is a clear example of the unique effects of competitive adsorption on both the steady-state and the transient composition of the adsorbed layer that forms from plasma. The Vroman effect appears to involve displacement of initially adsorbed fibrinogen by later arriving, more surface-active plasma proteins, especially high molecular weight kininogen, and transitions in the adsorbed fibrinogen which make it less displaceable with adsorption time (reviewed in Slack and Horbett, 1995). Vroman effects, i.e., peaks in adsorption at intermediate dilution, are also observed for fibronectin adsorption from serum, and even for binary protein mixtures under certain conditions.


FIGURE II.1.2.11 The Vroman effect: (A) fibrinogen adsorption to Biomer and glass from various concentrations of blood plasma; (B) time course of fibrinogen adsorption to glass and poly(ethyl methacrylate) (PEMA) from undiluted plasma.

(Reprinted with permission from Slack and Horbett, 1995. Copyright © 1995 American Chemical Society.)

Molecular Spreading Events: Conformational and Biological Changes in Adsorbed Proteins

Proteins that adsorb to solid surfaces can undergo conformational changes, because of the relatively low structural stability of proteins and the tendency to unfold to allow further bond formation with the surface. Conformational changes can be detected with many types of physicochemical methods, and also by measuring changes in the biological activity of the adsorbed proteins.

Physicochemical Studies of Conformational Changes

“Soft” proteins are found to adsorb more readily and more tenaciously than “hard” proteins. In this context, a “soft” protein is one with a low thermodynamic stability, while a “hard” protein is more stable to unfolding in solution in response to denaturing conditions, such as elevated temperature. This concept and the articles supporting the following discussion are presented in detail elsewhere (Horbett and Brash, 1995).

Comparison of the adsorptive behavior of different proteins to their molecular properties indicates that less stable proteins are more adsorptive. The important role of structural stability in adsorption is also supported by recent studies with engineered mutant proteins with single amino acid substitutions that vary in stability. Lysozyme adsorption at the solid–liquid interface, and tryptophan synthase occupation of the air–water interface are greater for less stable mutants, and more stable lysozyme variants tend to be displaced by less stable mutants (Lee et al., 2004).

Several studies with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) methods seemed to indicate that adsorbed proteins may lose much of their structure, depending on how “soft” they are. Heat is taken up at a certain elevated temperature for proteins in solution, due to unfolding of the native protein at the transition temperature. An absence or reduction of this effect for an adsorbed protein suggests that the adsorbed protein has already undergone the transition, i.e., that it has already unfolded upon adsorption. The transition enthalpy of lysozyme adsorbed to negatively charged polystyrene was much less than for the protein in solution (0–170 kJ/mol for the adsorbed protein versus about 600 kJ/mol for the native protein depending on the pH). However, for lysozyme adsorbed on hematite, the unfolding enthalpy is only about 20% less than for the native protein, indicating that changes in the enthalpy of unfolding depend on the adsorbing surface. Furthermore, for lactalbumin the heat released is nearly zero when adsorbed on either the polystyrene or the hematite surface, suggesting complete unfolding of lactalbumin on both surfaces. These observations are consistent with the lower stability of lactalbumin in comparison to lysozyme. Several proteins adsorbed to pyrolytic carbon do not show any release of heat at the expected transition temperature, suggesting that pyrolytic carbon induces complete unfolding; a result that is consistent with the tenacious binding of proteins to this surface. It has also been shown that albumin and lysozyme adsorbed to polystyrene exhibit no unfolding enthalpy, while lysozyme adsorbed to a hydrophilic contact lens still exhibits about 50% of the heat released by the native protein. Streptavidin adsorbed to polystyrene displays an unfolding enthalpy that is very similar to that for the native protein in solution, probably because of the greater stability of streptavidin in comparison to lysozyme or albumin.

However, more recent studies of adsorbed proteins by the DSC method in conjunction with other, more direct conformational measurements such as circular dichroism (CD), show that at least some adsorbed proteins that appear to be completely denatured, as judged by DSC, still have considerable amounts of their native structure, as measured by CD. It thus appears that some proteins become somewhat more stable after adsorption, and thus do not show heat release at the normal melting temperature.

The concept of molecular spreading of the adsorbed protein suggested by these observations has been used to explain differences in the amount of IgG adsorbed during stepwise adsorption. When the final concentration of bulk protein is achieved in a series of smaller concentration steps, as opposed to bringing the bulk concentration to its final value in one step, adsorption is smaller. This result is thought to be due to spreading and an enlarged footprint of a protein molecule that can occur at lower bulk concentrations, and is similar to the explanation of Langmuir isotherms given earlier. Conformational changes upon adsorption of fibronectin to polystyrene beads and Cytodex® microcarrier beads have been detected using electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Many other physicochemical studies are consistent with partial unfolding of the adsorbed proteins (Andrade, 1985; Lundstrom, 1985; Horbett and Brash, 1995).

Changes in Biological Properties of Adsorbed Proteins

While physicochemical studies sometimes suggest complete denaturation of adsorbed proteins, most probes for biological activity suggest the changes are more limited (reviewed with citations in Horbett, 1993). Thus, enzymes retain at least some of their activity in the adsorbed state, especially when the surfaces are more fully loaded with enzyme. Measurements of enzyme activity or retention times during passage over hydrophobic chromatography matrices have shown that the degree of denaturation is highly dependent on the protein, the length of time the protein has spent on the matrix, the solvent, and other conditions, and is not necessarily complete.

Changes in the binding of a monoclonal antibody to fragment D of fibrinogen upon fibrinogen adsorption to polystyrene have been attributed to changes in the conformation of fibrinogen after adsorption. Thus, solution-phase fibrinogen does not bind the antibody raised to fragment D, but the surface-adsorbed fibrinogen does. Furthermore, bulk fibrinogen does not compete for the binding of the antibody to the surface-adsorbed fibrinogen. The RIBS (receptor-induced binding site) antibodies are similar: they bind to fibrinogen only after the fibrinogen has bound to either a solid surface or to the platelet IIb/IIIa receptor. The binding of the RIBS antibodies and others that bind to the platelet binding regions of fibrinogen varies with the length of time after adsorption of the fibrinogen. Platelet adhesion to polymethacrylates has been correlated with the amount of antifibrinogen binding, suggesting that the adsorbed fibrinogen is in different conformations on the various polymethacrylates.

Fibrinogen undergoes a time-dependent transition after its adsorption to a surface that results in reduced platelet and antibody binding to the adsorbed fibrinogen, as well as reduction in the SDS and plasma displaceability, and changes in amide II frequency of the adsorbed fibrinogen. The losses in platelet binding, antibody binding, and SDS elutability are prevented if albumin is included in the storage buffer. An example showing time dependent losses in antibody binding to fibrinogen and its prevention by albumin is shown in Figure II.1.2.12. Vitronectin also appears to undergo conformational changes upon adsorption that affect its ability to bind heparin and its infrared spectra.


FIGURE II.1.2.12 Transitions in adsorbed fibrinogen. The effect of three-day residence in buffer or buffered albumin solution upon anti-fibrinogen binding to fibrinogen adsorbed from dilute plasma to Biomer polyurethane is shown. BSA: bovine serum albumin.

(From: Fig. 3A in Chinn et al., 1992.)

Modulation of the biologic activity of fibronectin has been shown in several studies in which the ability of fibronectin adsorbed to various surfaces to support cell attachment or spreading was found to differ. For example, fibronectin adsorbed to tissue culture grade polystyrene was able to support cell attachment and spreading, whereas fibronectin adsorbed to ordinary polystyrene does not support spreading very well, unless some albumin is added to the fibronectin solution. Fibronectin adsorbed to self-assembled monolayer (SAM) films with various functional end groups also varies in its ability to interact with cells. On hydrophobic SAMs there is poor cell spreading unless albumin is coadsorbed (albumin “rescuing”). The albumin “rescuing” phenomenon observed for SAMs is similar to the albumin effect on fibronectin’s ability to promote cell spreading on polystyrene, and to the effect of albumin addition in preventing losses in platelet adhesion to fibrinogen adsorbed surfaces discussed above. The ability of fibronectin adsorbed to a series of polymers to support the outgrowth of corneal epithelial cells has also been found to vary a great deal, despite the presence of similar amounts of fibronectin on the surfaces.

The effect of albumin addition in enhancing the adhesivity of fibronectin-coated surfaces is opposite to what one might expect, because the added albumin should reduce the amount of adsorbed fibronectin as albumin competes for sites on the surfaces. The explanation for the albumin effect is thought to be that by adsorbing along with the fibronectin to the surface, the albumin molecules occupy surface sites near the fibronectin molecules. The adsorbed albumin molecules thus keep the adsorbed fibronectin molecules from undergoing structural changes that they would otherwise do in trying to spread into formerly empty surface sites, but they cannot do so if albumin molecules fill those sites.

Highly uniform SAM surfaces with different terminal functional groups have proved useful in showing how surface chemistry modulates the biologic properties of adsorbed fibronectin. When increasing amounts of fibronectin were adsorbed to SAMs with terminal OH, COOH, NH2 or CH3 functional groups, it was found that the amount of adsorbed fibronectin required to cause cell adhesion varied widely. Thus, on the CH3 surface it took far higher amounts of fibronectin to obtain equivalent maximal adhesion than on the OH surfaces (Keselowsky et al., 2003). Similarly, the binding affinity of antibodies that bind to the cell binding domain and of the integrin α5β1 was much higher for fibronectin on the OH surface than on the CH3 surface. Thus, there are significant differences in the functional presentation of the central cell-binding domain of fibronectin upon adsorption to different surface chemistries. The theoretical predictions of differences in preferred orientation of adsorbed molecules on surfaces with different chemistry (see Figure II.1.2.7) suggest that these biological effects are also due to orientational effects. With an osteogenic cell line, genes that mark osteoblastic differentiation and actual mineralization were both elevated in the cells on the fibronectin-coated OH and NH2 surfaces compared with the COOH and CH3 SAMs (Keselowsky et al., 2005). Myoblast differentiation on fibronectin adsorbed to this same series of SAMs also varied greatly, in the order OH> CH3> NH2 = COOH (Lan et al., 2005). The ability of myoblasts to rearrange adsorbed fibronectin and deposit new fibronectin was also much greater on the CH3 surface than on the OH surface.

Figure II.1.2.13 shows an experimental example of the modulation of the biologic activity of adsorbed fibrinogen, namely its ability to mediate platelet adhesion. In these studies, both fibrinogen adsorption and binding of a fibrinogen specific antibody were measured from plasma diluted to various degrees on a series of chemically modified polystyrene surfaces. Platelet adhesion to the plasma preadsorbed surfaces was also measured. The left part of Figure II.1.2.13 shows that there was no obvious correlation between platelet adhesion and fibrinogen adsorption, despite the fact that we know that fibrinogen adsorption is required for adhesion, as shown in Figure II.1.2.3. However, when the availability of the platelet binding region in fibrinogen adsorbed to these surfaces was measured using a monoclonal antibody (M1) that binds to the C-terminal region of the gamma chain of fibrinogen, it was found to vary greatly. Platelet adhesion was well correlated with the antibody binding, as shown in the right panel in Figure II.1.2.13. The poor correlation with total fibrinogen adsorption, and the greatly improved correlation with platelet binding site availability, is strong support for the idea that the functional activity of adsorbed fibrinogen in supporting platelet adhesion depends on the surface to which it is adsorbed. Thus, fibrinogen’s bioadhesive activity is modulated by the surface chemistry.


FIGURE II.1.2.13 Cross plots of platelet adhesion against the amount of fibrinogen (FGN) adsorption or M1 antibody binding on five different surfaces.

(From: Tsai et al., 2003.)

The studies with platelets, fibroblasts, epithelial cells, osteocytic cells, and myoblasts show that substrate properties somehow modulate the ability of adsorbed proteins to interact with cells. These differences may arise, at least in part, from differences in the availability of epitopes on adhesive proteins for the cell surface receptor. That is, both the amount of the adsorbed adhesive protein, as well as its “bioreactivity,” are actively influenced by the properties of the surface to which it is adsorbed.

The Importance of Adsorbed Proteins in Biomaterials

Table II.1.2.1 summarizes the principles underlying the influence of adsorbed proteins in biomaterials used in contact with the blood. All of the principles listed also apply in other environments, such as the extravascular spaces, albeit with other proteins and other cell types (e.g., macrophages in the peritoneum adhere via other receptors and other adhesion proteins). The blood platelets therefore provide a “case study,” and we close this chapter by considering this case.

TABLE II.1.2.1 Principles Underlying the Influence of Adsorbed Plasma Proteins on Blood Platelet Interactions with Biomaterials


The high sensitivity of platelet–surface interactions to adsorbed proteins is fundamentally due to the presence of adhesion receptors in the platelet membrane that bind to certain plasma proteins. There are only a few types of proteins in plasma that are bound by the adhesion receptors. The selective adsorption of these proteins to synthetic surfaces, in competition with the many nonadhesive proteins that also tend to adsorb, is thought to mediate platelet adhesion to these surfaces, which in turn leads to platelet activation events such as their ability to catalyze the formation of thrombin. However, since the dissolved plasma-phase adhesion proteins do not bind to adhesion receptors unless the platelets are appropriately stimulated, while unstimulated platelets can adhere to adsorbed adhesion proteins, it appears that adsorption of proteins to surfaces accentuates and modulates the adhesion receptor–adhesion protein interaction. The type of surface to which the adhesion protein is adsorbed affects the ability of the protein to support platelet adhesion, due to variations in the amount of adsorbed fibrinogen (Horbett, 1993), and in the availability of the platelet binding regions in the fibrinogen molecule (Tsai et al., 2003). The principles that determine protein adsorption to biomaterials include monolayer adsorption, the intrinsic surface activity and bulk concentration of the protein, and the effect of different surfaces on the selectivity of adsorption and biologic activity of the adsorbed protein.

More generally, all proteins are known to have an inherent tendency to deposit very rapidly on surfaces as a tightly bound adsorbate that strongly influences subsequent interactions of many different types of cells with the surfaces. It is therefore thought that the particular properties of surfaces, as well as the specific properties of individual proteins, together determine the organization of the adsorbed protein layer, and that the nature of this layer in turn determines the cellular response to the adsorbed surfaces.

The importance of adsorbed proteins in biomaterials science is also well-illustrated by the amount of effort that has been expended to develop protein “non-fouling” or protein repellent materials in recent years (see Chapter I.2.10 and Horbett, 2003). Since fibrinogen adsorption is required for platelet adhesion, an obvious approach to improve blood compatibility is to produce biomaterials that reduce fibrinogen adsorption, and thus much recent research has focused on finding protein repellent materials. For example, many studies show that fibrinogen adsorption can be reduced with poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) coatings of various types (e.g., PEO/polylactide copolymers, PEO grafted polyurethanes (PUs), PEO grafted PU/polystyrene, ethylene glycol terminated SAMs or glow discharge deposited polymers of the low molecular weight polyether tetraglyme to make PEO-like coatings), and that platelet adhesion is reduced, both in vitro and in vivo. However, since even low amounts of adsorbed fibrinogen (ca. 5 ng/cm2; Tsai and Horbett, 1999) are sufficient to support nearly full-scale platelet adhesion, and many of the surfaces tested fail to reduce fibrinogen adsorption to that degree, it has proved difficult to make biomaterials that fully achieve this design criterion.


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