There are a great many excellent books available today on the Craft. I have not tried to list them all here but have selected some of those which I have found useful. This might be in a general way, or because they specialize in a particular area which is too complex to be covered in an all-round text. Many of these books are intended to be used as reference, rather than to be read as literature. If a book is not listed here it does not mean it is not a valuable work, nor is it intended as a slight to the author. Equally, not every book here will suit every reader, as each has his or her own requirements in terms of content, and preferences when it comes to style. If you find yourself reading something you find tedious or ‘heavy going’, do not feel that you have a problem, it may simply be that you and that work are not compatible. You may find some of these books are out of print, however, it should be possible with perseverance to locate them through the library system. In any case, I would always recommend trying to get hold of a book through a library, at least in the first instance. In this way you can see if you like it before deciding to own a copy.


Real Witchcraft: An Introduction, co-written with David Williams, 1996. A basic introduction to the Craft. Reprinted 2003 by Mandrake Press (formerly published by Pagan Media Ltd as Born in Albion).

Pagan Paths, Pagan Media Ltd, 1997. Six Pathworking cassettes covering the Elements, the Goddess and the God. These are available from the Children of Artemis, see below.

Pagan Rites of Passage, Mandrake Press, 1997. A series of booklets giving information and Rituals for the Rites of Passage of Handfasting, Naming and the Rites of Withdrawal.

The Real Witches’ Handbook, Thorsons, HarperCollins, 2000. Real Witchcraft for real people with real lives, this book shows how to practise the Craft in a way sensitive to those around you.

The Real Witches’ Kitchen, Thorsons, HarperCollins, 2002. Oils, lotions and ointments for Magic and to relieve and heal. Soaps and bathing distillations for Circle and Magical work. Magical incenses, candles and sachets to give or to keep. Food and drink to celebrate the Sabbats, for personal wellbeing and to share with friends.

A Spell in your Pocket, Element Books, HarperCollins, 2002. A handy pocket-sized gift book for the Witch on the move.

The Real Witches’ Coven, Element Books, HarperCollins, 2003. A complete guide to running a Coven. Problems and solutions, and real-life examples of what can, and does, happen. For the new, or would-be, High Priestess and/or High Priest this covers all the aspects you need to know. For the experienced High Priestess/High Priest, there are new insights and stories you will relate too. For the would-be Coven member, this tells you what to expect!

Forthcoming: The Real Witches’ Garden, Element Books, HarperCollins, 2004. Witchcraft in the environment it belongs. Whether you have a windowsill or several acres, let Kate help you to take your Craft into your bit of nature.


J W Baker, The Alex Sanders Lectures, Magickal Childe, 1984. A perspective on Alexandrian Witchcraft.

Rae Beth, Hedgewitch, Phoenix, 1990. Solitary Witchcraft, written as a series of letters to newcomers.

Janice Broch and Veronica MacLer, Seasonal Dance, Weiser, 1993. New ideas for the Sabbats.

Janet and Stewart Farrar, A Witches’ Bible (formerly The Witches’ Way and Eight Sabbats for Witches). Phoenix, 1996. Alexandrian Craft as it is practised.

Gerald Gardner, The Meaning of Witchcraft, Rider & Co, 1959; reissued by Magickal Childe, 1991. Gardnerian Witchcraft.

Pattalee Glass-Koentop, Year of Moons, Season of Trees, Llewellyn, 1991. Information on the Tree calendar and ideas to incorporate at the Full Moons.

Paddy Slade, Natural Magic, Hamlyn, n.d. A perspective on Traditional Witchcraft.

Doreen Valiente, ABC of Witchcraft, Hale, 1973. Gardnerian Craft written in ‘dictionary’ form.

Doreen Valiente, The Charge of the Goddess, Hexagon Hoopix, 2000. A collection of the poetry and thoughts from the ‘Mother of Modern Witchcraft’. Compiled and published after her death, this work gives a unique insight into the development of the modern Craft.


Anne Llewellyn Barstow, Witchcraze, HarperCollins, 1995. Detailed history of the persecution of Witches.

Jean Shinola Bolen, Goddesses in Everywoman, HarperCollins, 1985. A guide to finding the Goddess within, and a wealth of tales about the aspects of the Goddess.

Scott Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopaedia of Magical Herbs, Llewellyn, 1985. Magical uses, and tales surrounding most common herbs.

Scott Cunningham, Cunningham’s Encyclopaedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic, Llewellyn, 1988. Magical properties of most gemstones available today.

Scott Cunningham, The Complete Book of Oils, Incenses and Brews, Llewellyn, 1989. Magical preparation and use of oils, incenses and other mixtures.

Janet and Stewart Farrar, The Witches’ Goddess, Hale, 1987. Examination of some of the more common Goddesses.

Janet and Stewart Farrar, The Witches’ God, Hale, 1989. Examination of some of the more common Gods.

Marian Green, A Calendar of Festivals, Element Books, 1991. Descriptions of festivals, not just Pagan or Wiccan, around the year with practical things to do, make and cook.

Mrs M Grieve, A Modern Herbal, Jonathan Cape, 1931; reissued Tiger, 1992. A detailed reference for the serious herbalist; identification, preparation and use of herbs, ancient and modern. Also available on the Internet at

Paul Katzeff, Moon Madness, Citadel, 1981. A study of the effects of the Moon and many of the legends and mythology associated with it. Not an easy read, but well worth the effort.

Kate Marks (compiler), Circle of Song; Songs, Chants and Dances for Ritual and Celebration, First Circle Press, 1999. As it says, songs, dances and chants from many different belief systems, many of which can be used to enhance your Rituals. Comes with a CD so you can actually hear what they should sound like!

Patricia Monaghan, The Book of Goddesses and Heroines, Llewellyn, 1981. A definitive guide to major and minor Goddesses from around the world.

Jeffrey B Russell, A History of Witchcraft, Thames & Hudson, 1983. A factual history of the Craft.

Egerton Sykes, Who’s Who Non-Classical Mythology, Oxford University Press, 1993. A dictionary of Gods and Goddesses.

Tybol, Tybol Astrological Almanac. Annual Publication. Diary containing detailed astrological information, Goddess and God festivals of different pantheons and from many belief systems, Magical terms and much more.

Bill Whitcomb, The Magician’s Companion, Llewellyn, 1993. Possibly the ‘ultimate’ reference work for correspondences and symbols.


Children of Artemis, Witchcraft and Wicca, top quality bi-annual magazine written by Witches for Witches. Articles, poetry, Rituals, spells, art, crafts and events, and much more.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Women who Run With the Wolves, Rider, 1993. This is not a book on the Craft. However, it discusses the hidden meanings behind many tales and fables, and as such it opens the mind to the interpretation of stories which may have suffered through time and translation. Whilst this ‘self-help’ book is written for women it does have relevance for both genders.

Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad, Wyrd Sisters, Masquerade, Lords and Ladies, etc. Corgi Books. I recommend these books for their powers of relaxation and the regeneration of a sense of humour after a hard day. They are pure fiction and give a humorous perspective on the world of fictitious (?) Witches!


The following organizations facilitate contact, or provide information on Witchcraft and Paganism. Please always enclose a stamped addressed envelope, and remember that some of these organizations may not allow membership to people under the age of 18. For further information on getting in touch safely with other Witches or Groups please read the advice in The Real Witches’ Handbook.

The Children of Artemis

Initiated Witches who seek to find reputable training Covens for genuine seekers. Their magazine Witchcraft and Wicca is almost certainly the best on the Craft today and their website is outstanding. BM Box Artemis, London WC1N 3XX. <>

The Hearth of Hecate

The website of the author’s group of Covens. Direct contact is best made by writing care of The Children of Artemis, or through the publishers.

The Witches’ Voice

One of the best American sources of information about the Craft. PO Box 4924, Clearwater, Florida 33758–4924, USA.


Totally independent and not aligned to any religious organization or group. Their primary aim is to help people by providing them with accurate, objective and up-to-date information on new religious movements, alternative religions, unfamiliar belief systems and ‘cults’. Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE. 020 7955 7654