
Chapter 22


He started back toward home, Normally, he would stay for the game, but he had other plans today. He needed to get ready for his trip if he was going to see Lyla tomorrow. He called Derek and his general manager to let them know his change of plans, and then he made some more calls to sort out his schedule for later in the week. Fortunately, he only had one kid to see and he played on Wednesday.

He was getting close to home when he decided to stop for food. He pulled into a deli and as he was going to walk in, he glanced down a few shops and noticed an animal rescue. He found himself walking inside it and then a small, black, fluffy creature caught his attention. It looked up at him with charcoal eyes and meowed, and he became a believer in love at first sight.

“Can I help you?” asked a middle-aged woman with graying, black hair and giant black glasses.

“I’m interested in adopting a cat,” he answered, staring at the kitten, who stared back at him.

“I see Onyx has taken a liking to you,” she said as she opened the cage and pulled out the small kitten. She held it out to him and he took it and brought it against his chest. The kitten was no larger than his hand and it curled up and started purring. It had a loud motor for such a little cat.

“I do believe he has chosen you,” she said with a nod.

He gave her a skeptical look, but then glanced back down at the small bundle of fluff in his hand, and his heart melted.

“How do I adopt him?” he asked as he stroked the soft fur on Onyx’s head.

The woman, whose name was Patty, produced a form, and he filled it out and then paid her the adoption fee. She gave him some coupons to a pet store across the street and placed Onyx in a cardboard pet carrier.

He went to the pet store after swinging by the sandwich shop and proceeded to buy enough toys, beds, scratch posts, and treats for an army of cats. By the time he got home with Onyx, he felt as exhausted as poor Onyx looked, well how he looked until he woke up and discovered his new abode.

Amery wasn’t sure what set off Onyx, maybe it was the ceiling fan or the blinking light on the alarm panel, who knows, but Onyx opened his big charcoal eyes, took one look at his new house, and then went completely apeshit. He jumped on a table, knocked off everything on it. Then he jumped on a table along the wall and crashed into a half-dozen pictures, two of which came crashing down on the table. Then he ran across the back of a sofa, leapt off a lamp, which promptly fell to the floor in a giant crash, which apparently scared the ever-loving shit out of the cat because its tail became the size of a giant pinecone. He proceeded to scamper along the floor, military style, until he reached an opening under a side table, and he shrunk beneath it against the wall.

“Crap,” Amery muttered as he attempted to coax Onyx out of his newfound hiding place. Onyx stood strong and wouldn’t budge. Amery tried to move the table, but Onyx only freaked out more.

“Come on, buddy. It’s OK,” he tried to coax him out in a soothing voice. His phone pinged, and he picked it up with a sigh and saw a text from Lyla.

Lyla: Thanks for last night and sorry about this morning. I’m still mortified and yelling at Nate, who basically is like a male peacock and doesn’t care.

Amery chuckled and called her.

“Hey,” she answered cheerfully.

“Hey. I know I just dropped you off a few hours ago, but I have a surprise and...well, I’m sorta having an issue with your surprise. Do you think you could come over?” he asked her.

She laughed. “Uh, sure. Should I be concerned?” she asked in an amused voice.

“Nope, I don’t think so. Well, maybe. Just come over,” he said.

She laughed again. “OK, give me twenty minutes and I’ll head over,” she said.

“Uh, could you try to hurry?” he asked in a pleading voice.

“Oh, uh, yeah. OK,” she said confused.

“Great, thanks,” he said relieved.

He sat for the next twenty minutes trying to coax Onyx out, but he wouldn’t budge. On occasion, he looked up at Amery and gave a pathetic squeak, but then when Amery would try to pick him up he would hiss. He heard the doorbell ring, and he looked back at Onyx.

“Uh, I guess, stay there,” he said shrugging as he went and opened the door.

Lyla examined him as he stood before her and he felt a little self-conscious, which was very unlike him.

“So, where’s this surprise?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Follow me,” he said, and they headed into his family room. He pointed toward the table and she looked, and then looked back at him. He took her hand and pulled her down and pointed to Onyx.

“Oh my,” she whispered. She looked from Onyx to Amery and back again.

“Lyla, meet Onyx. Onyx, meet Lyla,” he introduced.

“You got me a kitten?” she asked, her voice rising several octaves.

“Yes, well, I guess I got us both a kitten. I just saw him, and I knew he belonged with me, but now, maybe it was a mistake. Something scared him, and he’s been under there for a long time,” Amery explained.

Lyla lay down on the ground and put her head on her hands and stared at Onyx.

“Hi there, Onyx. You are very beautiful,” she said in a soft voice, just a hair above a whisper. She kept murmuring to the kitten, and after a few minutes, Onyx slowly made his way out and into Lyla’s arms. She curled her hands protectively around him and his loud purring started up again.

“He’s so tiny,” she said, looking down at him.

“You said you always had wanted a cat,” Amery offered as his only explanation.

She grinned and then frowned. “I can’t keep him at the house...Gran Mill,” she explained.

“You can keep him here,” Amery offered.

“Really?” she said excitedly and then lowered her voice. “Really?”

“Of course,” he said, and he reached out and stroked Onyx’s soft fur.

They sat on the floor, and Lyla gently set Onyx down. Pretty soon the three of them were playing, and Onyx was making himself right at home. Amery watched Lyla as she laughed and played with Onyx. It was almost magical, watching her look so alive and happy.

“I know I said tomorrow for a date, but...stay,” he said.

“I, uh, OK, maybe,” she answered as she snuggled with Onyx.

He smiled at her and ordered them Chinese takeout. They sat on the floor and ate the takeout from the containers while playing with Onyx until he passed out in the crook of Lyla’s knee.

“He’s so freakin’ adorable!” she exclaimed and then covered her mouth with her hand as she realized how loud she had been. He grinned at her.

“I don’t know what the fuck came over me,” he admitted. “One second I was just going to grab a bite to eat, and the next second I was walking into a pet rescue and adopting him.” He shook his head at the craziness of it all.

“Is it weird that I’m like totally in love with him already?” Lyla asked as she picked up the sleeping kitten and held him to her chest.

“Nope, unless I’m weird too,” he said. “Here, let’s put him in his bed.” He reached over and took the sleeping kitten and gently laid him down on the small, circular bed he had bought. Onyx didn’t budge and the two of them stood there for a full minute just watching him like a newborn baby.

“Thanks for coming over,” he said quietly as they picked up the food containers and headed back into the kitchen.

“Sure. I mean you got me a kitten, so I kind of was obligated to,” she teased.

She cleaned up alongside him and then with a glance at Onyx she reached for her purse that she’d left on the counter when she came in earlier. Amery put his hand over hers.

“Stay,” he urged.

Her head whipped up and she looked at him. “I...I should go to the office tomorrow,” she insisted.

“Take the day off. Stay with me. I don’t have to be at work tomorrow,” he explained.

“You’re trouble,” she said.

“Not the first or last time I’ll be called that,” he said as he backed her against the table.

“And that, I believe,” she laughed.

“I’m serious, Lyla. I want you to stay again,” he insisted.

She paused and contemplated his request.

“Fine, but only because you might need help with Onyx. I do need to get home tomorrow though at some point. I need to get things ready for Gran Mill,” she explained.


He was entirely too close to her and she had entirely not enough self-control. She leaned up and kissed him. He didn’t move, his hand stayed over hers as their lips pressed together. She licked at his bottom lip and he growled and hoisted her up onto the counter.

“I don’t have any clothes here, again,” she murmured against his mouth. He laughed and pulled back and grabbed his phone. She put her hand out. “Oh no, you aren’t getting me more clothes!”

“Too late.” He shrugged as he picked her up. She swatted his chest.

“You are incorrigible, you know that?” she sighed.

He shrugged again. “Perhaps.”

“No perhaps. You totally are. Seriously, you need help,” she said.

“I do need help and I think you are just the person to give it,” he said in a low sexy voice, and she quickly forgot about the damn clothes.

He carried her to his room. She wanted to protest, to say she could walk, but then a part of her really liked being carried and specifically really liked being carried by Amery. She held on tightly as he reached for the doorknob. She trailed kisses along his jawline, feeling the rough hair scratch against her soft skin. She was quickly becoming addicted to him. She wanted more, so much more. She froze on that thought. So much more. No, she couldn’t think that way. She was a passing fad for Amery. A fun story to tell at parties someday. That was all she was, and she needed to not get so wrapped up in the idea that this was a permanent thing. She didn’t need her heart broken in the midst of everything else going on in her life.

“What’s wrong?” Amery asked as he pulled his head back to gaze down at her.

“Nothing,” she whispered, looking down at his chest. She felt his right hand come off her ass and then it was lifting her head up, so she was forced to face him. She swallowed hard when she saw both the lust and concern in his eyes.

“Lyla,” he commanded in a rather domineering voice.

She shrugged, and he sat them down on the bed. He held her there, and she looked back into his eyes.

“What?” he asked as he caressed her chin and cupped it in his hand.

“It’s silly. Nothing. I just think too much,” she muttered.

“Nope, not going to work. Talk to me, angel,” he coerced as he gave her a quick peck on the lips.

She focused on his mouth and not his eyes. “I...this...I really like you, Amery,” she whispered, finally feeling brave enough to confront him visually.

He grinned at her. “I really like you, too,” he said. “Why is that a problem?”

She sighed. “It’s not, I guess. I just...oh, it’s nothing. It’s silly,” she said.

“Nope, tell me,” he commanded.

Her eyes met his again, and she just couldn’t lie to him. There was something about the way he looked at her. It was different than any other guy ever had. He saw her, not just her klutzy self, but her, the one no one saw except the few she let inside.

“I’ve never done a casual relationship before,” she admitted. She could feel her face flushing. “I mean, I’ve only had a few serious boyfriends. I don’t really date a lot.”

Amery met her gaze. “You think this is casual?” he asked.

She nodded. “Isn’t it?” she asked in a very high-octave voice.

“Oh, angel, this is the furthest thing I’ve ever had to casual. I don’t know what this is exactly, but it sure as fuck is not casual,” he growled as he turned her, so she fell on the bed and he crawled over her body. His lips found her, and she lost all thought. How could he do that with just his lips, his tongue? He stole her soul with his kiss and she was certain she wouldn’t be getting it back, possibly ever.

His hands slowly worked at removing her clothes as he continued to enter her with his mouth. She tried to take off his clothes, but he swatted her hands away. He wanted to be in control, and she was alright with that. In this moment, she was alright with him being in control, because she felt safe, cherished, protected.

His movements were slow and gentle. She closed her eyes as his hands caressed her body as they found the flesh beneath her clothes. She moaned when his lips left hers, but then whimpered in satisfaction as they reconnected with her breasts. His hand palmed her sex, and she thrust up against him. His one hand covered her completely, but she wanted more, so much more.

“There’s no rush,” he murmured against her skin as he licked and sucked at her breasts.

“I know,” she grumbled, and his laugh vibrated against her skin. She was starting to get frustrated, but then his finger slipped beneath her underwear, she quickly forgot about her frustration.

He was just so good at sex. Suddenly, she felt emboldened. She pushed at him, and he gave her a look of curiosity.

“Lie down,” she demanded. He laughed but complied. She shimmied out of her underwear and then helped him remove his clothes. When they were both naked, she turned around and climbed on top of him. He made a sound somewhere between a groan and growl and pulled her ass back so that the apex of her thighs settled directly over his face. Fortunately, his cock was every bit as long as he was tall, otherwise, this position would have never worked in a million years. She gripped what she couldn’t get into her mouth and slowly licked him. He groaned and thrust into her mouth, and she shielded her teeth and let him slide past her lips. She was so busy sucking and licking his dick that she almost leapt from the bed when his mouth found her clit and sucked hard.

He knew exactly how much pressure and exactly how to flick his tongue. She was so close, but she wanted so much more.

“Lyla, you look so fucking hot right now,” he murmured against her sex as he licked her again and shuddered. “I need to be inside you.” Before she knew it, he had her flipped over, a condom on, and he was hovering over her. He leaned down and kissed her, and she could taste herself on his lips and tongue. It was...well, it was quite frankly hot. She would have never imagined something like that would make her more aroused. She moaned into his mouth and grinned.

“See, you taste so fucking good,” he said as he slid inside her.

They both exhaled at the feeling of their bodies joining. She squirmed and attempted to thrust up against him, needing some kind of friction, some kind of release. He kept her pinned down though, and she huffed.

He laughed and kissed her again. “Slow, baby,” he cooed as he began to move so slowly she thought the anticipation of it would kill her. She needed it hard, and she needed it now.

As though reading her mind, he changed pace and began fiercely pumping into her. He rolled them over, keeping their bodies joined. He held her hips while she took control, taking him how she needed him. She was so close, she could feel his cock enlarging inside her, and she knew he was going to come. Just as he grunted, she leaned forward to rub her clit against his skin and then...pain...lots of pain.

“Ahhhh,” she cried out, and Amery completely stopped, his eyes flying open.

“What’s wrong, Lyla?” he asked, his voice slightly frantic.

They both looked behind her, and there on her ass was Onyx. His little kitty claws on his right front paw were embedded into Lyla’s ass, and he was trying desperately to dislodge them, but all that did was pull her skin with it.

She screamed again in pain as his paw detached from her ass and he took off sprinting back downstairs. Amery tossed her off to the side and flipped on a light.

“Stay still. Let me see,” he said.

“I’m going to kill him!” she cried, partially from the humiliation of being manhandled by a kitten and partially from the pain.

“Just stay there for a second, OK? I’m going to get some antiseptic,” he said.

She kept her head buried in the sheets as Amery used a cotton ball to disinfect the impale marks on her butt cheek.

“Damn, killer. He got you good,” he said as he finished up his work and tossed the cotton balls in the trash. “Let me get you some ice for that.”

He ran downstairs and returned with an ice pack and gently placed it on her right ass cheek. “There, that should help,” he said as he caressed her left ass cheek.

“Really? A butt rub is going to make that all better?” she said, her voice laced with sarcasm.

He chuckled. “Probably not, but it’s making me feel better,” he said. She turned her head to look at him, and he winked at her. She rolled her eyes. He pulled her body back, so she was over his lap. He kept the ice pack held against her ass and continued to stroke her. After a few minutes, his fingers wandered from her ass to between her legs and then inside of her. He worked her into a state of ecstasy she couldn’t remember. She was his instrument, and he was playing her like a goddamn virtuoso. She lost track of the time and just focused on the unbelievable feelings he was giving her.

He didn’t speak, just caressed her, stroked her, felt her inside and out and then when she didn’t think she could take anymore, he found the spot inside of her that she had read about but had never managed to locate herself. She cried out incoherently as her body convulsed, her muscles spasmed around his finger, and then she was free-falling into pure bliss.

“Better?” he asked as he pulled his finger from her. She turned just in time to see him stick his finger in his mouth and suck her juices from it. Jesus fucking Christ, that was hot! He was the hottest man in the whole damn universe.

She turned and launched herself at him. He laughed as he caught her and then their bodies were tangled, and their lips locked together. He reached for another condom before plunging inside her. This time wasn’t slow at all. It was fast and hard. She sat on his lap and rode the ever-loving fuck out of him. Their lips didn’t separate the entire time.

She was surprised to find she was on the verge of another orgasm. They maintained their pace, and she stilled as she yelled against his lips. His orgasm barely registered as she held onto him for dear life, letting the lingering spasms rake over her body.

“Jesus, woman. If a little cat scratch is going to do that for you, I’m gonna have to let Onyx sleep in here.” He grinned.

She shook her head. “No fucking way,” she grumbled. She wasn’t going to admit that her ass felt much better.

“Let’s get you a bath with some Epsom salts, that’ll make it feel better,” he offered, pulling her up and leading her into the bathroom.

“In the swimming pool?” she asked, looking over at the gigantic tub. He laughed and turned on the water.

“Yes, in the swimming pool,” he chuckled as he poured in the salts.

They sat in the tub for a long time, just lying there, holding one another. Eventually, Onyx came in and sat on the edge of the tub and looked at them.

“I don’t like you right now,” Lyla said in her best angry voice, which was pretty difficult since the kitten was damn cute.

“Onyx buddy, I think you picked the wrong ass to scratch,” Amery laughed and reached over to scratch Onyx’s head.

“Let’s get to bed,” he added. She nodded and looked up at him, giving him a quick kiss before getting out and grabbing one of the oversized fluffy towels that hung next to the tub.

They curled up in his bed. She loved lying there in his arms. She found her eyes getting droopy.

“Go to sleep, angel. I got you. I’ll make sure we get up with plenty of time to spare,” he whispered as he kissed her forehead and turned off the lights. Onyx jumped up and curled into a ball on Amery’s stomach, his back firmly lodged against Lyla.