My True Horse Story: Misty, My Best Friend
Photo of Misty.

My Misty was the sweetest, most wonderful horse a kid could have. We were never sure of his breed, but I always considered him a pure black Morgan. Misty had a Morgan’s calm, trustworthy nature and good sense. Our house formed one side of the fenced area where Misty stayed when he wasn’t out in the pasture. So in the morning I could open my window, and Misty would stick in his beautiful head to say hello. After school, I’d race home and climb the top rung of the fence so Misty could meet me and lay his head in my lap for a good scratching and the apple I’d saved from lunch. I really did teach my horse to say yes and no, much as Winnie teaches Princess in this book. Misty proved that a horse can definitely be a kid’s best friend.