This book has one goal—an extraordinarily strong and developed “six-pack”—and no other.
On these pages you will not find planks and other accoutrements of “functional training”. Not because they are useless—far from it—but because they are unable to produce real “body armor”. Don’t blame a fork for being a poor knife.
Hardstyle Abs unapologetically applies to ab development the proven strength training methodologies of the world’s best lifters, from the lighter weight classes. To be exact, to three exceptional exercises—reverse engineered from the body language of elite gymnasts.
Failing to train your abdominals for strength has been one of your downfalls. Getting distracted by what Mark Reifkind calls “random acts of variety” is another. Instead of spreading yourself thin over dozens of ineffective moves you shall laser focus on three killer drills.
If you follow the instructions to the letter, I guarantee results. Noticeable within weeks. Extraordinary within months.
Hit hard. Lift heavy. Look the part.
• Three Killer Moves
• Pure Strength Methodology
• Old Time Strongman Mindset
• Ancient Martial Arts Breathing Technique
• Reverse-Engineered Body Language of an Elite Gymnast