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Air 8–9, 21, 22, 25, 28, 30, 268, 271
Alexandrian Witchcraft 272, 273
Altar 8, 9, 10, 13, 20–1
Altar cloth 21
Altar tools 21–4
Amulets 7
animals 125
Asperger 94, 274
Aspirants/Neophytes 234, 253, 255, 273, 274
Astarte 171
astrology 155, 156, 162, 281
Athame 23, 26, 32, 33, 53, 47, 274
holding 26
attraction 68–9
Autumn Equinox 172
babies, strengthening bonds 84–5
Banishing Unwanted Influences 13, 37–8, 174, 257, 258
Bel fires 194
belief 14, 267
Beltane 158, 159, 170, 172, 194–7, 269
bereavement 126–7 see also Withdrawal Rites
Besom 24, 30, 274
Blessing the Elements 28–30
Blessings 53
Boline 24, 275
Book of Shadows 275
Book of Shadows (Gardner) 272, 275
Bride 184–9
cakes/biscuits 23, 50
Calling the Quarters 30–1
Candidates 275
candles 22, 61, 161–2
completing 36
Quarter lights 30
cars, 13, 15, 113
Cauldron 24, 30
censers 275
centring 27–8
Chalice 23, 50, 53, 275
chants 6, 46
Charge of the Goddess 42, 44
Charms 6
childbirth 82–3
children, strengthening bonds 84–5
Children of Artemis 230, 287
Christian church 114
Church of Rome 265
Circle 10, 30, 263, 271, 275
Casting 32–3, 65
doorways 33
Esbats and Sabbats 18
etiquette 26
placing the Altar 20–1
removing 35
Circle Dance 45–6, 256
clean breaks 75–6
cleansing an object 47
colours 160
Quarter lights 30
Coming of Age see Puberty/Coming of Age Rites
communication problems 89–92
compass points see Quarters
compatibility 140–2
completing 36
consecrating an object 47–8
Consort of the Goddess 158
contact points 287–8
cords and threads 24, 165–6
correspondences 154–6
enhance the magic 156
identity 155–6
timing 155
Council of Elders 226
Covens 18–9, 272–3, 275
agreement 13–14
creating magic 253–4
creating the Sacred Space 25
finding 144–5
Coven Oath 231–2, 233–4
Coven Rituals 233–52
Covenors 275
finding 146
Covenstead 276
Craft see also Witchcraft 276
Crone/Wise One 57, 58, 132, 157–8, 159, 171, 232, 266
Samhain Ritual 174–9
Croning/Wizzening 57, 157, 210, 226–30
cyber-Covens 273
dance see Circle Dance
Dark of Moon 57, 157, 232
dates/durations, ascertaining 136
Daughter Coven 276
Deity 276see also Goddess and God
Deosil 21, 26, 276
desire vs. need 15
Divine see also Goddess and God 276
divination 57, 132–42, 157, 158, 159, 174, 276
Divination Oil 132
dogs 50
Drawing Down the Moon 42–5
drumming 46
days of the week 167–8
Earth 9, 21, 28, 30, 268, 271
elemental Guardians 31
elements 8–11, 21–2, 47, 48, 49, 268, 276
banishing 34
blessing 28–30
invoking 30–1, 65, 257, 271
representations 21–2
emotional healing 126–7
employers, difficulties with 105–6
environmental healing 130–1
Eostar 171
Equinoxes 170, 171, 172
Esbats 18, 42, 54, 57, 119, 276 see also Full Moon
exams and tests 96–7 see also Full Moon (Esbat) Ritual
family 77–92
feasts 36, 55, 173
finding things 133–4
Fire 9, 22, 28, 30, 268, 271
First Degree 232, 234–40, 253
fith-faths 79, 80, 81, 83, 155, 263, 276
Five-Fold Kiss 41–2
focus 1, 16, 26, 260
friends, meeting and making 70–1
Full Moon (Esbat) 45, 47, 56, 57, 58, 156–7, 232
Full Moon (Esbat) Ritual 61–2
future 137–9
Gardner, Gerald 42, 272, 275
Gardnerian Witchcraft 272, 273, 275
gemstones 164–5
gender of unborn child 135
Goddess and God 4, 10, 16, 17, 19, 170, 232, 255, 264, 266, 269, 276
aspects of the God 158, 266
aspects of the Goddess 57–8, 155, 157–8, 266
inviting 31–2, 65
marriage of 159, 172
representations of 22
thanking 34–5
see also Drawing Down the Moon
Great Rite
gossip and rumour 107–8
Great Rite 53, 277
‘grounding’ 36
Handfasting 18, 23, 24, 57, 157, 159, 209, 215–19, 257, 277
healing 16, 58, 119–31, 261 see alsoWaxing Moon Ritual
Hedgewitches 267, 272
herblore 270
Hereditary Witchcraft 272, 273
High Priest 232, 266, 273, 277
retirement 227–30
High Priestess 11, 14, 30, 42, 45–6, 57, 211, 231, 232, 253–4, 258, 266, 273, 277
retirement 227–30
hiving off 277
Holly King/Lord Holly 158, 159, 171, 172
Yule Ritual 180–4
honesty 260
house (area) cleansing 58, 110–11
house protection 112
Hunter and Hunted 158
Imbolg 159, 170, 171, 184–9, 269
incantations 6
incense 22
Initiate 277
Initiation Rituals 18, 231–52, 254, 271
interviews 100–1, 261
job finding 98–9
John Barleycorn 201–3
Jumping the Broom 215
Law of Threefold Return 109, 269
Litha 132, 158, 159, 172, 197–201, 269
lore 277
love magic 16–17, 261
Lugh 172
Lughnasadh/Lammas 159, 170, 172, 201–5, 269
lunar phases see moon
Madron 159, 172, 205–8, 269
magic 1–4, 268–9, 277
how it works 8–12
inserting into Rituals 33–4
preparing to work 12–14
and spells 6
what prevents it working 14–17
Maiden 57, 157, 159, 171, 232, 266
men and women, duality 189–93
mentors, finding 144–5
money magic 15, 93
moon 56–64
cleansing an object 47
phases 56–8, 155, 156–8, 261, 266
Mother 57–8, 157, 159, 172, 232, 266
Mother Coven 277
naming an object 49
Naming Rites 57, 156, 210, 221–4
nature 10–11, 15, 268 see also environmental healing
need vs. desire 15
negative influences 116–18
general negativity 117
particular suspects 118
New Moon 57, 58, 156, 157, 232
New Moon Ritual 59–61
notes 23, 258
numerology 140
Oak King/Lord Oak 158, 159, 171, 172
Yule Ritual 180–4
Occult 278
Oestara 159, 171, 189–93, 269
oils 162–4
orthodox 278
outdoor sites 19, 30, 256
finding 147–8
Pagan 265, 278
partners, finding 67
Partnership 272, 278
pathworking 11, 278
patience 86–8
Pentagram 23, 262, 268, 279
Pentangle 22–3, 268, 278
personal development 270
personal responsibility 12, 269
personal safety 115
pets 125, 221see also dogs
physical healing
animals and pets 125
loved ones 122–3
other people 124
self 120–1
Portal Keepers 241
pregnancy 261
gender of unborn child 135
getting pregnant 78–9
safe pregnancy 80–1
see also childbirth
presentations 96–7, 259
Priestesses and Priests 266–7, 279 see also High Priest High Priestess
promotion 102–4, 136
protection and defence 13, 109–18
Puberty/Coming of Age Rites 57, 157, 210, 224–6
public speaking 96–7
Quarter lights 30
Quarters (compass points) 10, 19, 279
Calling the Quarters 30–1
raising power 6, 18, 44, 45–6, 65
Real Witches’ Coven, The 231
Real Witches’ Handbook, The 269, 273
Real Witches’ Kitchen, The 68, 162, 163
reconciliation 72–3
relationships 58, 66–76
see also compatibility
love magic
New Moon Ritual
repaying energies 17, 263–4
resources 154–69
Rite of Wine and Cakes 23, 44, 50–3
Rites 5–6, 18–55, 279
adapting 257
choosing 257
inserting into Rituals 33–4, 54–5
Rites of Initiation see Initiation Rituals
Rites of Passage 18, 209–30, 279
ritual magicians 7, 155, 156
Rituals 5–6, 279
working and celebratory 18, 54–5, 254, 255
writing and adapting 254–9
see also names of Rituals
roles 256–7
Runes 137–8
Sabbat Blessings 44, 53, 173
Sabbat Introductions 173
Sabbat celebrations 170–208
Sabbats 18, 21, 42, 44, 55, 158–9, 171–2, 269, 280
Major and Minor 170
Sacred Space 19, 280
creating 10, 25–34, 271
removing 34–6
Solitary creation and removal 36–7
Sacrificial King 159, 172
salt 21, 22, 28
Samhain 132, 158, 159, 170, 171, 174–9, 269
Sanders, Alex 30, 272
Sanders, Maxine 272
scents 162–4
Scourge 24
scripts 23, 258
scrying 24, 159, 280
Second Degree 232, 240–8, 253–4
secrecy 14–15, 151–2, 231
Self-Blessing 11, 37, 39–40, 174, 258
Self-Initiation 231, 232, 250–2
sigils 75, 156, 280
Solitary Witches (Solitaries) 18–19, 272, 280
chants 6
creation and removal of the Sacred Space 36–7, 271
cyber-Covens 273
Drawing Down the Moon 45
raising power 45, 46
Rite of Wine and Cakes 53
Sabbat Rituals 172, 174, 269
Self-Initiation 231, 232, 250–2
Waxing Moon Ritual 64
Solstices 170, 171, 172
Soul mate 280
spells 6, 65–153, 280
devising 260–4
Spirit 10–11, 22, 268, 271
spiritual healing 128–9
Spring Equinox 171
Stag Lord 194
staying hidden 151–2
staying in touch 74
stones 164–5
strong hand 280
study 94–5
Summerlands 270, 281
Sun/Sun God 159, 171, 172, 180
Sun signs 156, 162, 281
Sword 24, 30, 32
Talismans 6, 114, 166
talking about magic 14–15
terms and definitions 5–7, 274–82
‘tests of the Elements’ 11
Third Degree 232, 248–9, 254, 255
Thurible 22, 30, 281
tools 21–4, 154–65, 259, 262
Totem Bags 7
Totems 6–7
Traditional Witchcraft 272, 273
training Coven 281
transport 113
travel and return 114
Tying the Knot 215
Valiente, Doreen 27, 42
visualization 11–12, 281
Wand 24, 281
Waning Moon 57, 58, 132, 157, 261
Water 9, 22, 28, 30, 268, 271
Waxing Moon 57, 156
Waxing Moon Ritual 62–4
Wheel of the Year 53, 155, 158–9, 170–2, 253, 266, 269, 281
Wicca and Wiccan 282
Wiccan Rede 109, 261, 269
Wiccaning 18, 57, 156, 209, 210, 211–15, 255
Widdershins 26, 282
wine 23, 50
Winter Solstice 171
Wise One see Crone/Wise One
Witch names 221–2, 232
Witchcraft 1–4, 265–73
magical help 143–52
Witches Rune, The 27–8
Withdrawal Rites 57, 127, 157, 209–10, 219–21
Wizzening see Croning/Wizzening
‘words of power’ 7
work 15, 58, 98–108
working space 13, 19
Yule 132, 158, 159, 171, 180–4, 269