James Hoff

Junior AP English

Mr. Cogweiller

ASSIGNMENT: four-page persuasive essay


We stand at the edge. We stand at the brink. We have come to a final point in history. Greenhouse gases are heating our oceans, choking our atmosphere, changing our entire planet. Toxins and pollutants threaten not only our lives, but all life on earth. If action is not taken, all will be lost!

We can no longer chip away at the edges of our problem with meaningless “feel good” solutions. Recycling, buying “green” products, Take the Bus to Work Day-none of these will save our atmosphere or slow down the disastrous heating effects of air pollution. Organic salad bars are not going to refreeze the North Pole. Instead we must fearlessly strike at the root of the problem.

We must destroy all cars.

We must destroy all cars for what they do.

We must destroy all cars for what they stand for.

We must destroy all cars to break the mind-set that makes it impossible to see beyond our own most immediate and selfish needs.

We must destroy all cars because if we don’t, they will destroy us!

A world without cars is possible. But how can we imagine such a thing the way we live now?


The car is a primitive machine. It is not complicated. You put gas in it and poison comes out. It’s pretty damn simple.

Is it a good idea to start your car in your garage and sit beside it, reading the paper, while your garage fills up with exhaust? No. Then why would that be a good idea on a global level?


I am sick of cars idling in my school parking lot. I am sick of the endless river of them that forms every morning on the main road by my house. I am sick of sitting on the bus and watching them packed all around me, ninety percent of them containing A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL. I am sick of that one woman sitting there in her cocoon of false safety, with her Poland Spring water and her Healthy Choice granola bar, polluting the world outside while inside, in her air-conditioned insulation pod, she deludes herself into thinking that drinking fake mineral water and eating fake candy bars is going to purify her body. I reject that person. I reject the falsity of this belief system.


I understand that people are lame and they cannot do without a luxury item once they possess it. I denounce their lameness.

I understand that people are weak and cannot walk to the mall once they have driven there. I denounce their weakness.

I understand that it is the nature of Consumer Americans to constantly drive their vehicles to different stores so they can buy endless amounts of useless crap. I denounce their simplicity of mind.

I understand that our entire economy is based on the production and consumption of USELESS CRAP. I denounce it all: TARGET, WAL-MART, ROSS DRESS FOR LESS, SEARS, MACY’S, KMART, MERVYNS. It is crap! All of it! Crap!


Young people, students, future citizens and leaders, I ask you to CLEARLY SEE where our present course is taking us. The automobile is the foundation upon which our unsustainable lifestyle is based. They must be DESTROYED. All of them. Even the cute ones. Even the little Mini Cooper that Daddy bought you for your birthday, Ashley.

Cars keep the present political system in place. They keep lower-class people going to war. They keep upperclass people in their mansions and their private jets. By sitting in our gas-guzzling minivans in traffic, moving at three miles an hour, burning fuel pointlessly, we are keeping the whole car-based social system afloat. Every day OIL COMPANIES make BILLIONS of dollars because we lazy-ass Americans cannot ride a bike to school or work.

The End

January 17

Got a C+ on my essay. Typical. Cogweiller said it was too emotional and not supported by facts. Also he says calling people names is not an effective way to sway them to your point of view.

He wrote in the margin: lazy-assed Americans. Ha ha.

Sadie Kinnell wrote her paper about recycling and of course got an A. Cogweiller read hers out loud to his other class. That’s what Gabe told me. I am not in Sadie Kinnell’s AP English section, thank god.

January 18

Today at lunch, I saw Sadie Kinnell waiting in the food line. She’s still hanging out with the annoying guy she supposedly broke up with, Will Greer. They were talking in line. It’s unclear if they are officially broken up or not.

Sadie Kinnell was my girlfriend sophomore year. It was a complicated relationship. We fought a lot. We agreed about some things, though. She agrees that the destruction of the planet is bad. (Congratulations, Sadie!) However, we differ on what to do about it. For instance, she thinks “raising awareness” is a good strategy. Or wearing colorful bracelets that support causes like Forgiving Third World Debt or Helping the Refugees. She also started an Activist Club at our school, which is full of annoying do-gooder types. She’s a priss, is what it boils down to. She gets really good grades and she’ll probably go to an excellent college. But she couldn’t kiss worth a crap. I don’t even know why I’m talking about her now. She is meaningless.

Cogweiller says I can try again on the paper if I want a better grade. He says to use specific examples and to introduce a personal perspective.

James Hoff

Junior AP English

Mr. Cogweiller

MAKEUP ASSIGNMENT: four-page persuasive essay


We have a problem at our school. That problem is cars.

Every day when our school lets out, dozens of cars crowd into our school driveway. The line goes around the school and onto the highway and almost causes accidents. Then, for up to an hour, this caravan of oversize SUVs, Luxury Pickups, and Minivans idles in the driveway of our school, smothering us with exhaust and toxic emissions. Some of these vehicles are so large, their exhaust pipes are nearly at the same height as our freshmen’s faces.

Breathe it in, boys and girls!

And this is at a school where if you took one puff of a cigarette, you would be expelled for life…


My friend Gabe’s mom picks him up in a Ford Expedition that sits so high up you need a smaller car to stand on in order to get into it. I asked him once what kind of gas mileage it gets. He didn’t know. I told him to ask his mom, but she didn’t know either. He said they fill it up once a week. It costs over a hundred dollars. His mom doesn’t even look. I asked if his mom could at least turn the engine off while she’s waiting. But Gabe says she can’t turn it off because she gets too cold in the winter and she likes to keep the heat on. Or when it’s summer, she gets too hot. She has to have climate control.



As a young person, I think about environmental issues a lot. The main thing I think about is HOW WE ARE GREEDILY AND RECKLESSLY DESTROYING OUR PLANET. We are filling it with poison and waste because we are so lazy we cannot stop WALLOWING IN OUR CONSUMER AMERICAN CULTURE LONG ENOUGH TO STOP AND THINK ABOUT WHAT WE ARE DOING. People like Gabe’s mother—who is perfectly nice, by the way—cannot imagine life without all the petty luxuries of the moment. She drives around, wasting gas, wasting everything she comes in contact with, consuming at a ridiculous rate, all because she has never had reason to stop and consider her lifestyle. She is a CONSUMER AMERICAN. She drives a car that gets THIRTEEN MILES TO THE GALLON. She goes to the mall EVERY DAY to buy USELESS CRAP, because that’s all she knows to do. That’s what the TV tells her to do. That’s what the other moms do.

I am so not going to live here when I grow up. As soon as I graduate, I am MOVING TO OSLO. I went there once when I was thirteen. People there are much smarter than here. They don’t even have Ford Expeditions. They’re too big to fit on their roads.

The End

January 22

Went to see Cogweiller in his office. All that extra work, and all I got was a B-.

Cogweiller says that a “dramatic pose” is not as effective as “clear arguments and cogent rhetoric.”

He thinks it’s all a joke, that I’m goofing around, that I don’t really mean what I’m saying.

Old people don’t care what happens. They’re done with the planet. They had their fun.

Cogs wanted to know what was up with all the capitalizations. I said, “That means I’m yelling.”

He said, “Who are you yelling at?”

I said, “The world.”

January 24

Cold and gloomy today. Dark when you leave for school, dark when you get home. And the sky is always gray. And then it rains all night.

This is not good for you, according to what we learned in biology last year about how lack of sunlight alters your mood and makes you depressed. Portland, Oregon, is one of the darkest places, too. It’s a wonder we don’t all kill ourselves.

Oh, wait, we already are.

January 25

In study hall today, Blaire Atwater decided to have a little fun with me. She winked at her friend and then asked me why I cut the elbows out of my sweater. I told her that it makes the sweater look old, and that old sweaters are cooler than new sweaters. She was like, “I don’t see why.”

I said, “You wouldn’t.”

Then Mrs. Harris got mad and said I would have to leave study hall if I couldn’t shut up. I was like, why don’t you make her shut up? But Mrs. Harris thinks of me as a troublemaker more than CONSUMER AMERICAN Blaire Atwater. So I was identified as the at-fault person.

January 29

More idiocy regarding my sweater: A teacher stopped me in the hall and asked me if my parents know that I deface my clothing. That’s the word he used, deface. That’s not even the right word.

That’s nothing compared to the big display we had in the front of school celebrating our “Aid to Victims of the Hurricane,” where they misspelled the words separate and indomitable, and used the word effect wrong. School is not a place to learn to spell. It is a place to learn to shop.

And no sooner did I escape my illiterate teacher than I ran right into Will Greer. He avoided looking at me as always. What must it be like to be Sadie’s second boyfriend? Sloppy seconds. Second in command. Second place. He seems to like it. He’ll settle for it anyway. He’ll take what he can get.

And then not ten minutes later I saw Sadie herself, and several of the Activist Club members in the library. They were all gathered around the back table, discussing something, making posters it looked like, though I couldn’t see what they said. “Free the Chipmunks” or something.

What a bunch of dorks.

James Hoff

Junior AP English

Mr. Cogweiller

ASSIGNMENT: four-page essay on a person who has influenced you


Sadie Kinnell is an activist who believes in working within the system. She believes in community action, working in groups, and getting people “on board.” One example of her approach is that she thinks voting is a good way to change things. Of course we can’t vote because we’re in high school, but she accepts that. She says, “Why should we get to vote before we’re eighteen and fully informed on the issues?”

I do not believe that anyone is fully informed on the issues. I don’t think the system is set up to allow you to fully understand anything. I will not bore you with details, but take wars, for example. Does anyone ever fully understand why we are in them?

More issues I have with Sadie Kinnell:

1. Sadie Kinnell dresses terribly and thinks she is justified in doing so. She often said I was trying to shock people with my thrift-store clothes, which is kind of true, but what did she want me to do, go to Nordstrom and buy a Polo shirt? No, thank you.

2. The way we broke up was ridiculous, with her lecturing me on my attitude and my “nihilistic” worldview. That is so uncool.

3. Equally ridiculous: the fact that she was in Willamette Week as a “Person of Note.” This happened because she helped the City Commissioner’s Office raise money for a bike path along the river. It was so typical of Sadie. Looks good. Sounds good. Everyone loves a nice bike path. Everyone loves puppies, too. Meanwhile, polar bears are drowning because there is no ice and it’s 122 degrees in India. What is a bike path going to do about that? Answer: nothing.

4. Sadie Kinnell is what people think of as “the solution.” I have news for you: All Sadie Kinnell is going to do is shake hands with people and smile a lot and clean up little parks so that children can play in them safely. We don’t need more parks for children. We need less cars. Less people. Less development. And we need it all lessened NOW.

5. The reality of what’s happening to our planet is…well…the reality is unthinkable. That’s why nobody thinks about it. Sadie sure doesn’t.

6. Sadie Kinnell claims she did not like Will Greer when she broke up with me. I find this hard to believe. They were always talking in chem, according to my friend Gabe. Gabe even said he felt there was “something going on” between them. Personally—though I still consider Will to be annoying—I am not terribly offended by this. Sadie and I were having serious problems. Sadie thought I should go on antidepressants. When she said that, I knew it was over. She was no longer seeing me for who I was. I do not need antidepressants.

7. Still, it is important to note that Sadie recommended medication. The world is in serious danger, and the solution? Pills. Drugs to make you not think about it. In CONSUMER AMERICA, thinking about things is as bad as not buying useless crap. It is counterproductive. Mental accuracy is a bad thing. Reality is meaningless. If you see clearly, if you express yourself clearly, you become the problem. Your bad attitude is not helping.

8. I denounce the do-gooders, the feel-gooders, the “activist clubs,” and anyone else who makes people feel like the problem is being taken care of. Trust me. The problem is not being taken care of. Look outside your window. What do you see? Cars. Millions of them. They are the problem. And they aren’t going anywhere.

The End

February 1

Went to see Cogweiller in his office. He was not happy. He gave me the evil eye for thirty-seven seconds. I think that’s a record.

Then he gave me back my paper. On the bottom was written:

Cogs wouldn’t even give me a grade. He said I had to do it over. Still, I liked that he called it manifesto stylings. He actually wrote that. Which is rad.


Went bowling with Gabe on Friday night. We were meeting a girl named Renee, who Gabe likes. He wanted me to be his wingman. Though I do not possess extensive “wingman” skills, I agreed to go.

Gabe’s mom drove us there in the Ford Expedition. I felt like an evil warlord sitting in the back of it, looking down on smaller, more fuel-efficient cars. I said nothing, though. Gabe checked his cell phone for any further communications from Renee. There were none.

We walked into the bowling alley. It was noisy and it smelled like socks. People were running around, talking on their cells, giggling about whatever, drinking diet soft drinks.

We found Renee. She was with two other girls and two boys I didn’t know. They were typical high school students of suburban extraction. The girls wore Nikes and low-rise jeans and hoodies. They conducted themselves like CONSUMER AMERICANS, chewing gum and talking about recent purchases and what brands of beauty products they preferred. The boys were the same—T-shirts, skate-shoes with the laces tucked in, baggy jeans.

Gabe asked Renee what was up. Not much was. They were about to start bowling.

Gabe and I changed into our bowling shoes. Renee tried to start the automatic scorer. It wouldn’t come on, so she pushed a button that summoned the man at the front desk. This man was a very large person with a mullet. Also his pants didn’t fit, so we saw his ass crack when he leaned over the scoring table. Everyone thought this was the funniest thing they had ever seen. Especially the boys. “Did you see that guy’s ass crack!?” they kept saying. Har har har. It became the running joke of the night.

In case anyone is wondering what I looked like, I was at that moment wearing brown polyester slacks, a tan shirt, and my black sweater that has the elbows cut out. I also had black socks on and some old white deck shoes I found at Salvation Army. I also don’t shampoo my hair, which is long and hangs partially in my face. In short, I looked like a total freak by the standards of other CONSUMER AMERICANS. I visited Oslo a couple years ago. I fit in better there. In my own country I look like an alien.

Also, in case anyone else is wondering, my own family is not particularly ecologically aware. In fact, my dad is one of the worst polluters ever. He never met a combustion engine he didn’t like. My all-time favorite Dad story is the time he took a generator with us camping in Arizona. For an entire weekend he ran a gas engine, in the woods, to charge his computer and watch his little TV. It was hilarious. And terribly sad. My sister, Libby, tried to get him batteries for the TV so we wouldn’t have to listen to the generator running all night but he wouldn’t.

“Batteries run out. Gas engines never run out,” he told my sister. He actually said that.

Back at the bowling alley: Once the automatic scoring thing was fixed, we were good to go. We all typed our names in. Gabe and I tried to find bowling balls. We walked around looking at the different colors and sizes.

Gabe considered many different balls. He was worried that if he didn’t choose the right one, Renee wouldn’t like him as much. “Does this one look too girly?” he asked. “Are the black ones cooler than the ones with swirlies?”

This is the typical fallacy on which all of CONSUMER AMERICA is based. Some piece of useless crap will make people like you.

We started our game. The first girl up was Renee’s little sister, a freshman. She ran forward and threw her bowling ball into the air. THUNK. The ball smashed painfully onto the wood and bounced and rolled into the gutter. Gabe and I looked at each other. Freshmen are pretty funny.

She didn’t care, though. As soon as she was done, she got on her cell phone and started telling her friend about a rash someone had in her gym class. What do you think it was?…I don’t know…It was all red…and bumpy…and sort of…gooey.

Gabe elbowed me. My turn. I stood and found my ball. Everyone watched me and I began to feel self-conscious. I took my place and stared down the polished corridor at my objective, the ten pins lined up in a triangle. This was the moment I realized that it was Disco Bowling night. I realized this because I saw a sign above our lane that said:

image 2

Wow. Disco Bowling. I checked my watch. It was almost ten. We were in luck.

But it wasn’t Disco Bowling yet, and I still had to take my turn. I walked forward, swung the ball back, swung it forward, let it go…but just like the freshman girl, my release was a half second late. The ball went too high. THUNK. It bounced twice and piddled into the gutter.

“My ball holes were sticky,” I explained to the group. The boys laughed. Sort of. The girls looked at me funny. They could sense I was holding myself apart from them. Which was true. I didn’t mean to. It’s just that I don’t know what to say to people like them. No one wants to hear about my doomsday scenarios. And I don’t want to talk about ass cracks.

“Dude, what happened?” Gabe whispered when I sat down. This was uncalled for, since I did get four pins on my second roll.

“Dude, whattaya mean?” I said back. “I got a four. Let’s see you get a four.”

Gabe stood up. It was his turn now. I called him “dude” a couple more times to annoy him. Then I sat back.

He got a six.

We got through our first game. Everyone settled in. Then one of Renee’s friends came over and sat beside me. Her name was Stephanie.

STEPHANIE: So what’s your deal?

ME: What do you mean?

STEPHANIE: You’re sitting here by yourself. You’re not talking to anyone.

ME: I’m shy.

STEPHANIE: You know what they say. Shyness is a form of vanity.

ME: Really?

STEPHANIE: Sure. Shy people are trying to bring attention to themselves. But in a negative way.

ME: I didn’t know that.

STEPHANIE: Doesn’t it make sense, though? If a person won’t hang out, isn’t that sort of vain?

ME: Maybe so. Who said that, anyway? Is that from the Bible?

STEPHANIE: It’s probably from somewhere. What happened to your sweater?

ME: Nothing. I cut the elbows out.

STEPHANIE (looking at the elbow holes): That’s weird. Are you in Drama Club?

ME: No. It’s just a thing I do. It makes the sweater look old. It makes it look like I’ve had it so long the elbows have worn out.

STEPHANIE: But you haven’t, though.

ME: I know. It’s just this thing I do.

STEPHANIE (sighing): I guess some people just have to be different.

ME: So what about you? What’s your deal?

STEPHANIE (relieved to be talking about herself): Oh, nothing much. I go to school. I hang out with my friends. You know…

ME: Huh.

STEPHANIE: What else? Ummmm. I like to party.

ME: Yeah. A lot of people like to party.

STEPHANIE: And I like to, you know, do stuff…and chill, and listen to music. And just…hang out, basically…

ME: That is really interesting.

STEPHANIE: I’m more of a stop-and-smell-the-roses type of person. Aren’t you?

ME: Pretty much. Yeah. I’m a smeller.

STEPHANIE: I mean, I feel like, why get all worked up about stuff if you don’t have to? You know?

ME: Yup.

STEPHANIE (as the lights are dimmed): Oh no. What’s that? Why are they turning down the lights?

ME: I think it’s time for Disco Bowling.

STEPHANIE: What’s that?

ME: See that big sign over there that says Disco Bowling?


ME: That’s what it is.

At that point Disco Bowling officially began. They dimmed the lights, put on some Bee Gees, turned on the sparkle ball. It was like being in the seventies, in a disco, except nobody was dancing, and there was bowling. Actually, Renee and Stephanie danced between their turns. They did the ride-the-pony dance, turning little circles in place. I think that’s supposed to represent a sexual act, but I’m not sure. They were ignoring Gabe and me at this point. Gabe didn’t look too good. He was doing his hangdog thing. Poor Gabe. He never gets what he wants. Who does?

When it was time to go, Renee barely said good-bye. Gabe and I ended up standing alone in front of the bowling alley. His mother came and picked us up in the Ford Expedition.

We pulled out of the parking lot. The Ford Expedition, by the way, has a huge metal battering ram on the front in case you need to punch through any walls or blockades or any other man-made barriers on the way home from the bowling alley. It also has little metal grates around the signal lights, in case rioting strip-mall goers decide to attack you with baseball bats while you’re signaling a left turn. All that extra weight, of course, burns huge amounts of extra gasoline.

In the darkness of the backseat, I asked Gabe how it went with Renee.

“You saw it,” he mumbled. “She barely talked to me.”

I nodded sympathetically.

“You could have helped a little more,” he said. “You could have been a better wingman.”

“I’m sorry,” I said. And I was.

James Hoff

Junior AP English

Mr. Cogweiller

MAKEUP ASSIGNMENT: four-page essay on a person who has influenced you


Mothers are an important influence on their children and the other kids in the neighborhood. Take my friend Gabe’s mom. She is a nice mom. Gabe likes her. The other kids like her. I like her. On the surface she appears perfectly normal. She reads Oprah books and waits in line at Starbucks and has a purple Patagonia fleece she wears every day. But if anything goes wrong, she dissolves into tears and panic. She is deeply afraid of the world. That’s why she has fourteen credit cards and drives a Ford Expedition with a two-hundred-pound metal grate on the front. Because they protect her.

Then there’s Rich Herrington’s mom. She is the hot mom of our group. Apparently, among any group of high school boys, there is always a “hot mom.” Mrs. Herrington plays her part. She wears a sexy bathing suit at the pool, which definitely looks good on her. She is not like Gabe’s mom, who is just trying to survive another day. Mrs. Herrington wants to look like the latest celebrities on TV or the cheerleaders at school. She consumes vast amounts of USELESS CRAP that she thinks will keep her young and desirable. Of course that is not actually possible, but that doesn’t stop her from buying the USELESS CRAP. Which is good for the economy. And good for the boys around the pool.

There’s another mom down the street everyone calls “the punk rock mom.” She wears tight black jeans and checked Vans. She and her husband have a girl who is in eighth grade. They enrolled her in all these special programs for the “gifted” or the “artistic” or whatever. That can’t be good. Gabe tried to talk to her once and she just ran off. She dresses sort of punk rock herself but she isn’t that into it. It must be embarrassing to have parents who are trying to be cool all the time. We saw her crying once while she was riding her bike. She’s gonna be a total mess in high school.

My mom is one of the better moms. I like her, anyway. She grew up in Tucson, Arizona. She started to go to medical school, but then she met my dad. Now she manages a medical supply business. I don’t know how my dad got with her. He’s a bonehead. My mom’s smart and pretty chill about stuff. Even when we disagree, we understand each other. Still, I don’t talk to her as much as I used to. When my dad left, we got closer. And my little sister, Libby, too. The three of us rallied around each other. But then Dad came back and there was a new distance between Mom and me. That was because my mom had to spend more time on him. And kiss his butt.

My friend Jessica Carlucci’s parents are the smartest of all my friends’. Her dad is an architect and makes houses out of alternative materials with solar panels and non-detergent washing machines. Jessica’s mom does yoga and eats organic food. Jessica’s parents are the only grown-ups I’ve met who seem to know what’s up. But when you look at them closely, most of it is just surface. Like her dad has a garage full of useless luxury items, along with a full arsenal of the same gas-powered crap my dad has. Their gardener soaks their lawn every week with poisons and chemicals to get it just the right shade of green. And her mom, too; beneath the yoga exterior, what is there? She shops at Nordstrom. She buys plastic water bottles by the case. She never thinks about how much jet fuel she’s using when she’s flying around doing her consulting business.

Does being smarter and a little more aware do anything? Does it change anything? No. I never say this to Jessica, though. She’s sensitive about her family because her dad had an affair when she was little and their family almost broke up. So there’s a “no talking about anything” policy in their house. Everything is FINE.

The End

February 6

Wow. I never got a D before. It felt kind of liberating. You can only go up from a D.

Cogs didn’t look too well today. I hope he’s feeling all right. He stood over me for several seconds when we got our papers back, giving me the Cogweiller stare.

After school I asked if I could do another makeup. He strongly encouraged me to do so.

February 7

Hung out with Jessica Carlucci after school. We went to the gym to watch her sister’s JV basketball game. Jessica was talking about college stuff. All the smart kids are thinking about college stuff now.

Last year when I broke up with Sadie, Jessica helped me a lot. That was the period when we changed from knowing each other to becoming actual friends. I wonder why we never went out. She does seem to like me. I’m not sure why. Because I understand her, I guess. I don’t judge her. I don’t know why I don’t judge her. I judge everybody else.

Jessica is very pretty. And she wears really nice clothes and earrings and gets her hair done and all that. She’ll marry some good-looking rich guy someday. That’s what I thought as I watched the girl basketball players fall over each other chasing a loose ball. And she’ll live in the West Hills and take her kids to tennis lessons at the club. She will grow up to represent everything I hate.

But you know what? Jessica Carlucci was the only one who understood what it did to me to break up with Sadie. Nobody else got it. Nobody else understood. She used to call me late at night, to see if I was okay.

So there you go.

James Hoff

Junior AP English

Mr. Cogweiller

MAKEUP TO THE MAKEUP ASSIGNMENT: four-page essay on a person who has influenced you


One person who has influenced me is Karl Marx. He was a revolutionary and the first Marxist (duh), and an important thinker who has influenced people around the world.

Karl Marx was alive during the Industrial Revolution, when the first factories were being invented. He looked around and saw that poor people were going to have to work in the factories, and he realized that the men who ran the factories were going to take advantage of the poor people, like make them work twelve hours a day and make little kids work and just generally screw them over in every way possible. It was a very bad situation and it was only going to get worse.

So Marx got involved.

Actually, he didn’t get involved. He went to the library and read a lot of books and let his hair grow so that when he became famous he would look distinguished and have a huge beard like other notable philosophers.

Anyway, after he read a lot of books, he wrote The Communist Manifesto, which is awesome and one of my favorite books.

The Communist Manifesto tells all those poor people to get together, not take any crap from the factory owners, and fight back. There’s some philosophy and other complicated stuff, too, so that people can study it in college and write books about it.

The main thing I like about Marx is all those years he spent hanging around the library. Whenever I’m at the Central Library downtown and I see homeless people wearing pots on their heads or talking to newspaper boxes, I think: That might be the next Karl Marx.

Or maybe I am the next Karl Marx. Because I spend a lot of time thinking about the evils of the world and wandering around the public libraries. Also, as soon as I can, I’m going to grow a huge beard because huge beards are rad.

The End

February 11

Yes! This is what Cogs wrote on the bottom of my essay:

You are not Karl Marx. And you need a conclusion to this essay. But good explanation of Marxist ideas. B+

I can’t believe it. B+! I’m getting to him. The Cogster!