40 Morales et al. (2003)
41 Verkhoshansky & Siff (2009)
42 “Intra-abdominal pressure produces spinal extension…” (Zatsiorsky, 1995)
43 Floyd & Silver (1955). Basmaijan & De Luca (1985) comment: “The clinical implications of this last observation have not been, from our point of view, adequately explored by orthopedic specialists.” To me this explains why a gymnast who has never touched a barbell is usually able to deadlift an impressive poundage the first time out. Food for thought for the bodyweight only types: high tension abdominal and full body exercises will probably strengthen your lower back more than back extensions, bridges, and the like.
44 Bret Contreras: “Okay I’ll bite—I’m a math geek. A 90kg (198lb) man falling 7ft (2.13m) will have a velocity of 6.5m/s (14.5 mph) and a kinetic energy of 1,879J right before impact. If this impact is absorbed over a .0508m (2 inch) deformation of the abdominals, this equates to 36,981N (8,314 pounds) of force.”
45 Verkhoshansky & Siff (2009)